A Backup and DR Workflow automates access to backup data. While backup plan policy templates govern the automated backup of production data, Backup and DR Workflow automate access to that data. Workflows can run according to a schedule or on demand. Workflows are built with backups of production data. Workflows can present the backup data as a LiveClone, a virtual application, or as a file system mount that contains the application data.
Backup and DR Workflow benefits
Backup and DR Workflows have the following benefits:
Work environments can be updated with production data as soon as new data is available without having to wait days or even weeks for a DBA or system administrator to do the provisioning. This also frees the DBAs and system administrators from constantly provisioning and refreshing work environments.
Work environments can be updated on a predefined schedule or on demand.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is streamlined. Backup and DR can provision virtual applications (virtual copies of production applications) in UAT environments using the same databases and environments that exist in production.
Users can quickly and efficiently reproduce and address issues using the latest production data in a secure, isolated environment.
Software updates can be applied and tested, using the latest production data before being released in to a production environment.
Multiple teams can work in parallel and instantly access their own copy or virtual copy of production data.
Backup and DR Workflows take provisioning one step further by providing the ability to scrub images of sensitive data. For those applications that contain sensitive data, a Backup and DR Workflow can include a step that creates a LiveClone and then automatically runs a script to mask the sensitive data.
The LiveClone with masked data can then be mounted as a virtual application or the LiveClone's data to provision a work environment. For example, consider the case where backups of production data contains social security numbers. A Backup and DR Workflow could do the following:
- Prep-mount the backup data as a LiveClone so a script can scrub the social security numbers from the data.
- Mount the scrubbed LiveClone as a virtual application using an application aware mount.
- Flag the scrubbed virtual application as non-sensitive.
Once a Backup and DR Workflow completes, users can access the server on which the virtual application has been mounted and use the data as needed. Access to the data is controlled by the server on which the data is mounted. This ability allows users to self-provision their environments with virtual applications of production data while at the same time maintaining data security.
Backup and DR Workflow data access methods
Backup and DR Workflows present backups of data as application aware mounts, LiveClones, or standard mounts.
Direct mount
Direct mounts are used when application data does not need to be scrubbed before it is mounted and made available to users. The application data can be mounted with a standard mount as just the data, as a virtual application, or as both the data and as a virtual application. Direct mounts make backup data available almost instantly without actually moving data.
Application aware mount
The Backup and DR application aware mount feature provides instant access to an application as a virtual application without actually moving data. Applications can be mounted on any application server. If the application is a database, and its logs have been backed up, you can use the logs to roll the database forward to a point in time. Application aware mounts are performed from the backup/recovery appliance and don't require manual intervention by application, database, server, or storage administrators.
Once an application aware mount finishes, the virtual application can be backed up like any other application. This capability is particularly useful when a problem is encountered with a virtual application. Users can roll back their copy of the virtual application to a point where the issue does not exist, while other users troubleshoot the problematic version.
A LiveClone is an independent copy of an application that can be refreshed on a schedule or on demand. LiveClones are typically used in workflows when an application contains sensitive data which must be scrubbed before it is mounted and made available to users. This allows teams such as development and test to use production quality data without exposing sensitive data and interfering with the production environment. LiveClones are updated on demand or according to a schedule defined in the workflow.
Manage workflows
You can create Backup and DR Workflows for database applications and consistency groups.
Create backup data for Backup and DR Workflows
Backup and DR Workflows are made up of backed up application data. If you are backing up data specifically for Backup and DR Workflow purposes, the backup operation is no different than backing up data for other purposes.
Use these instructions to create backup data for Backup and DR Workflows:
- Define policy templates and resource profiles according to your RPOs and RTOs.
- Install the Backup and DR agent on source hosts that have access to the application data.
- Add these servers as new hosts.
- Discover applications on the added hosts.
- Apply policy templates and resource profiles to these applications.
Create workflows
Use these instructions to create a Backup and DR Workflow:
- Click the App Manager tab and select Workflows from the drop-down menu.
Click the drop-down menu option on the lower right corner of the page and select Run Workflows. Alternatively, right-click the application and select Run Workflows.
The Run Workflow page opens. If the application has any existing workflows, they are listed here.
Click Add Workflow and add basic configuration details.
In Workflow Name, enter a unique name for the workflow. Note: Backup and DR Workflow names cannot include special characters.
From the Appliance drop-down, select the appliance where you want this Backup and DR Workflow to run.
- Configure the type, schedule and other Backup and DR Workflow details following the instructions in Create direct mount workflows and in Create LiveClone workflows.
Edit a Backup and DR Workflow
When editing a Backup and DR Workflow, you cannot update the following Backup and DR Workflow properties:
- Backup and DR Workflow name
- Backup and DR Workflow type
- Appliance
- Schedule type
You can make changes to other Backup and DR Workflow properties following these instructions.
Use these instructions to edit a Backup and DR Workflow:
Click the App Manager tab and select Workflows from the drop-down menu.
The Workflows page opens.
Select a managed application or Consistency Group with the Backup and DR Workflow you want to edit.
Right-click the application and from the drop-down menu, select Edit.
The Edit Workflow page opens.
Alternately, select the application and then choose Edit from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Applications Workflows window.
Make the required changes using instructions in creating workflows topics.
- To edit a Backup and DR Workflow of type direct mount, see Create direct mount workflows
- To edit a Backup and DR Workflow of type LiveClone mount, see Create LiveClone workflows
Disable a Backup and DR Workflow
Use these instructions to disable a Backup and DR Workflow:
- From the App Manager tab, select Workflows from the drop-down menu. The Workflows page opens.
- Select the Backup and DR Workflow you want to delete.
Right-click and select Disable. Alternately, select the workflow and then choose Disable from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Workflow Application Dashboard page.
You are prompted to confirm your action.
Click Confirm to disable the workflow. The Workflow Application Dashboard page refreshes and the Backup and DR Workflow is listed with the Current Status of Disabled.
You can enable a disabled Backup and DR Workflow as necessary.
Enable a disabled Backup and DR Workflow
You can enable a disabled Backup and DR Workflow using these instructions.
Use these instructions to enable a disabled Backup and DR Workflow:
- Click App Manager and select Workflows from the drop-down menu.
- Select the application that you want to enable.
- Right-click the application and select Enable from the drop-down menu. You are prompted to confirm your action.
- Alternately, select the application and then choose Enable from the drop-down list at the bottom of the workflows window.
- Click Confirm to enable the workflow.
Delete a Backup and DR Workflow
Use these instructions to delete a Backup and DR Workflow:
Click App Manager and select Applications from the drop-down menu.
The Application page opens.
From the left panel, select Managed and select the application that you want to delete.
Right-click the application and from the drop-down menu, select Manage Workflows.
The Workflow Application Dashboard page opens.
Alternately, select the application and then choose Manage Workflows from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Applications window.
Select the Backup and DR Workflow you want to delete.
Right-click and select Delete. Alternately, select the workflow and then choose Delete from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Workflow Application Dashboard page.
Click Confirm to delete the workflow. The Workflow Application Dashboard page refreshes and the Backup and DR Workflow is no longer listed.