Configure log views on a log bucket

This document describes how to create and manage log views on your Cloud Logging buckets. Log views give you advanced and granular control over who has access to the logs within your log buckets.

You can configure and manage your log views by using the Google Cloud console, the gcloud CLI, Terraform, or the Cloud Logging API.

For general information about the Logging storage model, see Routing and storage overview.

About log views

Log views let you grant a user access to only a subset of the logs stored in a log bucket. For example, consider a scenario in which you store your organization's logs in a central project. You might create one log view for each project that contributes logs to the log bucket. You can then grant each user access to one or more log views, and thereby restrict which logs the users can view.

You can create a maximum of 30 log views per log bucket.

Control access to a log view

Cloud Logging uses IAM policies to control who has access to log views. IAM policies can exist at the resource, project, folder, and organization levels. For Cloud Logging, you can create an IAM policy for each log view. To determine whether a principal is authorized for an action, IAM evaluates all applicable policies, with the first evaluation at the resource level.

Principals with the role of roles/logging.viewAccessor on a Google Cloud project can access views and logs in any log bucket in the project.

To grant a principal access to only a specific log view, do one of the following:

  • Create an IAM policy for the log view, and then add an IAM binding to that policy which grants the principal access to the log view.

    If you create large numbers of log views, then we recommend this approach.

  • Grant the principal the IAM role of roles/logging.viewAccessor on the project that contains the log view, but attach an IAM condition to restrict the grant to the specific log view. If you omit the condition, then you grant the principal access to all log views. There is a limit of 20 role bindings in the policy file for a Google Cloud project that include the same role and the same principal, but different condition expressions.

For more information, see the following sections of this document:

Automatically created log views

Cloud Logging automatically creates an _AllLogs view for every log bucket and a _Default view for the _Default log bucket:

  • _AllLogs view: You can view all logs in the log bucket.
  • _Default view: You can view all non-Data Access audit logs in the log bucket.

You can't modify views that are automatically created by Cloud Logging; however, you can delete the _AllLogs view.

Log view filter

Each log view contains a filter that determines which log entries that are visible in the view. Filters can contain logical AND and NOT operators; however, they can't include logical OR operators. Filters can compare any of the following values:

  • A data source using the source function. The source function returns log entries from a particular resource in the organizations, folders, and Google Cloud projects hierarchy.

  • A log ID using the log_id function. The log_id function returns log entries that match the given LOG_ID argument from the logName field.

  • A valid resource type using the resource.type= FIELD_NAME comparison.

For example, the following filter captures Compute Engine stdout log entries from a Google Cloud project called myproject:

source("projects/myproject") AND resource.type = "gce_instance" AND log_id("stdout")

For details about the filtering syntax, see Comparisons.

How log views differ from analytics views

Log views and analytics views are different.

A log view on a log bucket controls which log entries in the log bucket that you can see. When you use Log Analytics, the LogEntry data structure determines the schema of the data that you query.

An analytics view contains a SQL query over one or more log views. By using Log Analytics, you can write queries against an analytics view. Because the creator of an analytics view determines the schema, one use case for analytics views is to transform log data from the LogEntry format into a format that is more suitable for you.

Before you begin

Before you create or update a log view, complete the following steps:

  1. If you haven't already done so, in the appropriate Google Cloud project, create a Logging bucket for which you want to configure a custom log view.

  2. To get the permissions that you need to create and manage log views and to grant access to log views, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:

    For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

    You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

  3. Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.


    In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.


    To use the Terraform samples on this page in a local development environment, install and initialize the gcloud CLI, and then set up Application Default Credentials with your user credentials.

    1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
    2. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

    3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

      gcloud init
    4. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

      gcloud auth application-default login

      You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

      If an authentication error is returned, and you are using an external identity provider (IdP), confirm that you have signed in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

    For more information, see Set up ADC for a local development environment in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.

