Como gerenciar descobertas usando a API Security Command Center

Neste guia, você aprende a criar e atualizar descobertas usando a API Security Command Center.

Antes de começar

Antes de criar e atualizar descobertas, você precisa concluir o seguinte:

Para concluir este guia, você precisa ter o papel Editor de descobertas da Central de segurança (securitycenter.findingsEditor) do Identity and Access Management (IAM) no nível da organização. Para mais informações sobre os papéis do Security Command Center, consulte Controle de acesso.

Para criar descobertas com marcações de segurança, é preciso ter também um papel do IAM que inclua permissões para o tipo de marcação que você quer usar:

  • Gravador de marcação de segurança de recursos (securitycenter.assetSecurityMarksWriter)
  • Como encontrar o gravador de marcações de segurança (securitycenter.findingSecurityMarksWriter)

Para mais informações sobre marcações, consulte Como usar marcações de segurança do Security Command Center.

Como criar uma descoberta

Crie uma descoberta ativa para uma fonte.


  # ORGANIZATION=12344321
  # SOURCE=43211234
  # FINDING_ID=testfindingid
  # EVENT_TIME follows the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ

  gcloud scc findings create $FINDING_ID \
      --source $SOURCE \
      --organization $ORGANIZATION \
      --state $STATE \
      --category $CATEGORY \
      --event-time $EVENT_TIME
      --resource-name $RESOURCE_NAME

Para mais exemplos, execute:

  gcloud scc findings create --help


import datetime

from import securitycenter
from import Finding

# Create a new client.
client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()

# Use the current time as the finding "event time".
event_time =

# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"

# The resource this finding applies to.  The CSCC UI can link
# the findings for a resource to the corresponding Asset of a resource
# if there are matches.
resource_name = "//"

finding = Finding(

# Call The API.
created_finding = client.create_finding(
    request={"parent": source_name, "finding_id": finding_id, "finding": finding}


static Finding createFinding(SourceName sourceName, String findingId) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // SourceName sourceName = SourceName.of(/*organization=*/"123234324",/*source=*/
    // "423432321");
    // String findingId = "samplefindingid";

    // Use the current time as the finding "event time".
    Instant eventTime =;

    // The resource this finding applies to.  The CSCC UI can link
    // the findings for a resource to the corresponding Asset of a resource
    // if there are matches.
    String resourceName = "//";

    // Start setting up a request to create a finding in a source.
    Finding finding =

    // Call the API.
    Finding response = client.createFinding(sourceName, findingId, finding);

    System.out.println("Created Finding: " + response);
    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);


import (

	securitycenter ""

// createFinding demonstrates how to create a new security finding in CSCC.
// sourceName is the full resource name of the source the finding should
// be associated with.
func createFinding(w io.Writer, sourceName string) error {
	// sourceName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
	eventTime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("TimestampProto: %w", err)

	req := &securitycenterpb.CreateFindingRequest{
		Parent:    sourceName,
		FindingId: "samplefindingid",
		Finding: &securitycenterpb.Finding{
			State: securitycenterpb.Finding_ACTIVE,
			// Resource the finding is associated with. This is an
			// example any resource identifier can be used.
			ResourceName: "//",
			// A free-form category.
			Category: "MEDIUM_RISK_ONE",
			// The time associated with discovering the issue.
			EventTime: eventTime,
	finding, err := client.CreateFinding(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateFinding: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "New finding created: %s\n", finding.Name)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Event time (Epoch Seconds): %d\n", eventTime.Seconds)
	return nil


// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();
// sourceName is the full resource name of the source the finding should
// be associated with.
 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
// const sourceName = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234";

// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
const eventTime = new Date();
async function createFinding() {
  const [newFinding] = await client.createFinding({
    parent: sourceName,
    findingId: 'samplefindingid',
    finding: {
      state: 'ACTIVE',
      // Resource the finding is associated with.  This is an
      // example any resource identifier can be used.
      // A free-form category.
      category: 'MEDIUM_RISK_ONE',
      // The time associated with discovering the issue.
      eventTime: {
        seconds: Math.floor(eventTime.getTime() / 1000),
        nanos: (eventTime.getTime() % 1000) * 1e6,
  console.log('New finding created: %j', newFinding);
await createFinding();

Para informações sobre como os dados de descobertas são armazenados no Security Command Center, leia Retenção de descobertas.

