Create a user cluster for use with toplogy domains

In Google Distributed Cloud, your workloads run on one or more user clusters. This page shows how to create a user cluster for use in Google Distributed Cloud topology domains. Google Distributed Cloud version 1.31 or higher is required to use topology domains.

Setting up a topology domain requires that you enable advanced cluster. Note the following limitations with the advanced cluster preview:

  • You can enable advanced cluster at cluster creation time for new 1.31 clusters only.
  • After advanced cluster is enabled, you won't be able to upgrade the cluster to 1.32. Only enable advanced cluster in a test environment.

This page is for Admins, Architects, and Operators who set up, monitor, and manage the tech infrastructure. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.

Before you begin

Procedure overview

The following primary steps are involved in using gkectl to create a user cluster:

  1. Fill in your user cluster configuration file
    Specify the details for your new cluster in the user cluster configuration file.
  2. Fill in your IP block file
    Specify the IP addresses for the gateway, netmask, control-plane nodes, and optionally, worker nodes in an IP block file.
  3. Create a user cluster
    Run gkectl create cluster to create a cluster as specified in your configuration files.
  4. Verify that your user cluster is running
    Use kubectl to view your cluster nodes.

At the end of this procedure, you will have a running user cluster where you can deploy your workloads.

Fill in your user cluster configuration file

If you used gkeadm to create your admin workstation, then gkeadm generated a template for your user cluster configuration file named user-cluster.yaml. Additinally, gkeadm filled in some of the fields for you.

If you didn't use gkeadm to create your admin workstation, you can use gkectl to generate a template for your user cluster configuration file.

To generate a template for your user cluster configuration file:

gkectl create-config cluster --config=OUTPUT_FILENAME --gke-on-prem-version=VERSION

Replace the following:

OUTPUT_FILENAME: a path of your choice for the generated template. If you omit this flag, gkectl names the file user-cluster.yaml and puts it in the current directory.

VERSION: the desired version number. For example: gkectl create-config cluster --gke-on-prem-version=1.31.300-gke.81.

Familiarize yourself with the configuration file by scanning the user cluster configuration file document. You might want to keep this document open in a separate tab or window, because you will refer to it as you complete the following steps.


Set the name field to a name of your choice for the user cluster.


This field is already filled in for you. It specifies the version of Google Distributed Cloud. For example, 1.31.300-gke.81.


Set enableAdvancedCluster to true.


Controlplane V2 is required for all 1.30 and higher user clusters. Set enableControlplaneV2 to true.

When Controlplane V2 is enabled, the control plane for the user cluster runs on nodes in the user cluster itself.


Set enableDataplaneV2 to true.


Remove this entire section. Instead, you configure the vCenter information in the vSphere infrastructure configuration file per topology domain.


  • Remove the following from the configuration file:

    • The entire network.hostConfig section. This information is configured in the vSphere infrastructure configuration file per topology domain.
    • The network.vCenter.networkName field. This field is configured in the vSphere infrastructure configuration file per topology domain.
    • The entire network.controlPlaneIPBlock section. The IP addresses for the gateway, netmask, and the control plane nodes are configured in an IP block file.
  • Set network.ipMode.ipBlockFilePath to the path to the IP block file.

  • Decide how you want your worker nodes to get their IP addresses. The options are:

    • From a DHCP server that you set up ahead of time. Set network.ipMode.type to "dhcp".

    • From a list of static IP addresses that you provide in the IP block file. Set network.ipMode.type to "static".

    The control-plane nodes for your user cluster must get their IP addresses from a list of static addresses that you provide in the IP block file. This is the case even if your worker nodes get their addresses from a DHCP server.

    Regardless of whether you rely on a DHCP server or specify a list of static IP addresses, you need to have enough IP addresses available for your user cluster. For an explanation of how many IP addresses you need, see Plan your IP addresses.

  • The network.podCIDR and network.serviceCIDR have prepopulated values that you can leave unchanged unless they conflict with addresses already being used in your network. Kubernetes uses these ranges to assign IP addresses to Pods and Services in your cluster.



If you plan to create an egress NAT gateway, set advancedNetworking to true.


Set multipleNetworkInterfaces to false. Multiple network interfaces for Pods aren't supported with topology domains.


Set storage.vSphereCSIDisabled to true to disable the deployment of vSphere CSI components.


  • If you want to specify CPU and memory for the control-plane nodes of the user cluster, fill in the cpus and memoryMB fields in the masterNode section.

