Benchmark OLTP performance on AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

This document describes how to configure AlloyDB for PostgreSQL and a client machine to benchmark the performance of AlloyDB using TPC-C, an OLTP benchmark specification. This document also describes how to run customized read- and write-intensive OLTP scenarios, like Index Insert Only and Select Only.

The instructions in this document are based on a specific configuration of AlloyDB and the client machine. Use the provided values for each step in the benchmarking instructions.

AlloyDB workload capabilities

AlloyDB provides enterprise-level reliability, scalability, and performance suitable for all businesses and critical workloads. AlloyDB provides the following components and features that enable high performance for your transactional (OLTP), analytical (OLAP), and hybrid (HTAP) workloads:

  • Log and transaction management
  • Dynamic memory management
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning integration
  • Built-in columnar engine
  • A multi-tiered cache
  • Distributed and scalable storage

Relational database systems typically require a database administrator to optimize the database for benchmarking, which includes configuring the transaction log settings, establishing the right buffer pool sizes, and modifying other database parameters or flags and characteristics. These settings vary depending on instance size and type.

AlloyDB comes pre-configured with optimized settings for each machine type. AlloyDB doesn't require you to tune flags at the database level to achieve high OLTP performance; instead, AlloyDB has high OLTP performance built in.

Supported benchmark types

This document shows you how to run OLTP benchmarks using the following tools:

OLTP benchmark drivers Use cases
HammerDB HammerDB measures the system's performance in terms of transactions per minute (TPM) and generates reports that include detailed statistics and performance metrics.

HammerDB supports benchmark parameter customization, which lets you adjust the database size, the number of warehouses, and other workload characteristics to simulate different scenarios.

HammerDB includes a TPC-C benchmark implementation for evaluating the performance of OLTP systems. The HammerDB TPC-C implementation lets you simulate a workload similar to the TPC-C benchmark, including a mix of transactions that mimic the behavior of a wholesale supplier environment.
pgbench pgbench is a benchmarking tool that comes bundled with PostgreSQL. pgbench lets you simulate transaction workloads such as inserting, updating, selecting data, and measuring the database system's performance in Transactions Per Second (TPS).

When you use pgbench, you can customize the database size, number of clients and transaction mix to emulate your production workload and obtain insights into the system's behavior under different scenarios.
pgbench includes a TPC-B implementation. The pgbench TPC-B implementation is similar to a TPC-B benchmark.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. Enable the Cloud APIs necessary to create and connect to AlloyDB for PostgreSQL.

    Enable the APIs

    1. In the Confirm project step, click Next to confirm the name of the project you are going to make changes to.

    2. In the Enable APIs step, click Enable to enable the following:

      • AlloyDB API
      • Compute Engine API
      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Service Networking API

      The Service Networking API is required if you plan to configure network connectivity to AlloyDB using a VPC network that resides in the same Google Cloud project as AlloyDB.

      The Compute Engine API and Cloud Resource Manager API are required if you plan to configure network connectivity to AlloyDB using a VPC network that resides in a different Google Cloud project.

Set up and provision the database and the client machine

Start the benchmark by creating a AlloyDB cluster and instance. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this document is based on a 16 vCPU with 128 GB RAM as a primary AlloyDB instance.

Create an AlloyDB cluster and instance

  1. Go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Click Create Cluster.

  3. In the Cluster ID field, enter a name for your cluster.

  4. In Zonal availability, select Multiple zones (Highly Available) for the cluster type.

  5. Select the default network.

  6. In the Database version field, and select PostgreSQL 15.

  7. Make a note of the location of the primary zone and private IP address. Do not create a read pool.

  8. Click Create Cluster.

Provision the client machine

To run OLTP benchmarks, you need a client machine with adequate processing power. Benchmark tools like HammerDB and pgbench run in a highly parallel way, and they consume a lot of CPU. A client machine must not be a bottleneck when you run an OLTP benchmark.

Unless otherwise specified, the instructions in this document use an E2-standard-32 machine with 128 GB disk as a client for OLTP benchmarks to drive an AlloyDB instance on a 16 vCPU machine with 128 GB RAM. You must create the client machine in the same zone as the AlloyDB primary instance.

To run the TPC-C benchmark on an AlloyDB primary instance with 16 virtual CPUs, follow these steps to create a Compute Engine VM and provision a client machine:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Select the project containing the AlloyDB instance you want to connect to.
  3. Click Create instance.
  4. Click the Machine configuration section.
  5. Enter a Name for the instance.
  6. Configure the zone where you want to create the instance. The zone must be the same as the zone of the AlloyDB primary instance.
  7. Select a machine type of e2-standard-32.
  8. Retain the default values in the OS and Storage section.
  9. Click the Networking section, and set Network interfaces to the VPC network configured for private services access to AlloyDB.
    If Network interfaces is not set to the VPC network configured for private services access, expand it and then set Network to the VPC network.
  10. Retain the default values in the Observability section.
  11. Click the Security section.
  12. In Identity and API access, set Access scopes to Allow full access to all Cloud APIs.
  13. Retain the default values in the Advanced section.
  14. Click Create.
  15. After the VM is created, connect to the Compute Engine VM that you created using SSH.