Como criar uma descoberta com propriedades de fonte

O Security Command Center permite adicionar fontes às descobertas por meio de metadados de chave-valor chamados "Propriedades de fonte". As propriedades de fonte podem ser inicializadas no momento da criação. O exemplo abaixo mostra como criar uma descoberta com propriedades de fonte.

Crie uma descoberta com propriedades de fonte. O tamanho dos nomes das chaves no mapa source_properties precisa ter de 1 a 255 caracteres e começar com uma letra e conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos ou sublinhados. O Security Command Center só aceita valores booleanos, numéricos e de strings.


  # ORGANIZATION=12344321
  # SOURCE=43211234
  # FINDING_ID=testfindingid
  # EVENT_TIME follows the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ

  gcloud scc findings create $FINDING_ID \
      --source $SOURCE \
      --organization $ORGANIZATION \
      --state $STATE \
      --category $CATEGORY \
      --event-time $EVENT_TIME \
      --resource-name $RESOURCE_NAME
  • Mais propriedades de fonte podem ser adicionadas usando uma lista separada por vírgulas de pares de chave-valor.

Para mais exemplos, execute:

  gcloud scc findings create --help


import datetime

from import securitycenter
from import Finding
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Value

# Create a new client.
client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()

# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"

# Controlled by caller.
finding_id = "samplefindingid2"

# The resource this finding applies to.  The CSCC UI can link
# the findings for a resource to the corresponding Asset of a resource
# if there are matches.
resource_name = "//"

# Define source properties values as protobuf "Value" objects.
str_value = Value()
str_value.string_value = "string_example"
num_value = Value()
num_value.number_value = 1234

# Use the current time as the finding "event time".
event_time =

finding = Finding(
    source_properties={"s_value": "string_example", "n_value": 1234},

created_finding = client.create_finding(
    request={"parent": source_name, "finding_id": finding_id, "finding": finding}


static Finding createFindingWithSourceProperties(SourceName sourceName) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // SourceName sourceName = SourceName.of(/*organization=*/"123234324",/*source=*/
    // "423432321");

    // Use the current time as the finding "event time".
    Instant eventTime =;

    // Controlled by caller.
    String findingId = "samplefindingid2";

    // The resource this finding applies to.  The CSCC UI can link
    // the findings for a resource to the corresponding Asset of a resource
    // if there are matches.
    String resourceName = "//";

    // Define source properties values as protobuf "Value" objects.
    Value stringValue = Value.newBuilder().setStringValue("stringExample").build();
    Value numValue = Value.newBuilder().setNumberValue(1234).build();
    ImmutableMap<String, Value> sourceProperties =
        ImmutableMap.of("stringKey", stringValue, "numKey", numValue);

    // Start setting up a request to create a finding in a source.
    Finding finding =

    // Call the API.
    Finding response = client.createFinding(sourceName, findingId, finding);

    System.out.println("Created Finding with Source Properties: " + response);
    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);


import (

	securitycenter ""
	structpb ""

// createFindingWithProperties demonstrates how to create a new security
// finding in CSCC that includes additional metadata via sourceProperties.
// sourceName is the full resource name of the source the finding should be
// associated with.
func createFindingWithProperties(w io.Writer, sourceName string) error {
	// sourceName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
	eventTime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("TimestampProto: %w", err)

	req := &securitycenterpb.CreateFindingRequest{
		Parent:    sourceName,
		FindingId: "samplefindingprops",
		Finding: &securitycenterpb.Finding{
			State: securitycenterpb.Finding_ACTIVE,
			// Resource the finding is associated with.  This is an
			// example any resource identifier can be used.
			ResourceName: "//",
			// A free-form category.Error converting now
			Category: "MEDIUM_RISK_ONE",
			// The time associated with discovering the issue.
			EventTime: eventTime,
			// Define key-value pair metadata to include with the finding.
			SourceProperties: map[string]*structpb.Value{
				"s_value": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "string_example"},
				"n_value": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{NumberValue: 1234},