  • Only highly-available (HA) clusters are supported. Set the replicas field to 3 to specify that the cluster will have three control-plane nodes.

  • To enable automatic resizing for the control-plane nodes, set autoResize.enabled to true.

  • Remove the entire masterNode.vsphere section.

  • Fill in the masterNode.topologyDomains field with the name of the topology domain that you want the control plane nodes to be in.


A node pool is a group of worker nodes in a cluster that all have the same configuration. For example, you might want to set up a separate topology domain for each node pool. You must specify at least one node pool by filling in the nodePools section.

For each node pool that you specify:

  • Fill in the nodePools[i].topologyDomains field with the name of the topology domain that you want the node pool to be in.

  • Remove all fields in the nodePools[i].vsphere section except for nodePools[i].vsphere.tags. You specify this information in the vSphere infrastructure configuration file per topology domain.

# advanced-cluster-change #

Set the nodePools[i].osImageType to either ubuntu_cgroupv2 or ubuntu_containerd.

For more general information about node pools, see Node pools and Creating and managing node pools.


Set antiAffinityGroups.enabled to false. Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) anti-affinity rules aren't supported with topology domains.


Fill in the stackdriver section to enable Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring for your cluster.

Note the following requirements:

  • The ID in stackdriver.projectID must be the same as the ID in gkeConnect.projectID and cloudAuditLogging.projectID.

  • The Google Cloud region set in stackdriver.clusterLocation must be the same as the region set in cloudAuditLogging.clusterLocation and gkeConnect.location. Additionally, if gkeOnPremAPI.enabled is true, the same region must be set in gkeOnPremAPI.location.

If the project IDs and regions aren't the same, cluster creation fails.


Your user cluster must be registered to a Google Cloud fleet.

Fill in the gkeConnect section to specify a fleet host project and an associated service account. The ID in gkeConnect.projectID must be the same as the ID set in stackdriver.projectID and cloudAuditLogging.projectID. If the project IDs aren't the same, cluster creation fails.

You can optionally specify a region where the fleet and Connect services run in gkeConnect.location. If you don't include this field, the cluster uses the global instances of these services.

If you include gkeConnect.location in your configuration file, the region that you specify must be the same as the region configured in cloudAuditLogging.clusterLocation, stackdriver.clusterLocation, and gkeOnPremAPI.location. If the regions aren't the same, cluster creation fails.


This section describes how clusters are enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API.

The gkectl command line tool is the only available cluster lifecycle management tool for clusters using topology domains. Although the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, and Terraform aren't supported for clusters using topology domains, you can optionally enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API when it is created.

If the GKE On-Prem API is enabled in your Google Cloud project, all clusters in the project are enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API automatically in the region configured in stackdriver.clusterLocation. The gkeOnPremAPI.location region must be the same as the region specified in cloudAuditLogging.clusterLocation, gkeConnect.location, and stackdriver.clusterLocation.

  • If you want to enroll all clusters in the project in the GKE On-Prem API, be sure to do the steps in Before you begin to activate and use the GKE On-Prem API in the project.

  • If you don't want to enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API, include this section and set gkeOnPremAPI.enabled to false. If you don't want to enroll any clusters in the project, disable (the service name for the GKE On-Prem API) in the project. For instructions, see Disabling services.


If you want to integrate the audit logs from your cluster's Kubernetes API server with Cloud Audit Logs, fill in the cloudAuditLogging section.

Note the following requirements:

# advanced-cluster-change #

Set cloudAuditLogging.serviceAccountKeyPath to the same path as stackdriver.serviceAccountKeyPath.

  • The ID in cloudAuditLogging.projectID must be the same as the ID in gkeConnect.projectID and stackdriver.projectID.

  • The region in cloudAuditLogging.clusterLocation must be the same as the region set in gkeConnect.location (if the field is included in your configuration file) and stackdriver.clusterLocation. Additionally, if gkeOnPremAPI.enabled is true, the same region must be set in gkeOnPremAPI.location.

If the project IDs and regions aren't the same, cluster creation fails.


Remove the preparedSecrets field. Prepared credentials aren't supported when topology domains is enabled.