Set up the benchmark driver machine

After you install and set up the database and client machine, you configure the client machine running on Google Cloud, where you install benchmarking tools like HammerDB and pgbench.

To set up the benchmark driver machine, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the client machine using the following gcloud compute ssh command:

    gcloud compute ssh --zone "PRIMARY_ZONE" "CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME"  --project "GOOGLE_PROJECT"
  2. Install the PostgreSQL client.

    1. Use the following command to install a PostgreSQL client that includes a psql application, and then ensure you are able to connect.

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install postgresql-client
    2. Use the following command to ensure that the client works and that you're able to connect to AlloyDB. Use the private IP address of your primary AlloyDB instance.

      psql -h PRIVATE_IP -U postgres
  3. Install the HammerDB-4.6 driver for the TPC-C benchmark by running the following commands:

    mkdir hammerdb
    pushd hammerdb
    curl -OL
    tar zxvf HammerDB-4.6-Linux.tar.gz
  4. Install the pgbench driver for TPC-B and miscellaneous OLTP benchmarking by running the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib
    pgbench --version

    If the pgbench --version runs without errors, then this means that pgbench is installed.

Perform a benchmark cleanup

If you're planning to execute multiple benchmarks in succession, you must perform a benchmark cleanup between each benchmark to ensure accurate and reliable benchmarking results.

A benchmark cleanup ensures that residual effects from previous benchmarks don't affect the performance measurements of the new benchmark. Benchmark cleanups also help to ensure consistency and repeatability of the benchmark results, which is essential for making meaningful comparisons between different systems or identifying areas for optimization in hardware, software, or configuration.

Follow these steps to perform a benchmark cleanup before you run another benchmark:

  1. Delete the previous benchmark data or benchmark database. To drop the previous benchmark database, use the following psql command from the client machine:

    psql -h PRIVATE_IP -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS <database_name>;"

    For more information about using psql, see Connect to a database.

  2. Reboot the AlloyDB instance. This step clears caches at the database and operating system level.

Run a TPC-C Benchmark

HammerDB is a benchmarking tool that includes a TPC-C benchmark implementation for evaluating the performance of OLTP systems. HammerDB's TPC-C implementation lets you simulate a workload similar to the TPC-C benchmark, including a mix of transactions that mimic the behavior of a wholesale supplier environment.

HammerDB measures the system's performance in terms of transactions per minute (TPM) and generates reports that include detailed statistics and performance metrics. Additionally, HammerDB supports customization of the benchmark parameters, allowing users to adjust the database size, the number of warehouses, and other workload characteristics to simulate different scenarios.

Performance evaluation scenarios

Performance of TPC-C benchmarking is evaluated using the following methods:

  • Partially (~30%) cached mode: In this mode, a large TPC-C database is generated, which can only partially fit in the buffer cache. The transactions in this mode aren't always served from memory and incur I/O to the underlying storage subsystems. This scenario is applicable to the OLTP needs of many users.

  • Fully (100%) cached mode: In this mode, the TPC-C database fully fits in the buffer cache. The AlloyDB instance uses approximately 90% of the available 128 GB RAM, including buffer cache.

    Since TPC-C transactions perform minimal I/Os —because reads are mostly served from buffer cache— in this mode, higher TPM is expected in comparison to partially-cached runs. This scenario is applicable to the OLTP needs of users with very low I/O needs.

Set up the client machine

  1. Set up the benchmark driver machine.

  2. If you are running multiple benchmarks in succession, perform a benchmark cleanup.

  3. Open the hammerdb/HammerDB-4.6 directory by running the following command:

    cd hammerdb/HammerDB-4.6

    You run commands from this directory to set up the client machine.

  4. Create the create setup.env file using the following commands:

    cat << EOF > setup.env
    # Private IP of the AlloyDB primary instance
    # Postgres default port address. You do not need to change it unless you use non-default port address.
    export PGPORT=5432   # default port to connect with postgres
    # Number of TPC-C warehouses to load. This determines the overall database size.
    export NUM_WAREHOUSE=576
    # Number of users for running the benchmark.
    export NUM_USERS=256
  5. Edit the generated setup.env file by replacing all the highlighted parameter values with parameter values that best suited to your environment setup.

  6. Optional: Test the partially (~30%) cached mode by changing NUM_WAREHOUSE to 3200 in the setup.env file. For more information, see Performance evaluation scenarios.

  7. Optional: Test the fully (100%) cached mode by changing NUM_WAREHOUSE to 576 in the setup.env file. For more information, see Performance evaluation scenarios.

