Using Google Cloud platform and service metrics

Applications hosted in Google Cloud that take advantage of services beyond core infrastructure benefit from the observability capabilities built into these services, such as automatic integration with Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging.

This section reviews some of the services available in Google Cloud to host request-response and data-processing applications and describes how to use the Monitoring metrics exposed by them as SLIs. It then provides implementation examples and additional resources.

Google Cloud services are grouped into the following types:

  • Request-response services, in which customers explicitly ask a service to do some work and wait for the work to be successfully completed. These services include the following:

    • Cloud Endpoints
    • Cloud Run
    • Cloud Run functions
    • App Engine
    • Google Kubernetes Engine, including Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine

    For information on implementing SLIs for these services, see Request-response services.

  • Data storage and retrieval services, which store or provide data as the response to a request. These services include the following:

    • Cloud Storage
    • Bigtable
    • Spanner
    • Datastore

    For information on implementing SLIs for these services, see Data storage and retrieval services.

  • Data-processing services, which process data provided by customers and return the result of that processing, either as the result of a request or as a continual feed. These services include the following:

    • Dataflow
    • Dataproc

    For information on implementing SLIs for these services, see Data-processing services.