This document shows how to download the gkeadm
command-line tool that
you use to create an admin workstation for Google Distributed Cloud.
Typically, gkeadm
is the only component that you have to download manually.
In some cases, you might want to manually downolad one or more of these other
- Admin workstation Open Virtual Appliance (OVA)
- Google Distributed Cloud bundle
command-line tool
For more information, see Downloads.
Before you begin
You must be logged in with a Google Account.
To see whether you are logged in, view your SDK account
gcloud config get-value account
To sign in:
gcloud auth login
Download gkeadm
You use the gkeadm
command-line tool to create an admin workstation. Then you
get an SSH connection to your admin workstation, and from there, you create
The gkeadm
command-line tool is available for 64-bit Linux.
gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gkeadm/VERSION/linux/gkeadm ./ chmod +x gkeadm
with the version of Google Distributed Cloud you
want to install or upgrade your clusters to. The latest available patch version
is 1.31.300-gke.81. For a list of available versions, see
Verify gkeadm
using openssl
You can use openssl
to verify the gkeadm
binary against the public key.
gcloud storage cp gs://gke-on-prem-release/gkeadm/VERSION/linux/gkeadm.1.sig /tmp/gkeadm.1.sig echo "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWZrGCUaJJr1H8a36sG4UUoXvlXvZ wQfk16sxprI2gOJ2vFFggdq3ixF2h4qNBt0kI7ciDhgpwS8t+/960IsIgw== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----" > key.pem openssl dgst -verify key.pem -signature /tmp/gkeadm.1.sig ./gkeadm
The expected output of this command is Verified OK