Load TPC-C data into the database

A load step refers to the process of populating the benchmark database with initial data before running the performance test.

During the load step, the database is populated with a specified number of warehouses, customers, and other entities according to the TPC-C specifications. The purpose of the load step is to create a realistic workload for the performance test, and to ensure that the test results are comparable across different systems.

After the load step is completed, the database is in a consistent state with a defined set of initial data, ready to be used for the TPC-C benchmark test.

To load the TPC-C database, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to the benchmark home directory using the following command:

    cd hammerdb/HammerDB-4.6
  2. Copy the following contents and then paste them into

    #!/bin/bash -x
    source ./setup.env
    # create role tpcc with superuser login as 'postgres' and password as 'AlloyDB#123';
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    ./hammerdbcli << EOF
    # --------------------------------------
    dbset db pg
    dbset bm tpc-c
    # --------------------------------------
    diset connection pg_host $PGHOST
    diset connection pg_port $PGPORT
    # --------------------------------------
    diset tpcc pg_superuser postgres
    diset tpcc pg_superuserpass AlloyDB#123
    diset tpcc pg_user tpcc
    diset tpcc pg_pass AlloyDB#123
    diset tpcc pg_dbase tpcc
    # --------------------------------------
    diset tpcc pg_count_ware $NUM_WAREHOUSE
    diset tpcc pg_num_vu 10
    # --------------------------------------
    vuset logtotemp 1
    print dict
    # --------------------------------------
  3. Execute the following load command and wait for the command to finish.

    chmod +x ./
    mkdir results
    sudo nohup ./ > results/build-tpcc.out 2>&1
  4. Validate the load. After the previous script completes, we recommend that you confirm that the database load was successful. To verify the database size, run the following:

    psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U postgres
    postgres=> \l+ tpcc
                                                                              List of databases
         Name     |      Owner       | Encoding | Collate |  Ctype  |           Access privileges           |  Size   | Tablespace |                Description
     tpcc         | tpcc             | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 |                                       | --- GB  | pg_default |
               |                  |          |         |         |                                       | 160.000 |            |
     (1 row)

In a 30% cached TPC-C configuration (with 3200 warehouses), expect the size of the tpcc database to be around 300 GB.

In 100% cached TPC-C configuration (with 576 warehouses), expect the size of the tpcc database to be around 55 GB.

Run the TPC-C benchmark

You are now ready to run the TPC-C performance test. The TPC-C benchmark is executed using the populated database from the load step. The benchmark generates a series of transactions that simulate a typical business environment, including order entry, payment processing, and inventory management. The workload is measured in transactions per minute (TPM), which represents the number of complete business transactions that the system can handle in one minute.

The run step is designed to stress the database system under realistic conditions and to provide a standard way of measuring performance that you can compare across different database systems. Vendors and users often use the results of the TPC-C benchmark to evaluate the performance of different database systems and hardware configurations.

To run the TPC-C benchmark, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to benchmark home directory:

    cd hammerdb/HammerDB-4.6
  2. Copy the following contents and then paste them into

    #!/bin/bash -x
    source ./setup.env
    ./hammerdbcli << EOF
    dbset db pg
    dbset bm tpc-c
    # -------------------------
    diset connection pg_host $PGHOST
    diset connection pg_port $PGPORT
    # -------------------------
    diset tpcc pg_superuser postgres
    diset tpcc pg_superuserpass AlloyDB#123
    diset tpcc pg_user postgres
    diset tpcc pg_pass AlloyDB#123
    diset tpcc pg_dbase tpcc
    # -------------------------
    diset tpcc pg_driver timed
    diset tpcc pg_rampup 10
    diset tpcc pg_duration 60
    diset tpcc pg_vacuum false
    diset tpcc pg_partition false
    diset tpcc pg_allwarehouse true
    diset tpcc pg_timeprofile true
    diset tpcc pg_connect_pool false
    diset tpcc pg_dritasnap false
    diset tpcc pg_count_ware $NUM_WAREHOUSE
    diset tpcc pg_num_vu 1
    print dict
    vuset logtotemp 1
    vuset vu $NUM_USERS
  3. Run the script using the following commands:

    chmod +x
    mkdir results
    sudo nohup ./ > results/run-tpcc.out 2>&1
  4. Wait for the script to finish. The script takes approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete. After the script finishes, you can analyze the results.

Analyze the benchmark results

In TPC-C benchmarking, New Orders Per Minute (NOPM) and Transactions Per Minute (TPM) are performance metrics used to measure the performance of a database system.

  • NOPM: measures the number of new order transactions that the system can handle in one minute. The new order transaction is one of the most important transactions in the TPC-C benchmark and involves creating a new order for a customer.

  • TPM: measures the total number of completed business transactions that the system can handle in one minute. Transactions include new order transactions as well as other types of transactions defined in the TPC-C benchmark, such as payment, delivery, and order status.

