Upgrade a cluster or a node pool

This document explains how to upgrade clusters and node pools in Google Distributed Cloud (software only) for VMware. This document provides the steps for upgrading your admin workstation, user clusters, and admin clusters. For user clusters, this document provides the steps to upgrade the control plane and node pools at the same time, or separately.

This page is for IT administrators and Operators who manage the lifecycle of the underlying tech infrastructure. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.

Before you proceed, we recommend that you review the following documentation:

  • Upgrade overview
    Among other things, this document describes the supported version skew and version rules for upgrades, which have changed for 1.28 and later.

  • Upgrade best practices
    This document provides checklists and best practices for upgrading clusters.

Review your firewall rules

In version 1.29 and later, server-side preflight checks are enabled by default. Server-side preflight checks require additional firewall rules. In Firewall rules for admin clusters, search for "Preflight checks" and make sure all required firewall rules are configured.

With server-side preflight checks, when you upgrade a user cluster using gkectl, the preflight checks are run on the admin cluster instead of locally on the admin workstation. Server-side preflight checks are also run on the admin cluster when you use the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or Terraform to upgrade a cluster.

When you upgrade an admin cluster, Google Distributed Cloud deploys a Kubernetes in Docker (kind) cluster to temporarily host the Kubernetes controllers needed to upgrade the admin cluster. This transient cluster is called a bootstrap cluster. Server-side preflight checks are run on the bootstrap cluster when you upgrade an admin cluster.

Google API and IAM requirements

To upgrade a cluster to version 1.28 and later, you must enable kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com and grant the kubernetesmetadata.publisher IAM role to the logging-monitoring service account. These changes are required to use Cloud Monitoring.

  1. Enable kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com:

    gcloud services enable --project PROJECT_ID  \

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of the fleet host project in which the user cluster is a member. This is the project that you specified when the cluster was created. If you created the cluster using gkectl, this is the project ID in the gkeConnect.projectID field in the cluster configuration file.

  2. If your organization has set up an allowlist that lets traffic from Google APIs and other addresses pass through your proxy server, add kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com to the allowlist.

  3. Grant the kubernetesmetadata.publisher role to the logging-monitoring service account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
      --member "serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" \
      --role "roles/kubernetesmetadata.publisher"

    Replace SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL with the email address of your logging-monitoring service account.

IAM requirements for upgrading user clusters

Skip this section if you plan to use gkectl for the user cluster upgrade.

If you want to use the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or Terraform to upgrade a user cluster, and you aren't a project owner, you must be granted the Identity and Access Management role roles/gkeonprem.admin on the Google Cloud project that the cluster was created in. For details on the permissions included in this role, see GKE on-prem roles in the IAM documentation.

To use the console to upgrade the cluster, at a minimum, you also need the following:

  • roles/container.viewer. This role lets users view the GKE Clusters page and other container resources in the console. For details about the permissions included in this role, or to grant a role with read/write permissions, see Kubernetes Engine roles in the IAM documentation.

  • roles/gkehub.viewer. This role lets users view clusters in the console. For details about the permissions included in this role, or to grant a role with read/write permissions,see GKE Hub roles in the IAM documentation.

Make configuration changes either before or after an upgrade

If you need to make configuration changes to your clusters, do the cluster update either before or after the upgrade. The only change to the cluster configuration for an upgrade should be the version. Depending on the cluster version and type, other configuration changes are either silently ignored or cause the upgrade to fail. For more information see Remove unsupported changes to unblock upgrade.

Upgrade your admin workstation

You need to upgrade your admin workstation if you plan to use gkectl to upgrade a user cluster.

If you plan to use the console, the gcloud CLI, or Terraform to upgrade a user cluster, you can skip upgrading the admin workstation for now. But you will need to upgrade the admin workstation when you are ready to upgrade the admin cluster because only gkectl supports admin cluster upgrades.

The way you upgrade your admin workstation depends on how you created it: gkeadm or user-managed.


Locate required files

Before you created your admin workstation, you filled in an admin workstation configuration file that was generated by gkeadm create config. The default name for this file is admin-ws-config.yaml.

In addition, your workstation has an information file. The default name of this file is the same as the name of your admin workstation.

Locate your admin workstation configuration file and your information file. You need them to do the upgrade steps. If these files are in your current directory and they have their default names, then you won't need to specify them when you run the upgrade commands. If these files are in another directory, or if you have changed the filenames, then you specify them by using the --config and --info-file flags.

If your output information file is missing, you can recreate it. See Recreate an information file if missing.


To upgrade the admin workstation:

  1. Check the adminWorkstation.diskGB field in the admin workstation configuration file and make sure that the specified size is at least 100, for example:

      diskGB: 100

    When upgrading to 1.28 and higher, 100 GB is required, and the cluster upgrade fails if the admin workstation doesn't have sufficient disk space.