	finding, err := client.CreateFinding(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateFinding: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "New finding created: %s\n", finding.Name)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Event time (Epoch Seconds): %d\n", eventTime.Seconds)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Source Properties:\n")
	for k, v := range finding.SourceProperties {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s = %v\n", k, v)

	return nil


// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();
// sourceName is the full resource name of the source the finding should
// be associated with.
 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
// const sourceName = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234";

// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
const eventTime = new Date();
async function createFinding() {
  const [newFinding] = await client.createFinding({
    parent: sourceName,
    findingId: 'findingwithprops',
    finding: {
      state: 'ACTIVE',
      // Resource the finding is associated with.  This is an
      // example any resource identifier can be used.
      // A free-form category.
      category: 'MEDIUM_RISK_ONE',
      // The time associated with discovering the issue.
      eventTime: {
        seconds: Math.floor(eventTime.getTime() / 1000),
        nanos: (eventTime.getTime() % 1000) * 1e6,
      sourceProperties: {
        s_value: {stringValue: 'string_example'},
        n_value: {numberValue: 1234},
  console.log('New finding created: %j', newFinding);

Atualizar propriedades de fonte de uma descoberta

Este exemplo mostra como atualizar as propriedades de fonte individuais e o horário do evento. Ele usa máscaras de campo para atualizar apenas campos específicos. Sem as máscaras de campo, os novos valores substituem todos os campos mutáveis na descoberta.

Assim como na criação de uma nova descoberta, os nomes das chaves no mapa source_properties precisam ter entre 1 e 255 caracteres e precisam começar com uma letra e conter apenas caracteres alfanuméricos ou sublinhados. O Security Command Center só aceita valores booleanos, numéricos e de strings.


  # ORGANIZATION=12344321
  # SOURCE=43211234
  # FINDING_ID=testfindingid
  # EVENT_TIME follows the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ

  gcloud scc findings update $FINDING_ID \
      --source $SOURCE \
      --organization $ORGANIZATION \
      --event-time $EVENT_TIME \
  • Use --update-mask " (vazio) para substituir todos os campos mutáveis.
  • Mais propriedades de fonte podem ser adicionadas usando uma lista separada por vírgulas de pares de chave-valor.

Para mais exemplos, execute:

  gcloud scc findings update --help


import datetime

from import securitycenter
from import Finding
from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2

client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()
# Only update the specific source property and event_time.  event_time
# is required for updates.
field_mask = field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(
    paths=["source_properties.s_value", "event_time"]

# Set the update time to Now.  This must be some time greater then the
# event_time on the original finding.
event_time =

# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
finding_name = f"{source_name}/findings/samplefindingid2"
finding = Finding(
    source_properties={"s_value": "new_string"},
updated_finding = client.update_finding(
    request={"finding": finding, "update_mask": field_mask}

    "New Source properties: {}, Event Time {}".format(
        updated_finding.source_properties, updated_finding.event_time


static Finding updateFinding(FindingName findingName) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // FindingName findingName = FindingName.of(/*organization=*/"123234324",
    // /*source=*/"423432321", /*findingId=*/"samplefindingid2");

    // Use the current time as the finding "event time".
    Instant eventTime =;

    // Define source properties values as protobuf "Value" objects.
    Value stringValue = Value.newBuilder().setStringValue("value").build();

    FieldMask updateMask =

    Finding finding =
            .putSourceProperties("stringKey", stringValue)

    UpdateFindingRequest.Builder request =

    // Call the API.
    Finding response = client.updateFinding(;

    System.out.println("Updated Finding: " + response);
    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);


import (

	securitycenter ""
	structpb ""

