Method: projects.locations.ragCorpora.ragFiles.import

Import files from Google Cloud Storage or Google Drive into a RagCorpus.



Path parameters

parent string

Required. The name of the RagCorpus resource into which to import files. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/ragCorpora/{ragCorpus}

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

importRagFilesConfig object (ImportRagFilesConfig)

Required. The config for the RagFiles to be synced and imported into the RagCorpus. VertexRagDataService.ImportRagFiles.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of Operation.


Config for importing RagFiles.

ragFileChunkingConfig object (RagFileChunkingConfig)

Specifies the size and overlap of chunks after importing RagFiles.

ragFileParsingConfig object (RagFileParsingConfig)

Specifies the parsing config for RagFiles.

maxEmbeddingRequestsPerMin integer

Optional. The max number of queries per minute that this job is allowed to make to the embedding model specified on the corpus. This value is specific to this job and not shared across other import jobs. Consult the Quotas page on the project to set an appropriate value here. If unspecified, a default value of 1,000 QPM would be used.

Union field import_source. The source of the import. import_source can be only one of the following:
gcsSource object (GcsSource)

Google Cloud Storage location. Supports importing individual files as well as entire Google Cloud Storage directories. Sample formats: - gs://bucketName/my_directory/objectName/my_file.txt - gs://bucketName/my_directory

googleDriveSource object (GoogleDriveSource)

Google Drive location. Supports importing individual files as well as Google Drive folders.

slackSource object (SlackSource)

Slack channels with their corresponding access tokens.

jiraSource object (JiraSource)

Jira queries with their corresponding authentication.

sharePointSources object (SharePointSources)

SharePoint sources.

Union field partial_failure_sink. Optional. If provided, all partial failures are written to the sink. partial_failure_sink can be only one of the following:
partialFailureGcsSink object (GcsDestination)

The Cloud Storage path to write partial failures to.

partialFailureBigquerySink object (BigQueryDestination)

The BigQuery destination to write partial failures to. It should be a bigquery table resource name (e.g. "bq://projectId.bqDatasetId.bqTableId"). If the dataset id does not exist, it will be created. If the table does not exist, it will be created with the expected schema. If the table exists, the schema will be validated and data will be added to this existing table.

JSON representation
  "ragFileChunkingConfig": {
    object (RagFileChunkingConfig)
  "ragFileParsingConfig": {
    object (RagFileParsingConfig)
  "maxEmbeddingRequestsPerMin": integer,

  // Union field import_source can be only one of the following:
  "gcsSource": {
    object (GcsSource)
  "googleDriveSource": {
    object (GoogleDriveSource)
  "slackSource": {
    object (SlackSource)
  "jiraSource": {
    object (JiraSource)
  "sharePointSources": {
    object (SharePointSources)
  // End of list of possible types for union field import_source.

  // Union field partial_failure_sink can be only one of the following:
  "partialFailureGcsSink": {
    object (GcsDestination)
  "partialFailureBigquerySink": {
    object (BigQueryDestination)
  // End of list of possible types for union field partial_failure_sink.


The BigQuery location for the output content.

outputUri string

Required. BigQuery URI to a project or table, up to 2000 characters long.

When only the project is specified, the Dataset and Table is created. When the full table reference is specified, the Dataset must exist and table must not exist.

Accepted forms:

  • BigQuery path. For example: bq://projectId or bq://projectId.bqDatasetId or bq://projectId.bqDatasetId.bqTableId.
JSON representation
  "outputUri": string


Specifies the parsing config for RagFiles.

useAdvancedPdfParsing boolean

Whether to use advanced PDF parsing.

JSON representation
  "useAdvancedPdfParsing": boolean