  2. Download gkeadm:

    gkeadm upgrade gkeadm --target-version TARGET_VERSION

    Replace TARGET_VERSION with the target version of your upgrade. You need to specify a complete version number in the form of X.Y.Z-gke.N.. For a list of the Google Distributed Cloud versions, see Versioning.

  3. Upgrade your admin workstation:

    gkeadm upgrade admin-workstation --config AW_CONFIG_FILE \
        --info-file INFO_FILE

    Replace the following:

    • AW_CONFIG_FILE: the path of your admin workstation configuration file. You can omit this flag if the file is in your current directory and has the name admin-ws-config.yaml.

    • INFO_FILE: the path of your information file. You can omit this flag if the file is in your current directory. The default name of this file is the same as the name of your admin workstation.


On your admin workstation, navigate to a directory where you want to install a new version ofgkectl.

Download gkectl:

gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gkectl/VERSION/gkectl ./
chmod +x gkectl

Replace VERSION with the target version of your upgrade. For example: 1.30.200-gke.101.

Download the Google Distributed Cloud bundle. Make sure the version matches the one you used to download gkectl:

gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gke-onprem-bundle/VERSION/gke-onprem-vsphere-VERSION.tgz ./

Check available versions for cluster upgrades

Run the following command to see which versions are available for upgrade:

gkectl version --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

The output shows the current version and the versions available for upgrade.

If you plan to use the console, the gcloud CLI or Terraform for the upgrade, it takes about 7 to 10 days after a release for the version to be available in the GKE On-Prem API in all Google Cloud regions. The console lists only the available versions for the user cluster upgrade. The steps for upgrading a user cluster using the gcloud CLI or Terraform include a step to run gcloud container vmware clusters query-version-config to get available versions for the upgrade.

Upgrade a user cluster

You can use gkectl, the console, the gcloud CLI, or Terraform to upgrade a user cluster. For information on deciding which tool to use, see Choose a tool to upgrade user clusters.


Prepare to upgrade a user cluster

Do the following steps on your admin workstation:

  1. Run gkectl prepare to import OS images to vSphere:

    gkectl prepare \
      --bundle-path /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-TARGET_VERSION.tgz \
  2. If your cluster has a Windows node pool, run gkectl prepare windows, and update the osImage field for the node pool. For detailed instructions, see Upgrade user cluster with Windows node pools.

  3. In the user cluster configuration file, set gkeOnPremVersion to the target version of your upgrade.

  4. Ubuntu and COS node pools only: Specify which node pools you want to upgrade. Upgrading node pools separately from the control plane is supported for Ubuntu and COS node pools, but not for Windows node pools.

    In your user cluster configuration file, indicate which node pools you want to upgrade, as follows:

    • For each node pool that you want to upgrade, remove the nodePools.nodePool[i].gkeOnPremVersion field, or set it to the empty string.

    • For each node pool that you don't want to upgrade, set nodePools.nodePool[i].gkeOnPremVersion to the current version.

    For example, suppose your user cluster is at version 1.15.5-gke.41 and has two node pools: pool-1 and pool-2. Also suppose that you want to upgrade the control plane and pool-1 to 1.16.3-gke.45, but you want pool-2 to remain at version 1.15.5-gke.41. The following portion of a user cluster configuration file shows how to specify this example:

    gkeOnPremVersion: 1.16.3-gke.45
    - name: pool-1
      gkeOnPremVersion: ""
      cpus: 4
      memoryMB: 8192
      replicas: 3
      osImageType: ubuntu_containerd
    - name: pool-2
      gkeOnPremVersion: 1.15.5-gke.41
      cpus: 4
      memoryMB: 8192
      replicas: 5
      osImageType: ubuntu_containerd

Run preflight checks

When upgrading to version 1.29 and higher, you can run the preflight checks before upgrading a user cluster:

gkectl upgrade cluster \

With the --dry-run flag, gkectl upgrade cluster runs the preflight checks but doesn't start the upgrade process. Although earlier versions of Google Distributed Cloud run preflight checks, they can't be run separately from the upgrade. By adding the --dry-run flag, you can find and fix any issues that the preflight checks find with your user cluster before the upgrade.

Run gkectl upgrade cluster

There are two variations of the gkectl upgrade cluster command:

  • Asynchronous: (recommended)
    With the asynchronous variation, the command starts the upgrade and then completes. You don't need to watch the output of the command for the entire duration of the upgrade. Instead, you can periodically check on the upgrade progress by running gkectl list clusters and gkectl describe clusters. To use the asynchronous variation, include the --async flag in the command.

  • Synchronous:
    With the synchronous variation, the gkectl upgrade cluster command outputs status messages to the admin workstation as the upgrade progresses.