// updateFindingSourceProperties demonstrates how to update a security finding
// in CSCC. findingName is the full resource name of the finding to update.
func updateFindingSourceProperties(w io.Writer, findingName string) error {
	// findingName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234/findings/findingid"
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
	eventTime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("TimestampProto: %w", err)

	req := &securitycenterpb.UpdateFindingRequest{
		Finding: &securitycenterpb.Finding{
			Name:      findingName,
			EventTime: eventTime,
			SourceProperties: map[string]*structpb.Value{
				"s_value": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "new_string_example"},
		// Needed to only update the specific source property s_value
		// and EventTime. EventTime is a required field.
		UpdateMask: &field_mask.FieldMask{
			Paths: []string{"event_time", "source_properties.s_value"},

	finding, err := client.UpdateFinding(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateFinding: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Finding updated: %s\n", finding.Name)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Finding state: %v\n", finding.State)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Event time (Epoch Seconds): %d\n", eventTime.Seconds)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Source Properties:\n")
	for k, v := range finding.SourceProperties {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s = %v\n", k, v)
	return nil


// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();

// findingName is the full resource name of the finding to update.
 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
// const findingName =
// "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234/findings/findingid";

// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
const eventTime = new Date();
async function updateFinding() {
  const [newFinding] = await client.updateFinding({
    updateMask: {paths: ['event_time', 'source_properties.s_value']},
    finding: {
      name: findingName,
      // The time associated with discovering the issue.
      eventTime: {
        seconds: Math.floor(eventTime.getTime() / 1000),
        nanos: (eventTime.getTime() % 1000) * 1e6,
      sourceProperties: {
        s_value: {stringValue: 'new_string_example'},
  console.log('Updated Finding: %j', newFinding);

Como atualizar o estado de uma descoberta

O Security Command Center também fornece uma API para atualizar apenas o estado de uma descoberta. Essa API existe para fornecer uma maneira de atualizar apenas o estado de uma descoberta. É uma API simples que também permite que os principais permissões só possam modificar o estado e nenhum outro aspecto de uma descoberta. Veja no exemplo abaixo como alterar o estado de uma descoberta para inativa.


  # ORGANIZATION=12344321
  # SOURCE=43211234
  # FINDING_ID=testfindingid
  # EVENT_TIME follows the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ

  gcloud scc findings update $FINDING_ID \
      --source $SOURCE \
      --organization $ORGANIZATION \
      --state $STATE \
      --event-time $EVENT_TIME

Para mais exemplos, execute:

  gcloud scc findings update --help


import datetime

from import securitycenter
from import Finding

# Create a client.
client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()
# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
finding_name = f"{source_name}/findings/samplefindingid2"

# Call the API to change the finding state to inactive as of now.
new_finding = client.set_finding_state(
        "name": finding_name,
        "state": Finding.State.INACTIVE,
print(f"New state: {new_finding.state}")


static Finding setFindingState(FindingName findingName) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // FindingName findingName = FindingName.of(/*organization=*/"123234324",
    // /*source=*/"423432321", /*findingId=*/"samplefindingid2");

    // Use the current time as the finding "event time".
    Instant eventTime =;

    Finding response =

    System.out.println("Updated Finding: " + response);
    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);


import (

	securitycenter ""

// updateFindingState demonstrates how to update a security finding's state
// in CSCC.  findingName is the full resource name of the finding to update.
func setFindingState(w io.Writer, findingName string) error {
	// findingName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	// Use now as the eventTime for the security finding.
	now, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("TimestampProto: %w", err)

	req := &securitycenterpb.SetFindingStateRequest{
		Name:  findingName,
		State: securitycenterpb.Finding_INACTIVE,
		// New state is effective immediately.
		StartTime: now,

	finding, err := client.SetFindingState(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("SetFindingState: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Finding updated: %s\n", finding.Name)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Finding state: %v\n", finding.State)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Event time (Epoch Seconds): %d\n", finding.EventTime.Seconds)

	return nil


// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();

