Put nodes into maintenance mode

When you need to repair or maintain nodes, you should first put the nodes into maintenance mode. This gracefully drains existing pods and workloads, excluding critical system pods like the API server. Maintenance mode also prevents the node from receiving new pod assignments. In maintenance mode, you can work on your nodes without a risk of disrupting pod traffic.

How it works

Google Distributed Cloud provides a way to place nodes into maintenance mode. This approach lets other cluster components correctly know that the node is in maintenance mode. When you place a node in maintenance mode, no additional pods can be scheduled on the node, and existing pods are stopped.

Instead of using maintenance mode, you can manually use Kubernetes commands such as kubectl cordon and kubectl drain on a specific node.

When you use the maintenance mode process, Google Distributed Cloud does the following:


  • Google Distributed Cloud adds the baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance:NoSchedule taint to specified nodes to prevent scheduling of new pods on the node.

  • Google Distributed Cloud uses the Eviction API to evict each Pod. This method of draining nodes honors PodDisruptionBudgets (PDBs). You can configure PDBs to protect your workloads by specifying a tolerable level of disruption for a set of pods using fields minAvailable and maxUnavailable. Draining nodes this way provides better protection against workload disruptions. Eviction-based node draining is available as GA for release 1.29.

  • A 20-minute timeout is enforced to ensure nodes don't get stuck waiting for pods to stop. Pods might not stop if they are configured to tolerate all taints or they have finalizers. Google Distributed Cloud attempts to stop all pods, but if the timeout is exceeded, the node is put into maintenance mode. This timeout prevents running pods from blocking upgrades.

1.28 and earlier

  • Google Distributed Cloud adds the baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance:NoSchedule taint to specified nodes to prevent scheduling of new pods on the node.

  • Google Distributed Cloud adds the baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance:NoExecute taint. Acting on the NoExecute taint, the Google Distributed Cloud kube-scheduler stops pods and drains the node. This method of draining nodes doesn't honor PDBs.

  • A 20-minute timeout is enforced to ensure nodes don't get stuck waiting for pods to stop. Pods might not stop if they are configured to tolerate all taints or they have finalizers. Google Distributed Cloud attempts to stop all pods, but if the timeout is exceeded, the node is put into maintenance mode. This timeout prevents running pods from blocking upgrades.

Eviction-based draining

There aren't procedural changes associated with the switch to eviction-based node draining from taint-based draining. The switch affects reconciliation logic only.

This capability isn't at the same launch stage for all supported versions:

  • 1.29: GA
  • 1.28: Not available
  • 1.16: Not available

Draining order

Prior to release 1.29, the taint-based node draining that's performed by the Google Distributed Cloud kube-scheduler doesn't employ a particular algorithm to drain pods from a node. With eviction-based node draining, pods are evicted in a specific order based on priority. The eviction priority is associated with specific pod criteria as shown in the following table:

Draining order Pod criteria (must match all) and

Pods matching the following criteria are evicted:

  • Pods without spec.prorityClassName
  • Pods that don't match any known Container Storage Interface (CSI) name
  • Pods that don't belong to a DaemonSet

Pods matching the following criteria are evicted:

  • Pods that belong to a DaemonSet
  • Pods don't have PriorityClass
  • Pods that don't match any known Container Storage Interface (CSI) name

Pods matching the following criteria are evicted:

  • Pods with Spec.ProrityClassName
  • Pods that don't match any known Container Storage Interface (CSI) name

Eviction order for matching pods is based on PriorityClass.value, from low to high.


Wait for CSI to clean up the PV/PVC mounts after the pods are all evicted. Use Node.Status.VolumesInUse to indicate all volumes are cleaned up.


Pods matching the following criteria are evicted:

  • Pods that match a known Container Storage Interface (CSI) name

These pods still need draining, because kubelet doesn't provide in-place upgrade compatibility.