  4. Determine which logs you want to include in the view. You use this information to specify the filter of the log view.

  5. Determine who should have access to the log view and whether you want to add bindings to the IAM policy of the log view or the Google Cloud project. For more information, see Control access to a log view.

Create a log view

You can create a maximum of 30 log views per log bucket.


To create a log view, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket on which you want to create a log view.
  4. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane, and then click Create log view.
  5. In the Define log view page, complete the following:

    1. Enter a name for the log view. You can't change this name after the log view is created. The name is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    2. Enter a description for the log view.
    3. In the Build filter field, enter an expression that determines which log entries in the log bucket are included in the log view. For information about the structure of this field, see the Log view filter section of this document.
  6. Optional: To add a role binding to the log view resource, do the following:

    1. Click Continue and advance to the Set permissions page.
    2. Click Grant access.
    3. In the Add principals section, expand the New principals menu and then select a principal.
    4. In the Assign roles section, select the Logs View Accessor role.
    5. Click Save.
  7. Click Save view.

  8. If you didn't grant principals access to your log view as part of the create flow, then complete the steps in the following section.


To create a log view, do the following:

  1. Run the gcloud logging views create command.

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
    • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
    • FILTER: A filter that defines the log view. When empty, the log view includes all logs. For example, to filter by Compute Engine VM instances logs, enter "resource.type=gce_instance".
    • DESCRIPTION: A description of the log view. For example, you might enter the following for the description "Compute logs".
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. To create a log view in a folder or an organization, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

    Execute the gcloud logging views create command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud logging views create LOG_VIEW_ID --bucket=BUCKET_NAME \
     --location=LOCATION --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud logging views create LOG_VIEW_ID --bucket=BUCKET_NAME `
     --location=LOCATION --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud logging views create LOG_VIEW_ID --bucket=BUCKET_NAME ^
     --location=LOCATION --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION ^

    This command doesn't provide a response. To confirm the changes, you can run the gcloud logging views list command.

  2. Grant principals access to your log view. The following section contains information about these steps.


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.

To create a log view in a project, folder, or organization, by using Terraform, do the following:

  1. Use the Terraform resource google_logging_log_view.

    In the command, set the following fields:

    • name: Set to name fully-qualified name of the log view. For example, for projects, the format of this field is:


      In the previous expression, LOCATION is the location of the log bucket.

    • bucket: Set to the fully-qualified name of the log bucket. For example, this field might be:

    • filter: The filter which describes which log entries are included in the log view.

    • description: A brief description.

  2. Grant principals access to your log view. The following section contains information about these steps.

Grant access to a log view

To restrict a principal to a specific log view on a user-defined log bucket, there are two approaches that you can use:

When you create a large number of log views, we recommend that you control access by using the IAM policy file of the log view.

Log view: Add role bindings

This section describes how to use the IAM policy file for a log view to control who has access to the log entries in that log view. When you use this approach, you add a binding to the log view's policy file, the binding grants the specified principal access to the log view.

This section also describes how to list the role binding contained in the IAM policy file for a log view.


To update the IAM policy file of a log view, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.
  4. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane.
  5. For the log view whose IAM policy file that you want to modify, click Actions, and then select Adjust permissions.

    The permissions flyout opens and displays the permissions associated with the log view.

  6. In the permissions flyout, click Add principal.

  7. In the Add principals section, expand the New principals menu, and then select a principal.

  8. In the Assign roles section, select the Logs View Accessor role.

  9. Click Save.

    The permissions flyout updates with the new permissions.

    • The section labeled Logs View Accessor (N) lists the principals with project-level grants of the role Logs View Accessor. These principals have access to all log views in the project.

    • Sections labeled like Logs View Accessor condition:Condition-specific descriptive text (N) list the principals who have conditional project-level grants of the role Logs View Accessor. These principals have access only to the log view specified by the condition.

    • The section labeled like Logs View Accessor condition:abcde (N), lists the principals who have log view-level grants.

