Supported features

This document lists the availability of features and capabilities for Google Distributed Cloud for supported releases. The table is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but it highlights some of the benefits of upgrading your clusters to the latest supported version.

Features listed as Preview are covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Google Cloud Terms of Service. Pre-GA products and features might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA products and features might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions. Preview offerings are intended for use in test environments only.

Features listed as General Availability (GA) are fully supported, open to all customers, and ready for production use.

Feature/capability 1.16 (unsupported) 1.28 1.29 1.30 (latest)
Admin cluster support for multiple user cluster versions - - - Preview
Alerting policies Preview Preview Preview Preview
VM Runtime on Google Distributed Cloud GA GA GA GA
Azure Active Directory (AD) groups GA GA GA GA
BGP-based Load Balancer support for IPv6 GA GA GA GA
Binary Authorization GA GA GA GA
Bundled load balancing with BGP GA GA GA GA
Cloud Audit Logging GA GA GA GA
Cluster backup and restore CLI support GA GA GA GA
Cluster Certificate Authorities (CAs) rotation GA GA GA GA
Cluster node reset CLI support GA GA GA GA
Cluster upgrade pause and resume Preview Preview GA GA
containerd container runtime GA GA GA GA
Control group v2 GA GA GA GA
Custom Certificate Authorities Preview GA GA GA
Custom Scheduler Configuration - - - Preview
Dataplane V2 Direct Server Return (DSR) load balancing forwarding mode Preview GA GA GA
Dynamic Flat IP with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) GA GA GA GA
Egress NAT gateway GA GA GA GA
Flat IPv4 mode (static) GA GA GA GA
Flat IPv6 support (BGP mode) GA GA GA GA
GKE Identity Service v2 - Preview GA GA
IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack GA GA GA GA
Keyless cluster mode - - - Preview
KSA support GA GA GA GA
Managed Collector for Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus GA GA GA GA
Multi-Cluster Connectivity Preview Preview Preview Preview
Multi-NIC for Pods GA GA GA GA
Network Gateway for GDC Preview Preview Preview Preview
Node problem detector GA GA GA GA
Parallel node upgrades GA GA GA GA
Parallel node pool upgrades GA GA GA GA
Performance Tuning Operator Preview Preview Preview Preview
Private registry support for nodes - - Preview GA
Registry mirror support GA GA GA GA
Secure computing mode (seccomp) GA GA GA GA
Skip node pool version upgrade - Preview GA GA
SR-IOV networking GA GA GA GA
Summary API metrics GA GA GA GA
VPC Service Controls GA GA GA GA
Worker node pool upgrade rollback - - Preview GA
Workload identity GA GA GA GA