Because eviction-based node draining honors PDBs, PDB settings might block node draining in some circumstances. For troubleshooting information about node pool draining, see Check why a node has been in the status of draining for a long time.

Disable eviction-based node draining

Eviction-based node draining is enabled by default for clusters at minor version 1.29 and later or clusters being upgraded to minor version 1.29 and later. If eviction-based node draining is causing problems with cluster upgrades or cluster maintenance, you can revert to taint-based node draining by adding the baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance-mode-ignore-pdb: "" annotation to your cluster resource.

To restore the default eviction-based node draining behavior, remove the annotation completely. Setting the annotation to false doesn't re-enable the default behavior.

Put a node into maintenance mode

Choose the nodes you want to put into maintenance mode by specifying IP ranges for the selected nodes under maintenanceBlocks in your cluster configuration file. The nodes you choose must be in a ready state, and functioning in the cluster.

To put nodes into maintenance mode:

  1. Edit the cluster configuration file to select the nodes you want to put into maintenance mode.

    You can edit the configuration file with an editor of your choice, or you can edit the cluster custom resource directly by running the following command:

    kubectl -n CLUSTER_NAMESPACE edit cluster CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAMESPACE: the namespace of the cluster.
    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster.
  2. Add the maintenanceBlocks section to the cluster configuration file to specify either a single IP address, or an address range, for nodes you want to put into maintenance mode.

    The following sample shows how to select multiple nodes by specifying a range of IP addresses:

      name: my-cluster
      namespace: cluster-my-cluster
  3. Save and apply the updated cluster configuration.

    Google Distributed Cloud starts putting the nodes into maintenance mode.

  4. Run the following command to get the status of the nodes in your cluster:

    kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
    user-baremetal-01   Ready    control-plane   2d22h   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    user-baremetal-04   Ready    worker          2d22h   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    user-baremetal-05   Ready    worker          2d22h   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    user-baremetal-06   Ready    worker          2d22h   v1.27.4-gke.1600

    Note that the nodes are still schedulable, but taints keep any pods (without an appropriate toleration) from being scheduled on the node.

  5. Run the following command to get the number of nodes in maintenance mode:

    kubectl get nodepools --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG 

    The response should look something like the following example:

    np1    3       0             0         1                  0

    This UNDERMAINTENANCE column in this sample shows that one node is in maintenance mode.

    Google Distributed Cloud also adds the following taints to nodes when they are put into maintenance mode:

    • baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance:NoExecute
    • baremetal.cluster.gke.io/maintenance:NoSchedule

Remove a node from maintenance mode

To remove nodes from maintenance mode:

  1. Edit the cluster configuration file to clear the nodes you want to remove from maintenance mode.

    You can edit the configuration file with an editor of your choice, or you can edit the cluster custom resource directly by running the following command:

    kubectl -n CLUSTER_NAMESPACE edit cluster CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAMESPACE: the namespace of the cluster.
    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster.
  2. Either edit the IP addresses to remove specific nodes from maintenance mode or remove the maintenanceBlocks section remove all does from maintenance mode.

  3. Save and apply the updated cluster configuration.

  4. Use kubectl commands to check the status of your nodes.

Shut down and restart a cluster

If it becomes necessary to bring down a complete cluster, use the instructions in the following sections to shut down a cluster and bring it back up safely.

Shut down a cluster

If you're shutting down a cluster that manages user clusters, you must shut down all managed user clusters first. The following instructions apply to all Google Distributed Cloud cluster types.

  1. Check the status of all cluster nodes:

    kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Replace CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of the kubeconfig file for the cluster.

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME        STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
    control-0   Ready    control-plane   202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    control-1   Ready    control-plane   202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    control-2   Ready    control-plane   202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-0    Ready    worker          202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-1    Ready    worker          202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-2    Ready    worker          202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-3    Ready    worker          202d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-4    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-5    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-6    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-7    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-8    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600
    worker-9    Ready    worker          154d   v1.27.4-gke.1600

    If the STATUS for a node isn't Ready, then we strongly recommended that you troubleshoot the node and proceed only when all nodes are Ready.