Asynchronous upgrade

  1. Skip this step if you are upgrading to a version later than 1.16.

    If you are using prepared credentials and a private registry for the user cluster, make sure the private registry credential is prepared before upgrading the user cluster. For information on how to prepare the private registry credential, see Configure prepared credentials for user clusters.

  2. On your admin workstation, start an asynchronous upgrade:

    gkectl upgrade cluster \
      --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
      --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG \

    The preceding command completes, and you can continue to use your admin workstation while the upgrade is in progress.

  3. To see the status of the upgrade:

    gkectl list clusters --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    The output shows a value for the cluster STATE. If the cluster is still upgrading, the value of STATE is UPGRADING. For example:

    NAMESPACE             NAME    READY   STATE       AGE   VERSION
    my-uc-gkeonprem-mgmt  my-uc   False   UPGRADING   9h    1.30.0-gke.1


  4. To get more details about the upgrade progress and cluster events:

    gkectl describe clusters --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
      --cluster USER_CLUSTER_NAME -v 5

    The output shows the OnPremUserCluster custom resource for the specified user cluster, which includes cluster status, conditions, and events.

    We record events for the start and end of each critical upgrade phase, including:

    • ControlPlaneUpgrade
    • MasterNodeUpgrade
    • AddonsUpgrade
    • NodePoolsUpgrade

    Example output:

    Type    Reason                      Age    From                            Message
    ----     ------                     ----   ----                            -------
    Normal  NodePoolsUpgradeStarted     22m    onprem-user-cluster-controller  Creating or updating node pools: pool-2: Creating or updating node pool
    Normal  AddonsUpgradeStarted        22m    onprem-user-cluster-controller  Creating or updating addon workloads
    Normal  ControlPlaneUpgradeStarted  25m    onprem-user-cluster-controller  Creating or updating cluster control plane workloads: deploying user-kube-apiserver-base, ...: 14/15 pods are ready
    Normal  ControlPlaneUpgradeFinished 23m    onprem-user-cluster-controller  Control plane is running
  5. When the upgrade is complete, gkectl list clusters shows a STATUS of RUNNING:

    NAMESPACE             NAME    READY   STATE     AGE     VERSION
    my-uc-gkeonprem-mgmt  my-uc   True    RUNNING   9h      1.30.0-gke.1

    Also, when the upgrade is complete, gkectl describe clusters shows a Last GKE On Prem Version field under Status. For example:

    Cluster State:  RUNNING
    Last GKE On Prem Version:  1.30.0-gke.1

Troubleshoot asynchronous upgrade

For an asynchronous upgrade, the timeout duration is based on the number of nodes in the cluster. If the upgrade takes longer than the timeout duration, the cluster state is changed from UPGRADING to ERROR, with an event saying that the upgrade operation timed out. Note that the ERROR state here means the upgrade is taking longer than expected, but has not been terminated. The controller continues the reconciliation and keeps retrying the operation.

Usually a timeout is the result of a deadlock caused by a PodDisruptionBudget (PDB). In that case, Pods cannot be evicted from old nodes, and the old nodes cannot be drained. If the Pod eviction takes longer than 10 minutes, we write an event to the OnPremUserCluster object. You can capture the event by running gkectl describe clusters. Then you can adjust the PDB to allow the node to drain. After that, the upgrade can proceed and eventually complete.

Example event:

Warning  PodEvictionTooLong  96s (x2 over 4m7s)  onprem-user-cluster-controller
Waiting too long(>10m0.00000003s) for (kube-system/coredns-856d6dbfdf-dl6nz) eviction.

In addition, when an upgrade is blocked or fails, you can run gkectl diagnose to check for common cluster issues. Based on the result, you can decide whether to perform a manual fix or contact the Anthos support team for further assistance.

Synchronous upgrade

The gkectl upgrade command runs preflight checks. If the preflight checks fail, the command is blocked. You must fix the failures, or use the --skip-preflight-check-blocking flag. You should only skip the preflight checks if you are confident there are no critical failures.

Proceed with these steps on your admin workstation:

  1. Skip this step if you are upgrading to a version later than 1.16.

    If you are using prepared credentials and a private registry for the user cluster, make sure the private registry credential is prepared before upgrading the user cluster. For information on how to prepare the private registry credential, see Configure prepared credentials for user clusters.

