This page explains how to search for FHIR resources using more advanced query
functionality available through the
method. This guide assumes that you are already familiar with the contents of
Searching for FHIR resources.
Sample FHIR bundle
The samples on this page use a provided JSON FHIR bundle to show the results
of advanced FHIR search features. Save the r4_bundle.json
file to your machine to use it in the samples.
Execute the sample FHIR bundle
To execute the sample FHIR bundle in a FHIR store, see Executing a bundle. The FHIR store must have the following settings:
- Set
. - Set
to R4.
String search modifiers
A string search defaults to a prefix match that is case and accent insensitive through folding to the standard Unicode NFC form. Punctuation and extra whitespace is ignored.
The following modifiers are available:
matches resources with the specified value anywhere in the string, for examplename:contains=eve
matches the entire string including case and accents, for examplename:exact=Eve
doesn't matcheve
Expand the following section to see an example of using search string modifiers:
String search modifiers samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "2000-01-01" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1989-03-11", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "FR", "display": "jkl", "system": "123" }, { "code": "french", "display": "mno", "system": "456" } ], "text": "pqr" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "female", "id": "patient2", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag|tag3", "display": "Tag Three", "system": "other" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Jane", "Evelyne" ], "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "1974-12-25" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1974-12-25", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "ENG", "display": "def", "system": "123" }, { "code": "english", "display": "ghi", "system": "456" } ], "text": "abc" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "male", "id": "patient1", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag1", "display": "Tag One", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "other-system" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Alex", "Cleve" ], "text": "Alex Lee", "use": "usual" }, { "given": [ "Joe" ], "use": "nickname" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 2, "type": "searchset" }
Comparators and precision for numbers, dates, and quantities
Values used in a numeric or date search depend on the precision of the parameter
value. For example, the number 7.00
has an implicit range of 6.995
to 7.005
exclusive. The date 2015-08-12
has a range of
inclusive to 2015-08-13T00:00:00
Precision affects what results are returned for equality comparisons. For
example, a value of 7.03
in a resource would match a search for value=7.0
but would not match a search for value=7.00
All clinically significant floating point values in FHIR are represented by types such as Decimal and Quantity that record the precision of the stored value. As an exception there are a few fields that use simple integers, for example to represent a position in a sequence, and searches on those fields are exact numerical matches.
The following prefixes apply to numeric comparisons against a singleton value.
If no prefixes are specified, the default is eq
: equals, the exact stored value is inside the range defined by the precision of the parameter valuene
: not equals, the opposite ofeq
: the exact stored value is greater than the exact parameter valuelt
: the exact stored value is less than the exact parameter valuege
: the exact stored value is greater than or equal to the exact parameter valuele
: the exact stored value is less than or equal to the exact parameter value
Date values have an implicit range based on the level of specificity of the
value (one year, one month, one day). Other data types such as Range
and Period
contain explicit upper and lower bounds. The following prefixes apply to range
comparisons. If no prefixes are specified, the default is eq
: equals, the range of the parameter value fully contains the range of the targetne
: not equals, the opposite ofeq
: greater than, the range above the parameter value overlaps with the range of the targetlt
: less than, the range below the parameter value overlaps with the range of the targetge
: greater than or equal tole
: less than or equal tosa
: the range of the parameter value starts after the target rangeeb
: the range of the parameter value ends before the target range
Comparators and precision for numbers, dates, and quantities samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
query to search for Patient resources with a _lastUpdated
value greater than (gt
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
query to search for Patient resources with a _lastUpdated
value greater than (gt
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
The query _lastUpdated=gt2018-01-01
returns Patient resources updated since
2018-01-01. If you created all of the resources in your FHIR store after that date, then the server
returns all of the resources. To see a subset of resources, change the date to a time after some
resources were last updated.
