Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is a feature that analyzes messages during a conversation between a human agent and an end-user to determine emotional intent. Represented by numerical score and magnitude values, sentiment ranges from negative (-1) to positive (+1).

View sentiment analysis results

Contact Center AI Insights and Quality AI display sentiment analysis results for each conversation.

Contact Center AI Insights console results

View sentiment analysis results by taking the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the news Conversation Hub.
  2. Select a conversation. If you have not yet analyzed the conversation, click Analyze.
  3. View proportional sentiment results in the Conversation spotlight section. Positive sentiments are indicated with blue and negative sentiments with red.

Quality AI display

Quality AI (QAI) also displays sentiment analysis results as part of the overall conversation analysis. Quality AI displays the overall sentiment score for a conversation as a positive (+1), neutral (0), or negative (-1) value.

Follow these steps to view QAI's sentiment analysis results within the CCAI Insights console:

  1. Navigate to insert_chart Quality AI > Conversations.
  2. Select an unanalyzed conversation > click Analyze.
  3. View proportional sentiment results in the Conversation spotlight section. Positive sentiments are indicated with blue and negative sentiments with red.
  4. Click Information to see the overall sentiment score for the conversation.

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