

Class LocalBasementServiceTestConfig

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.google.appengine.tools.development.testing.LocalBasementServiceTestConfig
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LocalBasementServiceTestConfig
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements LocalServiceTestConfig
    Config for accessing the LocalBasementService in tests. In order to verify that the expected data is being written, you will first need to provide an OutputStream for the data to be written to:
       private ByteArrayOutputStream protoStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       LocalServiceTestHelper helper;
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalBasementServiceTestConfig

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalBasementService

        public static LocalBasementService getLocalBasementService()
      • setLogToSawmillProtoStream

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setLogToSawmillProtoStream(java.io.OutputStream out)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will write a request's final merged proto to the specified OutputStream. If this method is not called or is called with null, the final merged proto will not be written. Defaults to null and must be called (note: only applies to unit tests, in the Dev App Server defaults to writing to the filesystem). The final merged proto is only written once the request is over. You can indicate this to the unit test by either calling LocalServiceTestHelper#endRequest() or LocalServiceTestHelper#tearDown(). This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper#setUp().
        out - A non-closed OutputStream.
        itself for call chaining
      • setLogToSawmillEnable

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setLogToSawmillEnable(boolean b)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService with the specified enable state. When disabled, the entry points will throw just like the production environment when the app is missing the SAWMILL_APP_EXTENSIONS_ENABLE permission. Defaults to true. This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper#setUp().
        b - True to allow the service to log.
        itself for call chaining
      • setLogToSawmillIgnore

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setLogToSawmillIgnore(boolean b)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService with the specified ignore state. When ignored, LogToSawmillService#log(byte[]) will drop all date and the entry points will indicate this in their return value. Defaults to false. This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper#setUp().
        b - False to allow the service to log.
        itself for call chaining
      • setLogToSawmillLogEveryCall

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setLogToSawmillLogEveryCall(boolean b)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will log every call to LogToSawmillService#log(byte[]) with Logger. Defaults to false (note: only applies to unit tests; in the Dev App Server defaults to true). This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper#setUp().
        b - True to have the local service log each call.
        itself for call chaining
      • setGaiaMintEmail

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setGaiaMintEmail(java.lang.String email)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will return the specified email address from calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint. Defaults to "example@example.com". This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        email - The email address to return from GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • setGaiaMintUserId

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setGaiaMintUserId(java.lang.String userId)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will return the specified user id from calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint. Defaults to "135705915318242114242". This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        userId - The user id to return from GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • setGaiaMintAuthDomain

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setGaiaMintAuthDomain(java.lang.String authDomain)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will return the specified auth domain from calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint. Defaults to "gmail.com". This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        authDomain - The auth domain to return from GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • setGaiaMintIsAdmin

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setGaiaMintIsAdmin(boolean isAdmin)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will return whether the user is an admin from calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint. Defaults to false. This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        isAdmin - Whether to make the user an admin in calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • setGaiaMintGaiaId

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setGaiaMintGaiaId(long gaiaId)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that it will return the specified gaid ID from calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint. Defaults to 8242114242L. This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        authDomain - The gaia ID to return from GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • addGaiaMintAllowedScope

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig addGaiaMintAllowedScope(GaiaMintScopeCode.ScopeCode allowedScope)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService so that the specific GaiaMintScopeCode.ScopeCode is allowed. Calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint with non allowed scopes will fail. If the allowed list of scopes code is empty or it includes GaiaMintScopeCode.ScopeCode#API_ALL_SCOPES all scopes will be allowed. This method must be called prior to calling LocalServiceTestHelper.setUp().
        allowedScope - A GaiaMintScopeCode.ScopeCode to allow for calls to GaiaMintService#getUserinfoFromGaiaMint.
        itself for call chaining
      • setOneGoogleStub

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setOneGoogleStub(OneGoogleServerProto.OneGoogleService.Stub stub)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService to use the the specified OneGoogleServerProto.OneGoogleService.Stub to send RPCs to the OneGoogleService server.
        stub - a OneGoogleServerProto.OneGoogleService.Stub
        itself for call chaining
      • setClock

        public LocalBasementServiceTestConfig setClock(Clock clock)
        Configure the LocalBasementServiceTestConfig to create the LocalBasementService to use the specified (@link com.google.common.time.Clock) when determing the current time.
        clock - a com.google.common.time.Clock
        itself for call chaining