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Lisbon", "district": "KW", "line": [ "Avenida da Pastelaria, 1903" ], "period": { "start": "1980-01-01" }, "text": "Avenida da Pastelaria, 1903", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1980-01-01", "deceasedBoolean": false, "id": "patient3", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag3", "display": "Tag $3", "system": "other|tag" }, { "code": "code,4", "display": "Tag 4", "system": "system" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Smith", "given": [ "Mary" ], "text": "Smith, Mary", "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "1110891111" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "2000-01-01" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1989-03-11", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "FR", "display": "jkl", "system": "123" }, { "code": "french", "display": "mno", "system": "456" } ], "text": "pqr" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "female", "id": "patient2", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag|tag3", "display": "Tag Three", "system": "other" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Jane", "Evelyne" ], "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "address": [ { "country": "US", "line": [ "907 Arlo Cliffs", "Suite 984" ], "postalCode": "XXXXX" } ], "birthDate": "1940-12-01", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "en-US", "display": "English (United States)", "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:47" } ] } } ], "deceasedDateTime": "2009-07-26T12:01:23-05:00", "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2106-3", "display": "White", "system": "" } ], "text": "race" } }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2186-5", "display": "Nonhispanic", "system": "" } ], "text": "ethnicity" } }, { "url": "", "valueAddress": { "city": "Tama", "country": "US", "postalCode": "52339", "state": "Iowa" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "Farrah Feeney" }, { "url": "", "valueCode": "M" }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": false }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": true }, { "url": "", "valueHumanName": { "text": "Christopher Diaz" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "999-16-9041" } ], "gender": "male", "generalPractitioner": [ { "reference": "Organization/9fb51c89-1453-406c-8357-578311b43a91" } ], "id": "8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "SB", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "999169041" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.25", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "DL", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "S99992205" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "PPN", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "X12551631X" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "MR", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" } ], "maritalStatus": { "coding": [ { "code": "S", "system": "" } ], "text": "S" }, "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "multipleBirthBoolean": false, "name": [ { "family": "Diaz", "given": [ "Christopher" ], "prefix": [ "Mr." ], "use": "official" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "434-100-2918 x800" } ], "text": { "div": "Generated by Synthea. Version identifier: 2dd4c1c37e2743d14e5073c7b5e42899a3e51531", "status": "generated" } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "1974-12-25" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1974-12-25", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "ENG", "display": "def", "system": "123" }, { "code": "english", "display": "ghi", "system": "456" } ], "text": "abc" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "male", "id": "patient1", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag1", "display": "Tag One", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "other-system" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Alex", "Cleve" ], "text": "Alex Lee", "use": "usual" }, { "given": [ "Joe" ], "use": "nickname" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 4, "type": "searchset" }
Token search
Token search parameters apply to cases where a value is not an arbitrary string, but rather an entity in a naming system. String matching on a token parameter is exact.
Most token searches apply to complex data types that contain a system
that is
a URI indicating the naming system that the code
value is taken from. These
searches support the following value syntaxes:
matches thecode
value regardless of thesystem
must match both thesystem
when thesystem
value is empty[parameter]=[system]|
matches anycode
with the givensystem
There are several modifiers that trigger alternate token search functionality:
negates the matching conditions of a token search:text
does a string search (not exact match) on thetext
field associated with the code, instead of the code value itself:above
takes a parameter only of the form[system]|[code]
and matches resources where the code in the resource subsumes the query parameter. To use this modifier the specifiedsystem
must exist in the FHIR store as aCodeSystem
is like:above
but matches if the code in the resource is subsumed by the query parameter.:in
takes a single parameter using the reference parameter syntax, for examplecode:in=ValueSet/1234
. The reference must refer to aValueSet
resource within the same FHIR store. The modifier matches any code that is in the referencedValueSet
negates the conditions of:in
Token searches also apply to boolean and URI fields and certain string
fields where only exact match is allowed. In these cases, the only parameter
format is [parameter]=[value]
Token search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
query to search for Patient resources with a specified system
and code
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
query to search for Patient resources with a specified system
and code
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "|tag2" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "2000-01-01" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1989-03-11", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "FR", "display": "jkl", "system": "123" }, { "code": "french", "display": "mno", "system": "456" } ], "text": "pqr" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "female", "id": "patient2", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag|tag3", "display": "Tag Three", "system": "other" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Jane", "Evelyne" ], "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 1, "type": "searchset" }
Searching for missing values
The search modifier :missing
can be used on any search parameter to match
based on the presence or absence of any value in the specified field. For
example, Patient?gender=unknown
matches resources that explicitly contain the
enum value for gender, but as this field is not required there may be
other resources that do not populate the field at all. Such resources can be
matched by Patient?gender:missing=true
. The converse, Patient?gender:missing=false
matches any resource that explicitly populates this field.
