Prerequisites for SAP observability

This document describes the prerequisites for setting up the observability service in Workload Manager that helps you monitor your SAP workloads running on Google Cloud.

Prerequisite Description
Enable APIs Enable the following APIs in your project:
Grant IAM roles and permissions to the service agent Grant the required roles and permissions to the Workload Manager service agent. For more information, see Workload Manager service agent roles and permissions.
Grant IAM roles and permissions to users Users who view the observability dashboards must have or be granted the required roles and permissions. For more information, see IAM roles and permissions for the user.
Configure each VM that runs the SAP system Grant required roles to the service account attached to the VM and configure access scopes. For more information, see Configure each VM to send the required information.
Install and configure Ops agent Install the Ops Agent and configure the agent to collect the infrastructure metrics. For more information, see Install and configure Ops Agent.

Enable the Workload Manager API

The Workload Manager API must be enabled in the project where you want to monitor your SAP workloads. For more information, see Enable Workload Manager.

Enable additional APIs

Workload Manager uses data stored in other cloud services. In addition to the Workload Manager API, these additional APIs must be enabled in each project.

These APIs are checked automatically when accessing the observability service within the Workload Manager. If they are not enabled, users with the necessary permissions can enable them at that time.

  • Cloud Monitoring API
  • Cloud Logging API
  • Cloud Asset API

There are also a variety of APIs that are likely already enabled in order to run an SAP workload on Google Cloud. These APIs can vary based on your chosen configuration and workloads that are being run.

Workload Manager service agent IAM permissions and roles

Workload Manager uses a service agent, which needs the necessary permissions to access metrics and information from Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Logging, and other information that is displayed on the observability dashboards for SAP.

The following IAM roles should be assigned to the Workload Manager service agent, which has the email Alternatively, you can create custom roles that contain the necessary permissions and assign them to the Workload Manager service agent.

Role Required permissions
Workload Manager service agent workloadmanager.insights.listSapSystems

When navigating to the observability dashboard, Workload Manager checks if the Workload Manager service agent has the required role. Users who have the necessary permissions can grant the missing roles.

IAM roles and permissions for the user

To view systems and workloads in the observability dashboards of Workload Manager, you need to grant the following IAM roles to the user.

Role Permissions
Workload Manager Workload Viewer resourcemanager.projects.get

In addition to the Workload Manager Workload Viewer role, the user must be granted the following roles to use all features in the observability service.

To view all the relevant observability information for SAP, grant the following roles:

  • Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer)
  • Logs Viewer (roles/logging.viewer)

To create custom dashboards, grant the following role:

  • Monitoring Editor (roles/monitoring.editor)

Additional permissions might be required to use the optional features. For example, the Application and Database dashboards include a list of VMs in each layer and a link to SSH, but permissions for SSH connection must be granted in addition to other roles.

Configure each VM to send the required information

The following steps must be completed on each Compute Engine VM in an SAP system that you want to include on the observability dashboards.

Service account

The service account that is attached to each VM instance needs to have the following IAM roles in order to call the required Google Cloud APIs for the agents to collect and send the necessary information.

IAM Role Name IAM Role
Compute Viewer roles/compute.viewer
Monitoring Viewer roles/monitoring.viewer
Monitoring Metric Writer roles/monitoring.metricWriter
Secret Manager Secret Accessor* roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
Workload Manager Insights Writer roles/workloadmanager.insightWriter

*Only required on SAP HANA instances and if you are storing the necessary read-access credentials using Secret Manager. This role is not required on non-HANA instances or on HANA instances if authenticating using hdbuserstore keys.

API access scope

If you attach the Compute Engine default service account to the VMs, you must set the access scope that controls the level of access the VM has to Cloud APIs.

Verify that the Access Scope on any instance using the Compute Engine default service account is either set to Allow full access to all Cloud APIs or has access to the following APIs at a minimum if you are controlling using Set access for each API:

API Access required
Compute Engine Read-only or Read Write
Cloud Monitoring API Write Only or Full
Cloud Logging API Write Only or Full
Cloud Platform Enabled

Install and configure Ops Agent

To collect the underlying infrastructure metrics and to send these metrics to Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging for observability, you must install the Ops Agent on every VM that runs your SAP system.

After installation, configure the Ops Agent's hostmetrics settings. The default collection interval for host metrics is 60s. For more information, see Changing the collection interval in the metrics receivers.

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