    TPM is the primary performance metric for the TPC-C benchmark because it provides an overall measure of the system's ability to handle a realistic workload. NOPM can be a useful metric for systems that are focused on processing new orders, such as ecommerce or retail systems.

View results with 30% cached TPC-C database on a 16 vCPU machine

To extract the performance numbers for this scenario, use the following command:

grep NOPM results/run-tpcc.out

The following is the expected output:

Vuser 1:TEST RESULT : System achieved 252970 NOPM from 582385 PostgreSQL TPM

With 30% cached TPC-C database on 16 vCPU machine (with NUM_WAREHOUSE=3200 and NUM_USERS=256), you observe 252,970 tpm-C (New Order Per Minute) from a cumulative 582,385 AlloyDB TPM.

View results with 100% cached TPC-C database on a 16 vCPU machine

On a 100% cached TPC-C database on 16 vCPU machine (with NUM_WAREHOUSE=576 and NUM_USERS=256), you observe 428,316 tpm-C (New Order Per Minute) from a cumulative 974,264 AlloyDB TPM.

To extract the performance numbers for this scenario, use the following command:

grep NOPM results/tpcc-run.out

The following is the expected output:

Vuser 1:TEST RESULT : System achieved 428316 NOPM from 974264 PostgreSQL TPM

Summary of performance results on 16 vCPU machine

The following table summarizes benchmark performance results for a 16 vCPU machine:

30% cached 3200 256 252,970 582,385
100% cached 576 256 428,316 974,264

Observe database performance metrics

To further understand the behavior of your database system, use AlloyDB monitoring tools to observe important system metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and transactions per second. For more information, see Monitor instance performance.

For example, after running this benchmark, you can observe in the AlloyDB Overview page in the Google Cloud console that the mean CPU utilization for the 100% cached TPC-C run is almost 90%.

Run a TPC-C benchmark on a 64 vCPU AlloyDB instance

To run a TPC-C benchmark on a 64 vCPU AlloyDB instance, you follow the same setup steps as in Run a TPC-C benchmark, but you use different machine types.

Set up AlloyDB and the client machine

  1. Create an AlloyDB cluster and instance, substituting 64 vCPU, 512GB as the machine type.

  2. Provision the client machine, substituting the n2-standard-64 as the machine type.

  3. Set up the benchmark driver machine.

Run the benchmark

  1. If you are running multiple benchmarks in succession, perform a benchmark cleanup.

  2. Set up the client machine, substituting the following values:

    • Set PGHOST to the Private IP of your new 64 vCPU AlloyDB instance.
    • For the 30% Cached TPC-C scenario, set NUM_WAREHOUSE=12800 and NUM_USERS=1024.
    • For 100% Cached TPC-C scenario, set NUM_WAREHOUSE=2304 and NUM_USERS=1024.
  3. Set up and load a TPC-C database. To speed up the load, change the value of pg_num_vu to 64 in as diset tpcc pg_num_vu 64.

  4. Run the TPC-C benchmark.

Analyze the benchmark results

The following table summarizes benchmark performance results on a 64 vCPU machine:

Benchmark mode NUM_WAREHOUSE NUM_USERS NOPM Cumulative TPM
30% cached 12800 1024 589,598 1,371,160
100% cached 2304 1024 716,138 1,665,438

Run a pgbench TPC-B benchmark

TPC-B (Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark B) is one of the benchmark modes available in pgbench, a benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL. TPC-B simulates a banking scenario in which multiple tellers execute transactions on customer accounts. The workload consists of the following types of transactions:

  • Deposits
  • Withdrawals
  • Balance inquiries

The benchmark measures the performance of the database system by simulating a mix of these transactions and measuring the number of transactions per second that the system can handle.

The TPC-B mode in pgbench generates a synthetic database and simulates a mix of transactions that resembles the TPC-B workload, but it isn't officially certified by the TPC organization. Therefore, while the TPC-B mode in pgbench provides a useful approximation of TPC-B performance, don't use it to claim compliance with TPC-B standards.

Scenarios to measure performance

This section describes how to measure TPC-B performance in the following critical modes. The only parameter that is different in these modes is the value of the SCALE_FACTOR parameter.

Partially-cached database scenario

In this scenario, you set up and initialize a large database (approximately 650 GB in size) by using --scale= 50000. Having a large database that doesn't fit in memory and causes significant disk I/O provides a realistic representation of many production workloads.

A large database that causes significant disk I/O can underscore the importance of database design and query optimization. A large database can also expose performance issues related to disk I/O, such as slow disk access or inefficient queries, that might not be apparent in a small or entirely memory-resident database.

Fully-cached database scenario

In this scenario, you set up and initialize a database of approximately 60GB in size by using --scale=4000 so that it resides in the buffer pool. Benchmarking a memory-resident database is important because it lets you assess the maximum performance of the database system in a controlled environment.