  2. Upgrade the cluster:

    gkectl upgrade cluster \
      --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
  3. If you are upgrading to version 1.14.0 or higher, a new kubeconfig file is generated for the user cluster that overwrites any existing file. To view cluster details in the file, run the following command:

    kubectl config view --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Upgrade additional node pools

If you upgraded only the user cluster's control plane, or you upgraded the control plane and some but not all node pools, do the following steps to upgrade node pools:

  1. Edit your user cluster configuration file. For each node pool that you want to upgrade, remove the nodePools.nodePool[i].gkeOnPremVersion field, or set it to the empty string, as shown in the following example:

    gkeOnPremVersion: 1.16.3-gke.45
    - name: pool-1
      gkeOnPremVersion: ""
      cpus: 4
      memoryMB: 8192
      replicas: 3
      osImageType: ubuntu_containerd
    - name: pool-2
      gkeOnPremVersion: ""
      cpus: 4
      memoryMB: 8192
      replicas: 5
      osImageType: ubuntu_containerd
  2. Run gkectl update cluster to apply the change:

    gkectl update cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
      --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG

    Replace the following:

    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of your admin cluster kubeconfig file

    • USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG: the path of your user cluster configuration file

If you encounter an issue after upgrading a node pool, you can roll back to the previous version. For more information, see Rolling back a node pool after an upgrade.

Resume an upgrade

If a user cluster upgrade is interrupted, you can resume the user cluster upgrade by running the same upgrade command with the --skip-validation-all flag:

gkectl upgrade cluster \


Upgrading a user cluster requires some changes to the admin cluster. The console automatically does the following:

  • Enrolls the admin cluster in the GKE On-Prem API if it isn't already enrolled.

  • Downloads and deploys a bundle of components to the admin cluster. The version of the components matches the version you specify for the upgrade. These components let the admin cluster manage user clusters at that version.

To upgrade a user cluster:

  1. In the console, go to the Google Kubernetes Engine clusters overview page.

    Go to GKE clusters

  2. Select the Google Cloud project, and then select the cluster that you want to upgrade.

  3. In the Details panel, click More details.

  4. In the Cluster basics section, click Upgrade.

  5. In the Choose target version list, select the version that you want to upgrade to. The curated list contains only the latest patch releases.

  6. Click Upgrade.

Before the cluster is upgraded, preflight checks run to validate cluster status and node health. If the preflight checks pass, the user cluster is upgraded. It takes about 30 minutes for the upgrade to complete.

To view the status of the upgrade, click Show Details on the Cluster Details tab.

gcloud CLI

Upgrading a user cluster requires some changes to the admin cluster. The the gcloud container vmware clusters upgrade command automatically does the following:

  • Enrolls the admin cluster in the GKE On-Prem API if it isn't already enrolled.

  • Downloads and deploys a bundle of components to the admin cluster. The version of the components matches the version you specify for the upgrade. These components let the admin cluster manage user clusters at that version.

To upgrade a user cluster:

  1. Update the Google Cloud CLI components:

    gcloud components update
  2. Ubuntu and COS node pools only: If you want to upgrade only the user cluster's control plane and leave all the node pools at the current version, change the upgrade policy on the cluster:

    gcloud container vmware clusters update USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=REGION \
      --upgrade-policy control-plane-only=True

    Replace the following:

    • USER_CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the user cluster to upgrade.

    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the fleet host project in which the user cluster is a member. This is the project that you specified when the cluster was created. If you created the cluster using gkectl, this is the project ID in the gkeConnect.projectID field in the cluster configuration file.

    • REGION: The Google Cloud region in which the GKE On-Prem API runs and stores its metadata. If you created the cluster using an GKE On-Prem API client, this is the region that you selected when creating the cluster. If you created the cluster using gkectl, this is the region that you specified when you enrolled the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API.

  3. Get a list of available versions to upgrade to:

    gcloud container vmware clusters query-version-config \
      --cluster=USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \

    The output of the command is similar to the following:

    - version: 1.16.3-gke.45
    - version: 1.16.2-gke.28
    - version: 1.16.1-gke.45
    - version: 1.16.0-gke.669
    - version: 1.15.6-gke.25
    - version: 1.15.5-gke.41
    An Anthos version must be made available on the admin cluster ahead of the user
    cluster creation or upgrade. Versions annotated with isInstalled=true are
    installed on the admin cluster for the purpose of user cluster creation or
    upgrade whereas other version are released and will be available for upgrade
    once dependencies are resolved.
    To install the version in the admin cluster, run:
    $ gcloud container vmware admin-clusters update my-admin-cluster --required-platform-version=VERSION

    You can ignore the message after the list of versions. It doesn't matter if the version that you are upgrading to is installed on the admin cluster. The upgrade command downloads and deploys a bundle of the components that matches the version you specify in the upgrade command.

  4. Upgrade the cluster. If you ran the update command to change the upgrade policy to control-plane-only=True, only the cluster's control plane is upgraded. Otherwise, the cluster's control plane and all node pools are upgraded.

    gcloud container vmware clusters upgrade USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=REGION \

    Replace VERSION with the Google Distributed Cloud version that you want to upgrade to. Specify a version from the output of the previous command. We recommend that you upgrade to the most recent patch version.

