GQL functions

All GoogleSQL functions are supported, including the following GQL-specific functions:

Function list

Name Summary
DESTINATION_NODE_ID Gets a unique identifier of a graph edge's destination node.
ELEMENT_ID Gets a graph element's unique identifier.
LABELS Gets the labels associated with a graph element.
PROPERTY_NAMES Gets the property names associated with a graph element.
SOURCE_NODE_ID Gets a unique identifier of a graph edge's source node.




Gets a unique identifier of a graph edge's destination node. The unique identifier is only valid for the scope of the query where it is obtained.


  • edge_element: A GRAPH_ELEMENT value that represents an edge.


Returns NULL if edge_element is NULL.

Return type



GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (:Person)-[o:Owns]->(a:Account)
RETURN AS account_id, DESTINATION_NODE_ID(o) AS destination_node_id

 |account_id | destination_node_id          |
 | 7         | mUZpbkdyYXBoLkFjY291bnQAeJEO |
 | 16        | mUZpbkdyYXBoLkFjY291bnQAeJEg |
 | 20        | mUZpbkdyYXBoLkFjY291bnQAeJEo |

Note that the actual identifiers obtained may be different from what's shown above.




Gets a graph element's unique identifier. The unique identifier is only valid for the scope of the query where it is obtained.


  • element: A GRAPH_ELEMENT value.


Returns NULL if element is NULL.

Return type



GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (p:Person)-[o:Owns]->(:Account)
RETURN AS name, ELEMENT_ID(p) AS node_element_id, ELEMENT_ID(o) AS edge_element_id

 | name | node_element_id              | edge_element_id         .                                                                            |
 | Alex | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQI= | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbk93bkFjY291bnQAeJECkQ6ZRmluR3JhcGguUGVyc29uAHiRAplGaW5HcmFwaC5BY2NvdW50AHiRDg== |
 | Dana | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQQ= | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbk93bkFjY291bnQAeJEGkSCZRmluR3JhcGguUGVyc29uAHiRBplGaW5HcmFwaC5BY2NvdW50AHiRIA== |
 | Lee  | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQY= | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbk93bkFjY291bnQAeJEEkSiZRmluR3JhcGguUGVyc29uAHiRBJlGaW5HcmFwaC5BY2NvdW50AHiRKA== |

Note that the actual identifiers obtained may be different from what's shown above.




Gets the labels associated with a graph element and preserves the original case of each label.


  • element: A GRAPH_ELEMENT value that represents the graph element to extract labels from.


Returns NULL if element is NULL.

Return type



GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (n:Person|Account)

 | label     | id |
 | [Account] | 7  |
 | [Account] | 16 |
 | [Account] | 20 |
 | [Person]  | 1  |
 | [Person]  | 2  |
 | [Person]  | 3  |




Gets the name of each property associated with a graph element and preserves the original case of each name.


  • element: A GRAPH_ELEMENT value.


Returns NULL if element is NULL.

Return type



GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (n:Person|Account)
RETURN PROPERTY_NAMES(n) AS property_names,

 | label                                    | id |
 | [create_time, id, is_blocked, nick_name] | 7  |
 | [create_time, id, is_blocked, nick_name] | 16 |
 | [create_time, id, is_blocked, nick_name] | 20 |
 | [birthday, city, country, id, name]      | 1  |
 | [birthday, city, country, id, name]      | 2  |
 | [birthday, city, country, id, name]      | 3  |




Gets a unique identifier of a graph edge's source node. The unique identifier is only valid for the scope of the query where it is obtained.


  • edge_element: A GRAPH_ELEMENT value that represents an edge.


Returns NULL if edge_element is NULL.

Return type



GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (p:Person)-[o:Owns]->(:Account)
RETURN AS name, SOURCE_NODE_ID(o) AS source_node_id

 | name | source_node_id               |
 | Alex | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQI= |
 | Dana | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQQ= |
 | Lee  | mUZpbkdyYXBoLlBlcnNvbgB4kQY= |

Note that the actual identifiers obtained may be different from what's shown above.