A memory-resident database stores all data in the PostgreSQL buffer pool, eliminating the I/O bottleneck that can occur when accessing data from disk. This mode can help identify performance bottlenecks that aren't related to I/O, such as CPU usage or locking issues, that might not be apparent when you benchmark a database that relies on disk I/O.

Set up the database server and client machine

To set up the infrastructure to run a pgbench TPC-B benchmark, follow These steps:

  1. Create an AlloyDB cluster and instance, substituting 16 vCPU, 128GB as the machine type.

  2. Provision the client machine, substituting E2-standard-16 (minimum) as the machine type.

  3. Set up the benchmark driver machine.

  4. Perform a benchmark cleanup.

Run the pgbench TPC-B benchmark

  1. Connect to the client machine using the following Google Cloud CLI command:

    gcloud compute ssh --zone "PRIMARY_ZONE" "CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME" --project "GOOGLE_PROJECT"
  2. Create the pgbench-setup.env file:

    $ cat << EOF > pgbench-setup.env
    # Private IP of the AlloyDB primary instance
    export PGHOST=<private_ip>
    # Set PGUSER to postgres as a default user.
    export PGUSER=postgres
    # Password set for PGUSER
    export PGPASSWORD=<your pg password>
    # In pgbench, the scale factor represents the size of the test database.
    # and is defined as the number of 1 MB-sized data pages to be generated per client.
    export SCALE_FACTOR=<scale_factor>
    # Number of clients to drive the benchmark in throughput mode
    export NUM_CLIENTS=<num_clients>
  3. Edit the generated setup.env file and replace the following parameter value with values that are suitable to your environment setup.

    • PRIVATE_IP: the private IP of your AlloyDB instance.

    Use the following table to choose <scale_factor> and <num_clients> values. These values must scale with the machine type and database size (fully cached or partially cached). The examples in this guide use SCALE_FACTOR and NUM_CLIENT values corresponding to the n2-highmem-16 machine type.

    Fully Cached Partially Cached
    n2-highmem-2 500 48 6250 32
    n2-highmem-4 1000 96 12500 64
    n2-highmem-8 2000 192 25000 128
    n2-highmem-16 4000 384 50000 256
    n2-highmem-32 8000 768 100000 512
    n2-highmem-64 16000 1536 200000 1024
  4. Create a pgbench database.

    source ./pgbench-setup.env
    psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432
    postgres=> create database pgbench;
  5. Initialize and load the pgbench database by running the following commands. This step ensures that the benchmarking dataset is created and populated with realistic data, which lets you accurately simulate a TPC-B workload on the pgbench database.

    source ./pgbench-setup.env
    sudo nohup pgbench -i --host=$PGHOST --scale=$SCALE_FACTOR pgbench > /tmp/pgbench-tpcb-partially-cached-db-init.out 2>&1

    Expected load times:

    • The partially-cached database takes approximately 6 hours to load.
    • The fully-cached database takes approximately 45 minutes to load.
  6. Optional: Perform a load accuracy check by ensuring that the contents of the /tmp/pgbench-tpcb-partially-cached-db-init.out file are similar to the following:

    generating data (client-side)...
    100000 of 400000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.02 s, remaining 99.82 s)
    .. .. ..
    .. .. ..
    399800000 of 400000000 tuples (99%) done (elapsed 534.60 s, remaining 0.27 s)
    399900000 of 400000000 tuples (99%) done (elapsed 534.72 s, remaining 0.13 s)
    400000000 of 400000000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 534.85 s, remaining 0.00 s)
    creating primary keys...
    done in 1481.92 s (drop tables 0.01 s, create tables 0.04 s, client-side generate 540.93 s, vacuum 615.11 s, primary keys 325.84 s).
  7. Optional: To further validate the accuracy of your load, run the following PostgreSQL command that measures the size of all pgbench tables:

    1. Connect to the pgbench database:

      source ./pgbench-setup.env
      psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U postgres -d pgbench
    2. Run the following SQL command:

      pgbench=> SELECT nspname AS schema_name, relname AS table_name, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS size FROM pg_class C
      LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
      WHERE nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%' AND nspname != 'information_schema'
      ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC;
    3. Compare the output of the previous command with the output that you obtained for the partially-cached database run (SCALE_FACTOR=50000).

       schema_name |                table_name                 |  size
       public      | pgbench_accounts                          | 731 GB
       public      | pgbench_accounts_pkey                     | 105 GB
       public      | pgbench_tellers                           | 32 MB
       public      | pgbench_tellers_pkey                      | 11 MB
       public      | pgbench_branches                          | 2952 kB
       public      | pgbench_branches_pkey                     | 1112 kB
       .. .. ..
       public      | pgbench_history                           | 0 bytes
       .. .. ..
       (29 rows)
  8. Run the following commands to simulate a financial accounting system workload by executing a series of transactions involving deposits, transfers and payments, which lets you measure database performance under a heavy workload.