    The output from the command is similar to the following:

    Waiting for operation [projects/example-project-12345/locations/us-west1/operations/operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179] to complete.

    In the example output, the string operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179 is the OPERATION_ID of the long-running operation. You can find out the status of the operation by running the following command in another terminal window:

    gcloud container vmware operations describe OPERATION_ID \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \

Upgrade node pools

If you chose to upgrade only the user cluster's control plane, do the following steps to upgrade the node pools after the user cluster's control plane has been upgraded:

  1. Get a list of node pools on the user cluster:

    gcloud container vmware node-pools list
      --cluster=USER_CLUSTER_NAME  \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
  2. For each node pool that you want to upgrade, run the following command:

    gcloud container vmware node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
      --cluster=USER_CLUSTER_NAME  \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=REGION \


  1. Update the Google Cloud CLI components:

    gcloud components update
  2. If you haven't already, enroll the admin cluster in the GKE On-Prem API. After the cluster is enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API, you don't need to do this step again.

  3. Get a list of available versions to upgrade to:

    gcloud container vmware clusters query-version-config \
      --cluster=USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \

    Replace the following:

    • USER_CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the user cluster.

    • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the fleet project in which that user cluster is a member. This is the project that you specified when the cluster was created. If you created the cluster using gkectl, this is the project ID in the gkeConnect.projectID field in the cluster configuration file.

    • REGION: The Google Cloud region in which the GKE On-Prem API runs and stores its metadata. In the main.tf file that you used to create the user cluster, the region is in the location field of the cluster resource.

    The output of the command is similar to the following:

    - version: 1.16.3-gke.45
    - version: 1.16.2-gke.28
    - version: 1.16.1-gke.45
    - version: 1.16.0-gke.669
    - version: 1.15.6-gke.25
    - version: 1.15.5-gke.41
    An Anthos version must be made available on the admin cluster ahead of the user
    cluster creation or upgrade. Versions annotated with isInstalled=true are
    installed on the admin cluster for the purpose of user cluster creation or
    upgrade whereas other version are released and will be available for upgrade
    once dependencies are resolved.
    To install the version in the admin cluster, run:
    $ gcloud container vmware admin-clusters update my-admin-cluster --required-platform-version=VERSION
  4. Download the new version of the components and deploy them in the admin cluster:

    gcloud container vmware admin-clusters update ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=REGION \

    This command downloads the version of the components that you specify in --required-platform-version to the admin cluster, and then deploys the the components. These components let the admin cluster manage user clusters at that version.

  5. In the main.tf file that you used to create the user cluster, change on_prem_version in the cluster resource to the new version.

  6. Ubuntu and COS node pools only: If you want to upgrade only the user cluster's control plane and leave all the node pools at the current version, add the following to the cluster resource:

    upgrade_policy {
      control_plane_only = true
  7. Initialize and create the Terraform plan:

    terraform init

    Terraform installs any needed libraries, such as the Google Cloud provider.

  8. Review the configuration and make changes if needed:

    terraform plan
  9. Apply the Terraform plan to create the user cluster:

    terraform apply

Upgrade node pools

If you chose to upgrade only the user cluster's control plane, do the following steps to upgrade additional node pools after the user cluster's control plane has been upgraded:

  1. In main.tf in the resource for each node pool that you want to upgrade, add the following:

    on_prem_version = "VERSION"

    For example:

    resource "google_gkeonprem_vmware_node_pool" "nodepool-basic" {
    name = "my-nodepool"
    location = "us-west1"
    vmware_cluster = google_gkeonprem_vmware_cluster.default-basic.name
    config {
      replicas = 3
      image_type = "ubuntu_containerd"
      enable_load_balancer = true
    on_prem_version = "1.16.0-gke.0"
  2. Initialize and create the Terraform plan:

    terraform init
  3. Review the configuration and make changes if needed:

    terraform plan
  4. Apply the Terraform plan to create the user cluster:

    terraform apply

Upgrade the admin cluster

After you have upgraded your user clusters, you can upgrade your admin cluster.

Before you begin:

  1. If you are upgrading to version 1.13 or higher, you must first register the admin cluster by filling out the gkeConnect section in the admin cluster configuration file. Run the gkectl update cluster command with the configuration file changes.

  2. Make sure your gkectl and clusters are the appropriate version for an upgrade, and that you have downloaded the appropriate bundle. The version skew between you admin and user clusters depends on the Google Distributed Cloud version. To make sure you can upgrade your admin cluster, see Admin and user cluster version skew.

  3. Make sure the bundlepath field in the admin cluster configuration file matches the path of the bundle to which you want to upgrade.

    If you make any other changes to the fields in the admin cluster configuration file, these changes are ignored during the upgrade. To make those changes take effect, you must first upgrade the cluster, and then run an update cluster command with the configuration file changes to make other changes to the cluster.