    The following screenshot shows a permissions flyout where two principals have project-level role grants, which are identified by the project icon, , and one principal has a log view-level grant:

    Illustration of the permission flyout.

  10. To close the flyout, click X.


To update the IAM policy file of a log view, do the following:

  1. Run the gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding command.

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    • PRINCIPAL: An identifier for the principal that you want to grant the role to. Principal identifiers usually have the following form: PRINCIPAL-TYPE:ID. For example, For a full list of the formats that PRINCIPAL can have, see Principal identifiers.
    • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
    • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

    Execute the gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding LOG_VIEW_ID \
      --member=PRINCIPAL --role='roles/logging.viewAccessor' \
      --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding LOG_VIEW_ID `
      --member=PRINCIPAL --role='roles/logging.viewAccessor' `
      --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding LOG_VIEW_ID ^
      --member=PRINCIPAL --role='roles/logging.viewAccessor' ^
      --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION ^

    The following illustrates the response when a single binding is added:

    Updated IAM policy for logging view [projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/buckets/BUCKET_NAME/views/LOG_VIEW_ID].
    - members:
      role: roles/logging.viewAccessor
    etag: BwYXfSd9-Gw=
    version: 1

  2. To verify the update, run the gcloud logging views get-iam-policy command:

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
    • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

    Execute the gcloud logging views get-iam-policy command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud logging views get-iam-policy LOG_VIEW_ID \
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud logging views get-iam-policy LOG_VIEW_ID `
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud logging views get-iam-policy LOG_VIEW_ID ^
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION ^

    When a log view doesn't contain any bindings, the response contains only an etag field. The following illustrates the response when a log view contains a single binding:

    - members:
      role: roles/logging.viewAccessor
    etag: BwYXfSd9-Gw=
    version: 1


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.

To provision IAM associations for a log view by using Terraform, several different resources are available:

  • google_logging_log_view_iam_policy
  • google_logging_log_view_iam_binding
  • google_logging_log_view_iam_member

For more information, see IAM policy for Cloud Logging LogView.

To list IAM associations for log views by using Terraform, use the data source google_logging_log_view_iam_policy.

Google Cloud project: Add role bindings

This section describes how to add a role binding to a Google Cloud project, and how to list the bindings attached to a project. When you use this approach, to restrict a principal to having access to the log entries stored in a specific log view, you must add an IAM condition to the grant.


To add a role binding to the IAM policy file of a Google Cloud project, in the project where you created the log bucket, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page:

    Go to IAM

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is IAM & Admin.

    The IAM page lists all principals, their IAM roles, and any conditions attached to those roles, that are applied at the project level. This page doesn't show role bindings that are attached to the policy file of a log view.

  2. Click Grant access.

  3. In the New principals field, add the user's email account.

  4. In the Select a role drop-down menu, select Logs View Accessor.

    This role provides users with read access to all views. To limit user access to a specific view, add a condition based on the resource name.

    1. Click Add IAM condition.

    2. Enter a Title and Description for the condition.

    3. In the Condition type drop-down menu, select Resource > Name.

    4. In the Operator drop-down menu, select is.

    5. In the Value field, enter the ID of the log view, including the full path to the view.

      For example:

    6. Click Save to add the condition.

  5. Click Save to set the permissions.


To add a role binding to the IAM policy file of a Google Cloud project, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a JSON or yaml file with your condition.

    For example, you might create a file named condition.yaml with the following contents:

    expression: " == \"projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/buckets/BUCKET_NAME/views/LOG_VIEW_ID\""
    title: "My title"
    description: "My description"
  2. Optional: To verify that the JSON or yaml file is properly formatted, run the following command:

    gcloud alpha iam policies lint-condition --condition-from-file=condition.yaml
  3. Update the IAM policy on the Google Cloud project by calling the gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding method.

    Before using the following command, make the following replacements:

    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project.
    • PRINCIPAL: An identifier for the principal that you want to grant the role to. Principal identifiers usually have the following form: PRINCIPAL-TYPE:ID. For example, For a full list of the formats that PRINCIPAL can have, see Principal identifiers.