  2. If you're shutting down a user cluster, check the status of the admin cluster nodes:

    kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG

    Replace ADMIN_KUBECONFIG with the path of the kubeconfig file for the managing cluster.

    Subsequent steps have a dependency on the admin cluster. If the STATUS for a node isn't Ready, then we strongly recommended that you troubleshoot the node and proceed only when all nodes are Ready.

  3. Check the health of the cluster that you want to shut down:

    bmctl check cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster you're checking.

    • ADMIN_KUBECONFIG: the path of the kubeconfig file for the managing cluster.

    Correct any reported problems before proceeding.

  4. For the cluster you're shutting down, ensure that all etcd Pods are running:

    kubectl get pods --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -A \
        -l component=etcd

    Replace CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of the kubeconfig file for the cluster.

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAMESPACE     NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kube-system   etcd-control-0-admin   1/1     Running   0          2d22h
    kube-system   etcd-control-1-admin   1/1     Running   0          2d22h
    kube-system   etcd-control-2-admin   1/1     Running   0          2d22h

    If the STATUS for a pod isn't Running, then we strongly recommended that you troubleshoot the pod and proceed only when all pods are Running.

  5. Perform a backup as described in Back up a cluster.

    It's important to take an etcd backup before shutting down your cluster so that your cluster can be restored if you encounter any issues when restarting the cluster. Etcd corruption, node hardware failures, network connectivity issues, and potentially other conditions can prevent the cluster from restarting properly.

  6. If you're shutting down a cluster with worker nodes, put the worker nodes into maintenance mode.

    This step minimizes minimize the amount the writing to etcd, which reduces the likelihood that a large amount of etcd writes need to be reconciled when the cluster is restarted.

  7. Put the control plane nodes into maintenance mode.

    This step prevents corrupted writes for stateful workloads during node shut down.

  8. Power down cluster nodes in the following sequence:

    1. Worker nodes
    2. Control plane load balancer nodes
    3. Control plane nodes, starting with the etcd followers and ending with the etcd leader

      If you have a high availability (HA) cluster, you can find the etcd leader by using SSH to connect to each control plane node and running the following etcdctl command:

      ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
          --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
          --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \
          --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
          --write-out=table endpoint status

      The response includes an IS LEADER column, which returns true if the node is the etcd leader.

At this point, your cluster is completely shut down. After you have performed any needed maintenance, you can restart your cluster as described in the next section.

Restart the cluster

Use the following steps to restart a cluster that's been completely powered down.

  1. Turn on node machines in the reverse order from the power down sequence.

  2. Remove the control plane nodes from maintenance mode.

    For instructions, see Remove a node from maintenance mode.

  3. Remove worker nodes from maintenance mode.

  4. Run cluster health checks to ensure the cluster is operating properly:

    bmctl check cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG
  5. If a problem, such as etcd crashlooping, prevents the cluster from restarting properly, try restoring the cluster from the last known good backup. For instructions, see Restore a cluster.

Billing and maintenance mode

Billing for Google Distributed Cloud is based on the number of vCPUs your cluster has for Nodes capable of running workloads. When you put a Node into maintenance mode, NoExecute and NoSchedule taints are added to the Node, but they don't disable billing. After putting a node into maintenance mode, cordon the node (kubectl cordon NODE_NAME) to mark it as unschedulable. Once a node is marked as unschedulable, the Node and its associated vCPUs are excluded from billing.

As described on the pricing page, you can use kubectl to see the vCPU capacity (used for billing) of each of your user clusters. The command doesn't take into consideration whether or not the Node is schedulable, it provides a vCPU count per node only.

To identify the number of vCPUs per node for your user cluster:

kubectl get nodes \
    --kubeconfig USER_KUBECONFIG \
    -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{\"\t\"} \

Replace USER_KUBECONFIG with the path of the kubeconfig file for your user cluster.