Run gkectl upgrade admin

Do the steps in this section on your admin workstation. There are two variations of the gkectl upgrade admin command:

  • Asynchronous:
    With the asynchronous variation, the command starts the upgrade and then completes. You don't need to watch the output of the command for the entire duration of the upgrade. Instead, you can periodically check on the upgrade progress by running gkectl list admin and gkectl describe admin. To use the asynchronous variation, include the --async flag in the command.

    Requirements for asynchronous upgrade:

    • Supported only for HA admin clusters with version 1.29 or higher.
    • All user clusters must have Controlplane V2 enabled.
  • Synchronous:
    With the synchronous variation, the gkectl upgrade admin command outputs status messages to the admin workstation as the upgrade progresses.

Asynchronous upgrade

  1. On your admin workstation, start an asynchronous upgrade:

    gkectl upgrade admin \
      --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \

    Replace the following:

    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path to the admin cluster's kubeconfig file.

    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE: the path to the admin cluster configuration file.

    The preceding command completes, and you can continue to use your admin workstation while the upgrade is in progress.

    with gkectl upgrade admin, run the following command:

    gkectl upgrade admin -h
  2. To see the status of the upgrade:

    gkectl list admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    The output shows a value for the cluster STATE. If the cluster is still upgrading, the value of STATE is UPGRADING. For example:

    NAME              STATE         AGE    VERSION
    gke-admin-test    UPGRADING     9h     1.30.200-gke.101

    The possible values for STATE are RUNNING, UPGRADING, RECONCILING, ERROR, and UNKNOWN.

  3. To get more details about the upgrade progress and cluster events:

    gkectl describe admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    The output shows the OnPremAdminCluster custom resource for the specified admin cluster, which includes cluster status, conditions, and events.

    We record events for the start and end of each critical upgrade phase.

    Example output:

    Type    Reason                             Age   From                             Message
    ----       ------                                  ----     ----                                -------
    Normal  ControlPlaneUpgradeStarted         40m   onprem-admin-cluster-controller  Creating or updating admin cluster API Controller
    Normal  ControlPlaneMachineUpgradeStarted  40m   onprem-admin-cluster-controller  Creating or updating control plane machine
    Normal  StatusChanged                      40m   onprem-admin-cluster-controller  OnPremAdminCluster status changed:
    - New ClusterState condition: UPGRADING
    - New Ready condition: False, CreateOrUpdateControlPlaneMachine, Creating or updating control plane machine
    Normal   StatusChanged      2m                onprem-admin-cluster-controller  OnPremAdminCluster status changed:
    - New ClusterState condition: RUNNING
    - New Ready condition: True, ClusterRunning, Cluster is running
  4. When the upgrade is complete, gkectl list admin shows a STATUS of RUNNING:

    NAME              STATE         AGE    VERSION
    gke-admin-test    RUNNING       9h     1.30.200-gke.101

    Also, when the upgrade is complete, gkectl describe admin shows a Last GKE On Prem Version field under Status. For example:

      Cluster State:  RUNNING
      Last GKE On Prem Version:  1.30.0-gke.1

Troubleshoot asynchronous upgrade

For an asynchronous upgrade, the timeout duration is based on the number of nodes in the cluster. If the upgrade takes longer than the timeout duration, the cluster state is changed from UPGRADING to ERROR, with an event saying that the upgrade operation timed out. Note that the ERROR state here means the upgrade is taking longer than expected, but has not been terminated. The controller continues the reconciliation and keeps retrying the operation. When an upgrade is blocked or fails, you can run gkectl diagnose to check for common cluster issues. Based on the result, you can decide whether to perform a manual fix or contact Google Cloud Support for further assistance.

Synchronous upgrade

  1. Run the following command:

    gkectl upgrade admin \
      --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \

    Replace the following:

    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path to the admin cluster kubeconfig file.

    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE: the path to the admin cluster configuration file.

    The gkectl upgrade command runs preflight checks. If the preflight checks fail, the command is blocked. You must fix the failures or use the flag --skip-preflight-check-blocking with the command to unblock it.

  2. If you are upgrading to version 1.14.0 or higher, a new kubeconfig file is generated for the admin cluster that overwrites any existing file. To view cluster details in the file, run the following command:

    kubectl config view --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Remove the full bundle

If you downloaded a full bundle, and you have successfully run the gkectl prepare and gkectl upgrade admin commands, you should delete the full bundle to save disk space on the admin workstation. Run the following command to delete the full bundle:

rm /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-${TARGET_VERSION}-full.tgz

Resuming an admin cluster upgrade

If an admin cluster upgrade is interrupted or fails, the upgrade can be resumed if the admin cluster checkpoint contains the state required to restore the state prior to the interruption.