    Execute the gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding command:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member=PRINCIPAL --role='roles/logging.viewAccessor' --condition-from-file=condition.yaml

    The response to the previous command includes all role bindings.

    - condition:
        description: My description
        expression: == "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/buckets/BUCKET_NAME/views/LOG_VIEW_ID"
        title: My title
      role: roles/logging.viewAccessor
  4. Optional: To list the role bindings on a Google Cloud project, use the gcloud projects get-iam-policy command:

    gcloud projects get-iam-policy PROJECT_ID

    Before using the following command, make the following replacements:

    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project.

    The response to the previous command includes all role bindings.

    - condition:
        description: My description
        expression: == "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/buckets/BUCKET_NAME/views/LOG_VIEW_ID"
        title: My title
      role: roles/logging.viewAccessor


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.

To provision IAM associations for projects by using Terraform, several different resources are available:

  • google_project_iam_policy
  • google_project_iam_binding
  • google_project_iam_member

For more information, see IAM policy for projects.

To list IAM associations for projects by using Terraform, use the data source google_project_iam_policy.

List all role bindings for a log view

The IAM page in the Google Cloud console lists project-level role bindings. This page doesn't list role bindings that are attached to resources like log views. This section describes how you can view all role bindings for a specific log view.

To list the IAM bindings that are attached to a log view, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.
  4. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane.
  5. For the log view whose role bindings you want to view, click Actions, and then select Adjust permissions.

    The permissions flyout displays all permissions associated with the log view:

    • The section labeled Logs View Accessor (N) lists the principals with project-level grants of the role Logs View Accessor. These principals have access to all log views in the project.

    • Sections labeled like Logs View Accessor condition:Condition-specific descriptive text (N) list the principals who have conditional project-level grants of the role Logs View Accessor. These principals have access only to the log view specified by the condition.

    • The section labeled like Logs View Accessor condition:abcde (N), lists the principals who have log view-level grants.

    The following screenshot shows a permissions flyout where two principals have project-level role grants, which are identified by the project icon, , and one principal has a log view-level grant:

    Illustration of the permission flyout.

  6. To close the flyout, click X.

List log views on a log bucket


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.

    The details page for the log bucket opens. The Log views pane lists the log views on the log bucket.


To list the log views created for a log bucket, use the gcloud logging views list command.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
  • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
  • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

Execute the gcloud logging views list command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud logging views list \
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION \

Windows (PowerShell)

gcloud logging views list `
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION `

Windows (cmd.exe)

gcloud logging views list ^
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION ^

The response data is a list of log views. For each log view, the filter is shown along with the create and last update dates. When the create and update dates are empty, the log view was created when the Google Cloud project was creatd. The following example output shows that ther are two view IDs, _AllLogs and compute, on the log bucket that was queried:

VIEW_ID: _AllLogs

VIEW_ID: compute
FILTER: resource.type="gce_instance"
CREATE_TIME: 2024-02-20T17:41:17.405162921Z
UPDATE_TIME: 2024-02-20T17:41:17.405162921Z


You can use Terraform to create and modify a log view. However, you can't use Terraform to list your log views.

Update a log view


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.
  4. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane.
  5. On the log view whose details you want to update, click More, and then click Edit view.

    You can edit the description and the filter for the log view.

  6. When your changes are complete, click Save view.


To update or modify a log view, use the gcloud logging views update command. If you don't know the view ID, then see List log views.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
  • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
  • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
  • FILTER: A filter that defines the log view. When empty, the log view includes all logs. For example, to filter by Compute Engine VM instances logs, enter "resource.type=gce_instance".
  • DESCRIPTION: A description of the log view. For example, you might enter the following for the description "New description for the log view".
  • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

Execute the gcloud logging views update command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud logging views update LOG_VIEW_ID \
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION \
 --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION \

Windows (PowerShell)

gcloud logging views update LOG_VIEW_ID `
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION `
 --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION `

Windows (cmd.exe)

gcloud logging views update LOG_VIEW_ID ^
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION ^
 --log-filter=FILTER --description=DESCRIPTION ^

This command doesn't provide a response. To confirm the changes, you can run the gcloud logging views describe command.


