Monitor backup and restore jobs in Google Cloud console

This page explains how to view backup and restore jobs in the Google Cloud console.

The jobs feature in the Backup and DR Service lets you view the status of backup and restore jobs of resources, such as Compute Engine instances. You can view the total number of jobs run, succeeded, failed, skipped, and running in a particular period of time. By default, the jobs page displays the jobs of one day, which is the last 24 hours. You can change the frequency to 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, or 7 days. You can configure a log-based alert to receive notifications when an alert occurs. For instructions, see Configure a log-based alert for vaulted resources.

The jobs feature displays the jobs status only for the Compute Engine instances. If you want to view the jobs of other resources such as Google Cloud VMware Engine, file system, or database resources that use backup templates, go to the Jobs page in the management console. For more information, see Monitor jobs.

Before you begin

View backup and restore jobs in Google Cloud console

Use the following instructions to view backup and restore jobs in the Google Cloud console.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Jobs page.

    Go to Jobs

  2. From the analysis section, click Jobs.

Backup and restore job details

The backup and restore job details section displays the following information.

  • Job ID: the ID associated with the job.
  • Job category: the type of job, which can be scheduled backup, on-demand backup, or restore.
  • Job status: the status of the job, which can be successful, failed, skipped, or running.
  • Resource name: the name of the protected resource.
  • Source project name: the name of the project where the source is created.
  • Resource location: the location of the protected resource.
  • Backup plan name: the name of the backup plan associated with the resource. The backup plan name field remainsNull` for the restore jobs.
  • Backup rule: the name of the backup rule that triggered the backup job.
  • backup vault name: the name of the backup vault where the backups are stored.
  • Backup project name: the name of the backup project where your backup vault and backup plan are created.
  • Incremental backup size GiB: The amount of incremental backup data copied in GiB.
  • Start time: the start time of the job. The start time is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS UTC format.
  • Duration: the duration took to complete the job.
  • Error type: the name of the error type. For example, PERMISSION_DENIED. The error type is displayed as Null if no error occurred for the job.
  • Error message: the error message for the failed job. The error message is displayed as Null if no error occurred for the job.
  • Error code: the error code associated for the failed job. The error code is displayed as Null if no error occurred for the job.
  • End time: the end time of the job. The end time is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS UTC format.
  • Backup name: for backup jobs, the backup name is a system generated name for the backup in the form of UUID. For restore jobs, the backup name is the name of the backup used to perform the restore.
  • Restore project name: the name of the project where the backup is being restored.
  • Restore resource name: the name of the resource that gets created after the successful restoration.
  • Resource type: the type of resource.
  • Resource ID: the ID of the resource.