Warning: Don't repair the admin master with gkectl repair admin-master after a failed upgrade attempt. This will cause the admin cluster to get into a bad state.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check if the admin control plane is healthy before you begin the initial upgrade attempt. See Diagnosing cluster issues. As discussed in that topic, run the gkectl diagnose cluster command for the admin cluster.

  2. If the admin control plane is unhealthy prior to the initial upgrade attempt, repair the admin control plane with the gkectl repair admin-master command.

  3. When you rerun the upgrade command after an upgrade has been interrupted or has failed, use the same bundle and target version as you did in the previous upgrade attempt.

When you rerun the upgrade command, the resumed upgrade recreates admin cluster state from the checkpoint and reruns the entire upgrade. Starting from 1.12.0, if the admin control plane is unhealthy, the upgrade process will directly upgrade to the target version without trying to restore the admin cluster at the source version before proceeding to upgrade.

The upgrade will resume from the point where it failed or exited if the admin cluster checkpoint is available. If the checkpoint is unavailable, the upgrade will fall back to relying on the admin control plane, and therefore the admin control plane must be healthy in order to proceed with the upgrade. After a successful upgrade, the checkpoint is regenerated.

If gkectl exits unexpectedly during an admin cluster upgrade, the kind cluster is not cleaned up. Before you rerun the upgrade command to resume the upgrade, delete the kind cluster:

docker stop gkectl-control-plane && docker rm gkectl-control-plane

After deleting the kind cluster, rerun the upgrade command again.

Roll back an admin workstation after an upgrade

You can roll back the admin workstation to the version used before the upgrade.

During the upgrade, gkeadm records the version before it was upgraded in the output information file. During the rollback, gkeadm uses the version listed to download the older file.

To roll back your admin workstation to the previous version:

gkeadm rollback admin-workstation --config=AW_CONFIG_FILE

You can omit --config=AW_CONFIG_FILE if your admin workstation configuration file is the default admin-ws-config.yaml. Otherwise, replace AW_CONFIG_FILE with the path to the admin workstation configuration file.

The rollback command performs these steps:

  1. Downloads the rollback version of gkeadm.
  2. Backs up the home directory of the current admin workstation.
  3. Creates a new admin workstation using the rollback version of gkeadm.
  4. Deletes the original admin workstation.

Install bundle with a different version for upgrade

If you upgrade your workstation, a bundle with a corresponding version is installed there for upgrading your clusters. If you want a different version, follow these steps to install a bundle for TARGET_VERSION, which is the version to which you want to upgrade.

  1. To check the current gkectl and cluster versions, run this command. Use the flag --details/-d for more detailed information.

    gkectl version --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --details

    The output provides information about your cluster versions.

  2. Based on the output you get, look for the following issues, and fix them as needed.

    • If the current admin cluster version is more than one minor version lower than the TARGET_VERSION, upgrade all your clusters to be one minor version lower than the TARGET_VERSION.

    • If the gkectl version is lower than 1.11, and you want to upgrade to 1.12.x, you will have to perform multiple upgrades. Upgrade one minor version at a time, until you get to 1.11.x, and then proceed with the instructions in this topic.

    • If the gkectl version is lower than the TARGET_VERSION, upgrade the admin workstation to the TARGET_VERSION.

  3. When you have determined that your gkectl and cluster versions are appropriate for an upgrade, download the bundle.

    Check whether the bundle tarball already exists on the admin workstation.

    stat /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-TARGET_VERSION.tgz

    If the bundle is not on the admin workstation, download it.

    gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gke-onprem-bundle/TARGET_VERSION/gke-onprem-vsphere-TARGET_VERSION.tgz /var/lib/gke/bundles/

  4. Install the bundle.

    gkectl prepare --bundle-path /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-TARGET_VERSION.tgz --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Replace ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your kubeconfig file. You can omit this flag if the file is in your current directory and has the name kubeconfig.

  5. List available cluster versions, and make sure the target version is included in the available user cluster versions.

    gkectl version --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --details

You can now create a user cluster at the target version, or upgrade a user cluster to the target version.

Troubleshooting the upgrade process

If you experience an issue when following the recommended upgrade process, follow these recommendations to resolve them. These suggestions assume that you have begun with a version 1.11.x setup, and are proceeding through the recommended upgrade process.

See also: Troubleshooting cluster creation and upgrade

Troubleshooting a user cluster upgrade issue

Suppose you find an issue with the upgrade version when upgrading a user cluster. You determine from Google Support that the issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch release. You can proceed as follows:

  1. Continue using the current version for production.
  2. Test the patch release in a non-production cluster when it is released.
  3. Upgrade all production user clusters to the patch release version when you are confident.
  4. Upgrade the admin cluster to the patch release version.