    source ./pgbench-setup.env
    mkdir -p ~/results/alloydb/pgbench
    sudo nohup pgbench --host=$PGHOST --builtin=tpcb-like --time=3900 --jobs=$NUM_CLIENTS --client=$NUM_CLIENTS --scale=$SCALE_FACTOR --protocol=prepared --progress=1 pgbench > ~/results/alloydb/pgbench/ 2>&1

Analyze the benchmark results

Check the output of the previous command in the ~/results/alloydb/pgbench/ file. The TPS number should be close to the numbers show in the fully-cached database and in the partially-cached database scenarios.

Results with a fully cached database

The output of the last command in Run the pgbench TPC-B benchmark should be similar to the following, where --scale=4000:

transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 4000
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 384
number of threads: 384
duration: 3900 s
number of transactions actually processed: 84819501
latency average = 17.654 ms
latency stddev = 6.963 ms
tps = 21747.831164 (including connections establishing)
tps = 21750.579718 (excluding connections establishing)

To further understand the behavior of the database system, you can monitor system metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and transactions per second by using the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Monitor instances.

Results with a partially cached database

The output of the last command in Run the pgbench TPC-B benchmark should be similar to the following, where --scale=50000:

pgbench: warning: scale option ignored, using count from pgbench_branches table (50000)
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>

scaling factor: 50000
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 384
number of threads: 384
duration: 3900 s
number of transactions actually processed: 68073405
latency average = 21.992 ms
latency stddev = 29.272 ms
tps = 17453.913041 (including connections establishing)
tps = 17460.373303 (excluding connections establishing)

Summary of performance results for a pgbench TPC-B benchmark

The following table summarizes performance results for a pgbench TPC-B benchmark:

TPC-B Scenario SCALE_FACTOR TPS CPU Utilization (%)
Partially cached 50000 17,460 96%
Fully Cached 4000 21,750 94%

Run an Index Insert Only benchmark

The Index Insert Only benchmark is a highly concurrent, write-intensive scenario that is customized in this section to show the performance benefits of AlloyDB for the majority of OLTP applications. To run this benchmark, you create multiple indexes on the pgbench_history table and then repeatedly perform INSERT operations on the pgbench_history table from multiple client connections.

Index Only Insert benchmarks measure the performance of inserting data into a database table specifically focusing on the impact of indexes on the write operation. This benchmark let you understand how quickly new rows can be added to a table with and without indexes, highlighting the potential slowdown caused by index maintenance during inserts.

AlloyDB enhances PostgreSQL write performance, which also improves OLTP workloads. To improve the performance of write-intensive OLTP scenarios, AlloyDB offers architectural innovations including tiered cache layer to help with reads, and a distributed and highly scalable storage engine technology for writes.

Set up AlloyDB and the client machine

To set up the infrastructure to run an Index Only Insert benchmark, follow these steps:

  1. Create an AlloyDB cluster and instance, substituting 16 vCPU and 128 GB RAM as the machine type.

  2. Provision the client machine, substituting E2-standard-16 (minimum) as the machine type.

  3. Set up the benchmark driver machine.

  4. Perform a benchmark cleanup.

Run the Index Insert Only benchmark

  1. Connect to the client machine using the following example command:

    gcloud compute ssh --zone "<primary zone>" "<client machine name>" --project "<google-project>"
  2. Set up the environment by running the following command:

    export PGHOST=<private_ip>
  3. Create a pgbench database using the following the example. If the database already exists, then drop the database and recreate it.

    psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS pgbench"
    psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE pgbench"
  4. Initialize and load the pgbench database to ensure that the benchmarking dataset is created and populated with realistic data. Edit the highlighted parameters and then run the following command:

    sudo nohup pgbench -i  --host=$PGHOST --user=postgres --scale=25000 pgbench > /tmp/pgbench-index-insert-only-init.out 2>&1
    postgres=> create database pgbench;
  5. Verify that the output of the previous command is similar to the following:

    dropping old tables...
    creating tables...
    generating data (client-side)...
    100000 of 2500000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.03 s, remaining 636.43 s)
    200000 of 2500000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.05 s, remaining 649.12 s)
    .. .. ..
    .. .. ..
    2499900000 of 2500000000 tuples (99%) done (elapsed 3425.42 s, remaining 0.14 s)
    2500000000 of 2500000000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 3425.57 s, remaining 0.00 s)
    creating primary keys...
    done in 12851.19 s (drop tables 998.62 s, create tables 0.02 s, client-side generate 3460.33 s, vacuum 5299.93 s, primary keys 3092.29 s).
  6. Create the index-init.sql script using the following commands:

    cat > index-init.sql << EOF
    CREATE INDEX tid ON pgbench_history(tid);
    CREATE INDEX bid ON pgbench_history(bid);
    CREATE INDEX aid ON pgbench_history(aid);
    CREATE INDEX delta ON pgbench_history(delta);
    CREATE INDEX mtime ON pgbench_history(mtime);
  7. Execute the index-init.sql script:

    psql -h $PGHOST -U postgres -d pgbench -f ./index-init.sql
    Password for user postgres:
  8. Optional: Validate the database schema and initial load:

    psql -h $PGHOST -U postgres -d pgbench
    pgbench=> \dt
               List of relations
    Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner
     public | pgbench_accounts | table | postgres
     public | pgbench_branches | table | postgres
     public | pgbench_history  | table | postgres
     public | pgbench_tellers  | table | postgres
    (4 rows)
    pgbench=> \di
                           List of relations
     Schema |         Name          | Type  |  Owner   |      Table
     public | aid                   | index | postgres | pgbench_history
     public | bid                   | index | postgres | pgbench_history
     public | delta                 | index | postgres | pgbench_history
     public | mtime                 | index | postgres | pgbench_history
     public | pgbench_accounts_pkey | index | postgres | pgbench_accounts
     public | pgbench_branches_pkey | index | postgres | pgbench_branches
     public | pgbench_tellers_pkey  | index | postgres | pgbench_tellers
     public | tid                   | index | postgres | pgbench_history
    (8 rows)

    After the load, The database size is expected to be around 365 GB:

    pgbench=> \l+ pgbench
                             List of databases
    Name     |      Owner       | Encoding | Collate |  Ctype  |           Access privileges           |  Size  | Tablespace |                Description
     pgbench      | postgres         | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 |                                       | 365 GB | pg_default |
  9. Create the index-inserts-only.sql script using the following commands:

    cat > index-inserts-only.sql << EOF
    \set aid random(1, 1000000000)
    \set bid random(1, 1000000000)
    \set tid random(1, 1000000000)
    \set delta random(-500000000, 500000000)
    INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
  10. Run the pgbench benchmark using following command:

    sudo nohup pgbench --host=$PGHOST --user=postgres --time=3900 --client=256 --jobs=256 --scale=25000 --progress=1 --file=./index-inserts-only.sql pgbench > /tmp/pgbench-index-insert-only-run.out 2>&1

Analyze the benchmark results

Verify the output of the previous command in the /tmp/pgbench-index-insert-only-run.out file. You should see approximately 52K transactions per second and a CPU utilization rate of ~88% during this benchmark test, as shown in the following example output.

scaling factor: 25000
query mode: simple
number of clients: 256
number of threads: 256
duration: 3900 s
number of transactions actually processed: 201785196
latency average = 4.947 ms
latency stddev = 3.488 ms
tps = 51738.604613 (including connections establishing)
tps = 51742.459757 (excluding connections establishing)

Run a Select Only benchmark on a 64 vCPU Instance

pgbench supports a built-in, select-only scenario that repeatedly executes SELECT queries from multiple client connections against a specified database. This benchmark is used to measure the read performance of the database, without introducing the overhead of data modification operations like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. These SELECT queries are point lookup queries that are the fastest and most efficient type of select queries because they involve accessing only a single row of data directly from the index structures.

Running a Select Only benchmark helps you achieve the following:

  • Achieving maximum throughput: Because point lookups on an index are the most efficient form of queries in a database system, you can measure maximum possible throughput that AlloyDB can achieve.

  • Scalability: Select only benchmarks help you test the scalability of AlloyDB from 2 vCPU to the maximum vCPU configuration offered by AlloyDB.

Set up AlloyDB and the client machine

Set up AlloyDB and the client machine on a 64 vCPU machine type.

Run the Select Only benchmark

  1. Connect to the client machine using the following example command:

    gcloud compute ssh --zone "PRIMARY_ZONE" "CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME" --project "GOOGLE_PROJECT"
  2. Set up the environment using the following command:

    export PGHOST=<private_ip>
  3. Create the pgbench database using the following the example:

    psql -h $PGHOST -p 5432 -U postgres
    postgres=> create database pgbench;
  4. Initialize the pgbench database. The following command initializes the pgbench database with approximately 220 GB of realistic data. You use --scale=15000 for the fully cached Select Only benchmark.