Supplemental materials

Horizontal aggregate function calls in GQL

In GQL, a horizontal aggregate function is an aggregate function that summarizes the contents of exactly one array-typed value. Because a horizontal aggregate function does not need to aggregate vertically across rows like a traditional aggregate function, you can use it like a normal function expression. Horizontal aggregates are only allowed in certain syntactic contexts: LET, FILTER statements or WHERE clauses.

Horizontal aggregation is especially useful when paired with a group variable. You can create a group variable inside a quantified path pattern in a linear graph query.

Syntactic restrictions

  • The argument to the aggregate function must reference exactly one array-typed value.
  • Can only be used in LET, FILTER statements or WHERE clauses.
  • Nesting horizontal aggregates is not allowed.
  • Aggregate functions that support ordering (ARRAY_AGG, STRING_AGG, ARRAY_CONCAT_AGG) can't be used as horizontal aggregate functions.


In the following query, the SUM function horizontally aggregates over an array (arr), and then produces the sum of the values in arr:

GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr = [1, 2, 3]
LET total = SUM(arr)
RETURN total

 | total |
 | 6     |

In the following query, the SUM function horizontally aggregates over an array of structs (arr), and then produces the sum of the x fields in the array:

GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr = [STRUCT(1 as x, 10 as y), STRUCT(2, 9), STRUCT(3, 8)]
LET total = SUM(arr.x)
RETURN total

 | total |
 | 6     |

In the following query, the AVG function horizontally aggregates over an array of structs (arr), and then produces the average of the x and y fields in the array:

GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr = [STRUCT(1 as x, 10 as y), STRUCT(2, 9), STRUCT(3, 8)]
LET avg_sum = AVG(arr.x + arr.y)
RETURN avg_sum

 | avg_sum |
 | 11      |

The following query produces an error because two arrays were passed into the AVG aggregate function:

-- ERROR: Horizontal aggregation on more than one array-typed variable
-- is not allowed
GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr1 = [1, 2, 3]
LET arr2 = [5, 4, 3]
LET avg_val = AVG(arr1 + arr2)
RETURN avg_val

The following query demonstrates a common pitfall. All instances of the array that we're horizontal aggregating over are treated as a single element from that array in the aggregate.

The fix is to lift any expressions that want to use the array as is outside the horizontal aggregation.

-- ERROR: No matching signature for function ARRAY_LENGTH for argument types: INT64
GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr1 = [1, 2, 3]
LET bad_avg_val = SUM(arr1 / ARRAY_LENGTH(arr1))
RETURN bad_avg_val

The fix:

GRAPH FinGraph
LET arr1 = [1, 2, 3]
LET len = ARRAY_LENGTH(arr1)
LET avg_val = SUM(arr1 / len)
RETURN avg_val

In the following query, the COUNT function counts the unique amount transfers with one to three hops between a source account (src) and a destination account (dst):

GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (src:Account)-[e:Transfers]->{1, 3}(dst:Account)
WHERE src != dst
LET num_transfers = COUNT(e)
LET unique_amount_transfers = COUNT(DISTINCT e.amount)
FILTER unique_amount_transfers != num_transfers
RETURN as src_id, num_transfers, unique_amount_transfers, AS destination_account_id

 | src_id | num_transfers | unique_transfers_amount | destination_account_id |
 | 7      | 3             | 2                       | 16                     |
 | 20     | 3             | 2                       | 16                     |
 | 7      | 2             | 1                       | 20                     |
 | 16     | 3             | 2                       | 20                     |

In the following query, the SUM function takes a group variable called e that represents an array of transfers, and then sums the amount for each transfer. Note that horizontal aggregation is not allowed in the RETURN statement: that ARRAY_AGG is an aggregate over the result set.

GRAPH FinGraph
MATCH (src:Account {id: 7})-[e:Transfers]->{1,2}(dst:Account)
LET total_amount = SUM(e.amount)
RETURN AS source_account_id, AS destination_account_id,
  ARRAY_AGG(total_amount) as total_amounts_per_path

 | source_account_id | destination_account_id | total_amounts_per_path |
 | 7                 | 16                     | 300,100                |
 | 7                 | 20                     | 600,400                |