Function: http.put

Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URL.

For more information, see Make an HTTP request.




The URL to send the request to.



The request timeout, in seconds (default: 300.0). If the request takes longer than the timeout, a TimeoutError is raised. The maximum allowed timeout is 1800 seconds.

body If present, the request body (PUT requests do generally require a body). If a Content-Type header is not specified and if the body value is bytes, the header is set to Content-Type: application/octet-stream; otherwise, the body is JSON-encoded and the header is set to Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8.
headers The HTTP request headers. If present, must be a map of strings. If a Content-Type header is specified, the request body is encoded as prescribed. For example, it might be JSON or URL-encoded.
query Optional query parameters. If present, must be a map that will get URL-encoded and appended to the URL. The map values must be strings, ints, floats, booleans, or lists of those.
auth Optional authentication properties. If present, must be a map with type attribute in ["OIDC", "OAuth2"]. A scopes key is also supported. For details, see Make authenticated requests to Google Cloud APIs.


If present, private_service_name must be a string that specifies a registered Service Directory service name with format projects/my-project/locations/us-east1/namespaces/ my-namespace/services/my-service.



If present, ca_certificate must be a bytes value describing a custom CA certificate in DER format that will be used in place of the standard certificate pool. The certificate must be signed by a subject alternative name as defined by RFC 3280.


The HTTP response as a map with body, code (status code), and headers attributes.

Raised exceptions

ConnectionError In case of a network problem (DNS failure, truncated response, etc.).
ConnectionFailedError When the connection is halted during transfer (failed connection, refused connection, etc.).
TimeoutError When the specified timeout is reached before the response is received.
HttpError If the response status is >= 400.
ValueError If timeout is > 1800. If the URL is invalid or if authType is present and URL is invalid for the given authType. If the private_service_name is invalid. If private_service_name is present and URL contains a port. If ca_certificate is present and not of type bytes.


# Make a `PUT` request to an external HTTP endpoint
- send_message:
    call: http.put
        some_val: "Hello World"
        another_val: 123
    result: the_message
- return_value:
    return: ${the_message.body}