Quotas and limits

This document provides quota and limit information for Google Cloud Observability. For service-specific quota and limit information, see the following documents:

Telemetry API limits

This section lists the limits that apply when the Telemetry (OTLP) API is used to ingest trace data. This API, which implements the OpenTelemetry OTLP API, is designed for use with applications that are instrumented by using one of the OpenTelemetry SDKs.

Description Value
Maximum size of attribute keys 512 bytes
Maximum size of attribute values 64 KiB
Maximum size of a Span* object's name 1024 bytes
Maximum number of attributes attached to a Span* object 1024
Maximum number of resource attributes per ResourceSpans* object 1024
Maximum number of attributes per ResourceSpan* object
Includes attributes attached to child objects of the following types:
Resource, Span, ScopeSpans, Event, and Link.
Maximum number of Event* objects per Span* object 256
Maximum number of Link* objects per Span* object 128
Maximum size of an Event* object's name 1024 bytes
Maximum number of attributes per Event* object 1024
Maximum attributes per Link* object 1024
Maximum size of schema URLs 8192 bytes
*  For a definition of this structure, see the OpenTelemetry trace.proto.

View and manage your quota

To learn more about quotas, including how to view and manage your quota, see Working with quotas.

To view your current quota usage, in the Google Cloud console, go to APIs & Services or click the following button:

Go to APIs & Services