Troubleshooting an admin cluster upgrade issue

If you encounter an issue when upgrading the admin cluster, you must contact Google Support to resolve the issue with the admin cluster.

In the meantime, with the new upgrade flow, you can still benefit from new user cluster features without being blocked by the admin cluster upgrade, which allows you to reduce the upgrade frequency of the admin cluster if you want. Your upgrade process can proceed as follows:

  1. Upgrade production user clusters to 1.12.x.
  2. Keep the admin cluster at its earlier version and continue receiving security patches.
  3. Test admin cluster upgrade from 1.11.x to 1.12.x in a test environment, and report issues if there are any;
  4. If your issue is solved by a 1.12.x patch release, you can then choose to upgrade the production admin cluster to this patch release if desired.

Known issues for recent versions

The following known issues might affect upgrades if you are upgrading from version 1.7 or later.

See also: Known issues

Upgrading the admin workstation might fail if the data disk is nearly full

If you upgrade the admin workstation with the gkectl upgrade admin-workstation command, the upgrade might fail if the data disk is nearly full, because the system attempts to back up the current admin workstation locally while upgrading to a new admin workstation. If you cannot clear sufficient space on the data disk, use the gkectl upgrade admin-workstation command with the additional flag --backup-to-local=false to prevent making a local backup of the current admin workstation.

Disruption for workloads with PodDisruptionBudgets

Currently, upgrading clusters can cause disruption or downtime for workloads that use PodDisruptionBudgets (PDBs).

Nodes fail to complete their upgrade process

If you have PodDisruptionBudget objects configured that are unable to allow any additional disruptions, node upgrades might fail to upgrade to the control plane version after repeated attempts. To prevent this failure, we recommend that you scale up the Deployment or HorizontalPodAutoscaler to allow the node to drain while still respecting the PodDisruptionBudget configuration.

To see all PodDisruptionBudget objects that do not allow any disruptions:

kubectl get poddisruptionbudget --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.status.disruptionsAllowed==0)]}{.metadata.name}/{.metadata.namespace}{"\n"}{end}'


About VMware DRS rules enabled in version 1.1.0-gke.6

As of version 1.1.0-gke.6, Google Distributed Cloud automatically creates VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) anti-affinity rules for your user cluster's nodes, causing them to be spread across at least three physical hosts in your datacenter. As of version 1.1.0-gke.6, this feature is automatically enabled for new clusters and existing clusters.

Before you upgrade, be sure that your vSphere environment meets the following conditions:

  • VMware DRS is enabled. VMware DRS requires vSphere Enterprise Plus license edition. To learn how to enable DRS, see Enabling VMware DRS in a cluster

  • The vSphere username provided in your credentials configuration file has the Host.Inventory.EditCluster permission.

  • There are at least three physical hosts available.

If your vSphere environment does not meet the preceding conditions, you can still upgrade, but for upgrading a user cluster from 1.3.x to 1.4.x, you need to disable anti-affinity groups. For more information, see this known issue in the Google Distributed Cloud release notes.

About downtime during upgrades

Resource Description
Admin cluster

When an admin cluster is down, user cluster control planes and workloads on user clusters continue to run, unless they were affected by a failure that caused the downtime.

User cluster control plane

Typically, you should expect no noticeable downtime to user cluster control planes. However, long-running connections to the Kubernetes API server might break and would need to be re-established. In those cases, the API caller should retry until it establishes a connection. In the worst case, there can be up to one minute of downtime during an upgrade.

User cluster nodes

If an upgrade requires a change to user cluster nodes, Google Distributed Cloud recreates the nodes in a rolling fashion, and reschedules Pods running on these nodes. You can prevent impact to your workloads by configuring appropriate PodDisruptionBudgets and anti-affinity rules.

Re-create an information file if missing

If the output information file for your admin workstation is missing, you must re-create this file so you can then proceed with the upgrade. This file was created when you initially created your workstation, and if you have since done an upgrade, it was updated with new information.

The output information file has this format:

Admin workstation version: GKEADM_VERSION
Created using gkeadm version: GKEADM_VERSION
To access your admin workstation:

Here is a sample output information file:

Admin workstation version: v1.10.3-gke.49
Created using gkeadm version: v1.10.3-gke.49
VM name: admin-ws-janedoe
SSH key used: /usr/local/google/home/janedoe/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation
Upgraded from (rollback version): v1.10.0-gke.194
To access your admin workstation:
ssh -i /usr/local/google/home/janedoe/.ssh/gke-admin-workstation ubuntu@

Create the file in an editor, substituting the appropriate parameters. Save the file with a filename that is the same as the VM name in the directory from which gkeadm is run. For example, if the VM name is admin-ws-janedoe, save the file as admin-ws-janedoe.

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