// findingName is the full resource name of the source the finding should
// be associated with.
 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
// const findingName =
// "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234/findings/findingid";
async function setFindingState() {
  const eventTime = new Date();
  const [updatedFinding] = await client.setFindingState({
    name: findingName,
    state: 'INACTIVE',
    // use now as the time when the new state takes effect.
    startTime: {
      seconds: Math.floor(eventTime.getTime() / 1000),
      nanos: (eventTime.getTime() % 1000) * 1e6,
  console.log('Updated Finding: %j', updatedFinding);

Como verificar as permissões de localização

A criação e a atualização de descobertas exigem uma das seguintes permissões do IAM:

  • Como criar e atualizar descobertas: securitycenter.findings.update.
  • Atualizar somente as descobertas: securitycenter.findings.setState

Se não for possível criar descobertas para uma fonte, use o código a seguir para confirmar se a conta tem as permissões necessárias listadas na seção Antes de começar. Se você não tiver as permissões necessárias, consulte Como criar e gerenciar fontes de segurança para configurar as políticas apropriadas do IAM.


from import securitycenter

# Create a client.
client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()
# 'source_name' is the resource path for a source that has been
# created previously (you can use list_sources to find a specific one).
# Its format is:
# source_name = "organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}"
# e.g.:
# source_name = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"

# Check for permssions to call create_finding or update_finding.
permission_response = client.test_iam_permissions(
        "resource": source_name,
        "permissions": ["securitycenter.findings.update"],

    "Permision to create or update findings? {}".format(
        len(permission_response.permissions) > 0
# Check for permissions necessary to call set_finding_state.
permission_response = client.test_iam_permissions(
        "resource": source_name,
        "permissions": ["securitycenter.findings.setState"],
print(f"Permision to update state? {len(permission_response.permissions) > 0}")


static TestIamPermissionsResponse testIamPermissions(SourceName sourceName) {
  try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {
    // SourceName sourceName = SourceName.of(/*organizationId=*/"123234324",
    // /*sourceId=*/"423432321");

    // Iam permission to test.
    List<String> permissionsToTest = new ArrayList<>();

    // Call the API.
    TestIamPermissionsResponse response =
        client.testIamPermissions(sourceName.toString(), permissionsToTest);
    System.out.println("IAM Permission:");

    return response;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create client.", e);


import (

	iam ""
	securitycenter ""

// testIam demonstrates how to determine if your service user has appropriate
// access to create and update findings, it writes permissions to w.
// sourceName is the full resource name of the source to test for permissions.
func testIam(w io.Writer, sourceName string) error {
	// sourceName := "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234"
	// Instantiate a context and a security service client to make API calls.
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := securitycenter.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("securitycenter.NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close() // Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	// Check for create/update Permissions.
	req := &iam.TestIamPermissionsRequest{
		Resource:    sourceName,
		Permissions: []string{"securitycenter.findings.update"},

	policy, err := client.TestIamPermissions(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting IAM policy: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Permision to create/update findings? %t",
		len(policy.Permissions) > 0)

	// Check for updating state Permissions
	req = &iam.TestIamPermissionsRequest{
		Resource:    sourceName,
		Permissions: []string{"securitycenter.findings.setState"},

	policy, err = client.TestIamPermissions(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting IAM policy: %w", err)
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Permision to update state? %t",
		len(policy.Permissions) > 0)

	return nil


// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {SecurityCenterClient} = require('@google-cloud/security-center');

// Creates a new client.
const client = new SecurityCenterClient();

// sourceName is the full resource name of the source to test for permissions.
 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines
// const sourceName = "organizations/111122222444/sources/1234";
async function testIam() {
    const [policy] = await client.testIamPermissions({
      resource: sourceName,
      permissions: ['securitycenter.findings.update'],
      `Permissions to create/update findings? ${
        policy.permissions.length > 0
    const [policy] = await client.testIamPermissions({
      resource: sourceName,
      permissions: ['securitycenter.findings.setState'],
      `Permissions to update state? ${policy.permissions.length > 0}`

A seguir

Saiba mais sobre como acessar o Security Command Center usando bibliotecas de cliente.