    Run the following command:

    sudo nohup pgbench -i --host=$PGHOST --user=postgres --scale=15000 pgbench > /tmp/pgbench-select-only-init.out 2>&1
  5. Verify that the output of previous command is similar to the following:

    cat /tmp/pgbench-select-only-init.out
    nohup: ignoring input
    dropping old tables...
    creating tables...
    generating data (client-side)...
    100000 of 1500000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.01 s, remaining 161.60 s)
    200000 of 1500000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.03 s, remaining 224.35 s)
    300000 of 1500000000 tuples (0%) done (elapsed 0.09 s, remaining 448.97 s)
    .. .. ..
    .. .. ..
    1499900000 of 1500000000 tuples (99%) done (elapsed 1251.03 s, remaining 0.08 s)
    1500000000 of 1500000000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 1251.10 s, remaining 0.00 s)
    creating primary keys...
    done in 2204.62 s (drop tables 2.29 s, create tables 0.01 s, client-side generate 1271.82 s, vacuum 427.83 s, primary keys 502.66 s).
  6. Run pgbench. This final benchmarking step takes over one hour to complete.

    sudo nohup pgbench --host=$PGHOST --user=postgres  --builtin=select-only --time=3900 --jobs=256 --client=256 --scale=15000 --protocol=simple --progress=1 pgbench > /tmp/pgbench-select-only-run.out  2>&1
  7. After the benchmark completes, check the /tmp/pgbench-select-only-run.out file for the final results.

Analyze the benchmark results

You should observe observed approximately 467k transactions per second and a CPU utilization rate of ~95% during this benchmark test, as shown in the following example output.

cat /tmp/pgbench-select-only-run.out
transaction type: <builtin: select only>
scaling factor: 15000
query mode: simple
number of clients: 256
number of threads: 256
duration: 3900 s
number of transactions actually processed: 1823506174
latency average = 0.547 ms
latency stddev = 0.267 ms
tps = 467563.144333 (including connections establishing)
tps = 467583.398400 (excluding connections establishing)

AlloyDB benchmark results summary

The following tables summarize the AlloyDB benchmark results based on the testing performed in this document.

HammerDB TPC-C performance summary

AlloyDB Machine Type TPC-C Workload Scenario NUM_WAREHOUSE NUM_USERS New Orders Per Minute (NOPM) Cumulative TPM Converted to TPS
16vCPU 30% cached 3200 256 252,970 582,385 9,706
16vCPU 100% cached 576 256 428,316 974,264 16,238
64vCPU 30% cached 12800 1024 589,598 1,371,160 22,853
64vCPU 100% cached 2304 1024 716,138 1,665,438 27,757

pgbench performance summary

AlloyDB Machine Type pgbench Workload Scenario Scale Factor TPS CPU %
16vCPU TPC-B Like, Fully Cached 4000 20,359 96%
16vCPU TPC-B Like, Partially Cached 50000 14,060 94%
16vCPU Index inserts only 25000 51,742 88%
64vCPU Max. Throughput (Select Only) 15000 467,583 95%

Run OLTP benchmarking on Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

You can test equivalent OLTP performance on PostgreSQL in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL on a 16 vCPU machine type for comparative analysis. This section describes how to set up a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL (or any PostgreSQL server deployed on the infrastructure of your choice) that is comparable to the AlloyDB setup that is used in this guide to benchmark OLTP performance. In this scenario includes choosing 16vCPU SKU, enabling high availability (HA), and pre-configuring with storage.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  5. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  6. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  7. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  8. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  9. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  10. If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

  11. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  12. Make sure you have the Cloud SQL Admin and Compute Viewer roles on your user account.

    Go to the IAM page

    Learn more about roles and permissions.

Provision a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance

  1. Create a PostgreSQL instance, substituting the following values:

    • Database version: PostgreSQL 14
    • Choose a configuration to start with: Production
    • Choose region and zonal availability: Select us-central1 as the region.
    • Zonal availability: Multiple zones (Highly Available)
      • Primary zone: us-central1-c
      • Secondary zone: us-central-1-f
    • Machine type: High Memory 16 vCPU, 104 GB machine. This is the closest machine that Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL offers to the matching AlloyDB instance that you created in the AlloyDB benchmarking section of this document.
    • Storage capacity: Custom, 1500 GB
      • Enable automatic storage increases
    • Encryption: Google-owned and Google-managed encryption key
    • Connections: Private IP
      • Network: default
      • Public IP: Enabled
  2. Click Create instance.

  3. After the PostgreSQL instance is created, make a note of the Private IP address. You use the IP as PGHOST to establish connections with the benchmark.

Provision the client machine

  1. Provision a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance. To run the OLTP benchmark of your choice, you need a client machine with significant CPU power in the same zone as the primary Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance in Cloud SQL.

  2. Optional: As an alternative to the previous step, you can use the same client machine that you set up for AlloyDB benchmarking, provided that the following is true:

    • The client machine is located in the same zone as the new PostgreSQL (Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL) primary instance.
    • The client machine meets the minimum CPU, RAM, and disk size requirements.

    In this benchmarking guide, you reused the client machines when they were collocated in the same zone as the primary instance, and when they were large enough to bring the server to its full capacity.

  3. If you created a new client machine, set up the benchmark driver machine. Otherwise, follow the instructions in this guide for the benchmark that you're interested in running.

What's next