Example of filled-in configuration files

Here is an example of an IP block file and a user cluster configuration file;


  - netmask:
    - ip:
      hostname: worker-vm-1
    - ip:
      hostname: worker-vm-2
    - ip:
      hostname: worker-vm-3
    - ip:
      hostname: worker-vm-4
  - netmask:
    - ip:
      hostname: cp-1
      isControlPlane: true
    - ip:
      hostname: cp-2
      isControlPlane: true
    - ip:
      hostname: cp-3
      isControlPlane: true


cat user-cluster.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: UserCluster
name: "my-user-cluster"
gkeOnPremVersion: 1.31.300-gke.81
enableAdvancedCluster: true
enableControlplaneV2: true
enableDataplaneV2: true
    type: "static"
    ipBlockFilePath: "user-ipblock.yaml"
    controlPlaneVIP: ""
    ingressVIP: ""
  kind: "ManualLB"
    ingressHTTPNodePort: 32527
    ingressHTTPSNodePort: 30139
    controlPlaneNodePort: 30968
  cpus: 4
  memoryMB: 8192
  replicas: 3
- name: "worker-node-pool1"
  cpus: 4
  memoryMB: 8192
  replicas: 3
  - "domain1"
  enabled: false
  projectID: "my-project-123"
  location: "us-central1"
  registerServiceAccountKeyPath: "connect-register-sa-2203040617.json"
  projectID: "my-project-123"
  clusterLocation: "us-central1"
  enableVPC: false
  serviceAccountKeyPath: "log-mon-sa-2203040617.json"
  enabled: true

These are the important points to understand in the preceding example:

  • The nodePools.replicas field is set to 3, which means there are three worker nodes in "worker-node-pool". All worker nodes use static IP addresses because network.ipMode.type is set to "static".

  • The IP addresses for the control-plane nodes and worker nodes are specified in an IP block file. The IP block file has four addresses for worker nodes even though there are only three worker nodes. The extra worker node IP address is needed during cluster upgrade, update, and auto repair. The IP addresses for the control-plane nodes have theisControlPlane: true flag.

  • Advanced clusters, Controlplane V2, and Dataplane V2 are enabled.

  • The masterNode.replicas field is set to 3, so the cluster will have a high-availability control plane.

  • The control-plane VIP is in the same VLAN as the control-plane nodes, and the ingress VIP is in the same VLAN as the worker nodes

Fill in your IP block file

Copy the template for the IP block file to the file in the directory that you specified in the network.ipMode.ipBlockFilePath field in the user cluster configuration file. Create separate IP block files for the admin cluster and for each user cluster.

Add the IP addresses for the gateway, netmask, and the control plane nodes to the IP block file. For each control-plane node IP address, add isControlPlane: true as shown in the previous example. If you want a high-availability (HA) user cluster, specify three IP addresses. Otherwise, specify one IP address. The number of IP addresses the you specify for control-plane nodes must match the number in the masterNode.replicas field in the user cluster configuration file.

If network.ipMode.type is set to "static", add the IP addresses for the worker nodes to the IP block file. Be sure to specify one additional IP address for use during cluster upgrade, update, and auto repair.

Each gateway address in the IP block file must match the address specified in a topologyDomains[i].network.gateway field in the vSphere infrastructure configuration file. For more information, see example for topology domains.

Create a user cluster

Run the following command to create a user cluster:

gkectl create cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG --config USER_CLUSTER_CONFIG

Locate the user cluster kubeconfig file

The gkectl create cluster command creates a kubeconfig file named USER_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig in the current directory. You will need this kubeconfig file later to interact with your user cluster.

The kubeconfig file contains the name of your user cluster. To view the cluster name, you can run:

kubectl config get-clusters --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

The output shows the name of the cluster. For example:


If you like, you can change the name and location of your kubeconfig file.

Verify that your user cluster is running

Verify that your user cluster is running:

kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

Replace USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your user cluster kubeconfig file.

The output shows the user cluster nodes. For example:

cp-vm-1       Ready    control-plane,master   18m
cp-vm-2       Ready    control-plane,master   18m
cp-vm-3       Ready    control-plane,master   18m
worker-vm-1   Ready                           6m7s
worker-vm-2   Ready                           6m6s
worker-vm-3   Ready                           6m14s

Configure your PodTemplate

The topology label is populated to labels of nodes in the topology domain. Unless your topology domain setup used the default constraint, "" as the topology key, you need to configure the topology key in the pod template of you Deployment, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet, as applicable.

For example, suppose you defined the key in the topology label as "". In the PodTemplate, you specify the key as the value for the topologySpreadConstraints.topologyKey field. This lets the Kubernetes scheduler distribute Pods across the topology domain to ensure high availability and prevent over-concentration in any single area in case of failure.


See Troubleshooting cluster creation and upgrade.

What's next