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.

To modify a log view in a project, folder, or organization by using Terraform, use the Terraform resource google_logging_log_view.

Delete a log view

When you no longer need a log view that you created, you can delete it. However, before you delete a log view, we recommend that you verify that the log view isn't being referenced by another resource, such as a saved query.

You can't delete the _Default log view on the _Default log bucket.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the project, folder, or organization that stores the log bucket.
  3. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.
  4. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane, and then select the checkbox for the log view that you want to delete.
  5. In the toolbar of the Log views pane, click Delete view, and then complete the dialog.


To delete a log view, do the following:

  1. Recommended: Review your Google Cloud project to ensure that the log view isn't being referenced. Consider examining the following:

    • Queries run from the Logs Explorer or Log Analytics pages that were saved or shared.
    • Custom dashboards.
  2. Use the gcloud logging views delete command. If you don't know the view ID, then see List log views.

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
    • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
    • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

    Execute the gcloud logging views delete command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud logging views delete LOG_VIEW_ID \
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud logging views delete LOG_VIEW_ID `
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud logging views delete LOG_VIEW_ID ^
     --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION ^

    The response confirms the deletion. For example, the following shows the response to deleting a log view named tester:

    Deleted [tester].


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands. For more information, see the Terraform provider reference documentation.

Describe a log view


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

    Go to Logs Storage

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. In the Log buckets pane, select the name of the log bucket that hosts the log view.
  3. In the details page for the log bucket, go to the Log views pane.
  4. On the log view whose details you want to see, click More, and then click Edit view.
  5. To close the dialog without saving any changes, click Cancel.


To retrieve detailed information about a log view, use the gcloud logging views describe command. If you don't know the view ID, then see List log views.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • LOG_VIEW_ID: The identifier of the log view, which is limited to 100 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
  • BUCKET_NAME: The name of the log bucket.
  • LOCATION: The location of the log bucket.
  • PROJECT_ID: The identifier of the project. When necessary, replace --project with --folder or --organization.

Execute the gcloud logging views describe command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud logging views describe LOG_VIEW_ID \
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION\

Windows (PowerShell)

gcloud logging views describe LOG_VIEW_ID `
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION`

Windows (cmd.exe)

gcloud logging views describe LOG_VIEW_ID ^
 --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --location=LOCATION^

The response always includes the description and the fully-qualified name of the log view. It also includes the filter, when the filter field isn't empty. The following is a sample response:

createTime: '2024-02-20T17:41:17.405162921Z'
filter: resource.type="gce_instance"
name: projects/my-project/locations/global/buckets/my-bucket/views/compute
updateTime: '2024-02-20T17:41:17.405162921Z'


You can use Terraform to create and modify a log view. However, you can't use Terraform to display the details of a log view.

View logs associated with a log view

You can display the log entries in a log view by using the Logs Explorer or by using the Log Analytics page. When you use the Logs Explorer, you must configure the scope and select a log view. When you use the Log Analytics page, you query a log view.

To query a log view by using the Logs Explorer, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

    Go to Logs Explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Select the resources searched for log entries:

    • When the toolbar displays Project logs, expand the menu, select Log view, and then select the log view that you want to query.

    • When the toolbar displays something like 1 log view, expand the menu, select Log view, and then select the log view or log views that you want to query.

    • Otherwise, the toolbar displays an icon and the name of a log scope, such as _Default. Expand the menu, select Log view, and then select the log view that you want to query.

For more information, see the Logs Explorer documentation.

What's next

To learn how to control access to specific fields in a log entry, see Configure field-level access.