Method: projects.locations.corroborateContent

Given an input text, it returns a score that evaluates the factuality of the text. It also extracts and returns claims from the text and provides supporting facts.



Path parameters

parent string

Required. The resource name of the Location from which to corroborate text. The users must have permission to make a call in the project. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}.

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

facts[] object (Fact)

Optional. Facts used to generate the text can also be used to corroborate the text.

parameters object (Parameters)

Optional. Parameters that can be set to override default settings per request.

content object (Content)

Optional. Input content to corroborate, only text format is supported for now.

Response body

Response message for locations.corroborateContent.

If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:

claims[] object (Claim)

Claims that are extracted from the input content and facts that support the claims.

corroborationScore number

confidence score of corroborating content. value is [0,1] with 1 is the most confidence.

JSON representation
  "claims": [
      object (Claim)
  "corroborationScore": number


Parameters that can be overrided per request.

citationThreshold number

Optional. Only return claims with citation score larger than the threshold.

JSON representation
  "citationThreshold": number


Claim that is extracted from the input text and facts that support it.

factIndexes[] integer

Indexes of the facts supporting this claim.

startIndex integer

Index in the input text where the claim starts (inclusive).

endIndex integer

Index in the input text where the claim ends (exclusive).

score number

confidence score of this corroboration.

JSON representation
  "factIndexes": [
  "startIndex": integer,
  "endIndex": integer,
  "score": number