Missing values samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
is missing a gender
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Lisbon", "district": "KW", "line": [ "Avenida da Pastelaria, 1903" ], "period": { "start": "1980-01-01" }, "text": "Avenida da Pastelaria, 1903", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1980-01-01", "deceasedBoolean": false, "id": "patient3", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "tag3", "display": "Tag $3", "system": "other|tag" }, { "code": "code,4", "display": "Tag 4", "system": "system" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Smith", "given": [ "Mary" ], "text": "Smith, Mary", "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "1110891111" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 1, "type": "searchset" }
Text search
The special search parameter _content
performs a text match on string-based
fields (excluding number, date, or enum fields) if the field is the target of
any search parameter on the resource. By default, _content
matches resources that
contain all of the words in the query, with support for additional operators:
is the OR operator, for exampleabc | def | ghi xyz
will match a resource that containsxyz
and one or more ofabc
is the NOT operator, for exampleabc -def
will match a resource that containsabc
but does not containdef
The matching is based on complete words and does not match substrings or non-alphanumeric characters. The order of the words does not matter. Matching words can be spread across multiple fields in the resource.
The parameter _text
performs the same type of match only on the Narrative
field, which is intended to contain a human-readable summary of the resource
contents. The Cloud Healthcare API does not automatically generate this
summary, but supports the _text
search parameter if this data was populated by
the client when creating or updating the resource.
Text search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "|%20Mountain%20View" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "1974-12-25" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1974-12-25", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "ENG", "display": "def", "system": "123" }, { "code": "english", "display": "ghi", "system": "456" } ], "text": "abc" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "male", "id": "patient1", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2021-10-21T16:41:47.211939+00:00", "tag": [ { "code": "tag1", "display": "Tag One", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "other-system" } ], "versionId": "MTYzNDgzNDUwNzIxMTkzOTAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Alex", "Cleve" ], "text": "Alex Lee", "use": "usual" }, { "given": [ "Joe" ], "use": "nickname" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "active": false, "address": [ { "city": "Mountain View", "district": "KW", "line": [ "1800 Amphibious Blvd" ], "period": { "start": "2000-01-01" }, "text": "1800 Amphibious Blvd", "type": "both", "use": "home" } ], "birthDate": "1989-03-11", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "FR", "display": "jkl", "system": "123" }, { "code": "french", "display": "mno", "system": "456" } ], "text": "pqr" } } ], "deceasedBoolean": false, "gender": "female", "id": "patient2", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2021-10-21T16:41:47.211939+00:00", "tag": [ { "code": "tag2", "display": "Tag Two", "system": "tag-system" }, { "code": "tag|tag3", "display": "Tag Three", "system": "other" } ], "versionId": "MTYzNDgzNDUwNzIxMTkzOTAwMA" }, "name": [ { "family": "Lee", "given": [ "Jane", "Evelyne" ], "use": "usual" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "rank": 1, "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "0982344522" }, { "rank": 2, "system": "email", "use": "home", "value": "" } ] }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 2, "type": "searchset" }
Composite search parameters
When searching using multiple query parameters, there are cases where individual search parameters combined with AND would match unintended results. Composite search parameters are a special type of search parameter that address this issue.
For example, the Observation
resource may contain multiple values in the
field, each of which contains a pair of code
and value
. A search
for Observation?component-code=8867-4&component-value-quantity=lt50
match a resource that had one component containing a code
of 8867-4 and a
different component containing a value
less than 50. This search cannot be
used to restrict to a match of these two values within the same component.
Composite search parameters define a new parameter that combines two other
search parameters and defines a level of nesting within which they must both
match. In the query, the two values are joined by $
. For example,
has a composite parameter component-code-value-quantity
that can
restrict the previous example to a single component by searching for
. These parameters are
defined by the FHIR specification and do not exist for all combinations of
search parameters.
Composite search parameters do not allow modifiers.
As with all search parameters, information on which composite parameters are supported by the Cloud Healthcare API can be found in the capability statement or FHIR Conformance Statement.
Composite search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "\$lt150" | Select-Object -Expand Content
and a component-value-quantity
of 133, which meets the criteria for lt150
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "vital-signs", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "55284-4", "display": "Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ] }, "component": [ { "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "8480-6", "display": "Systolic Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ], "text": "Systolic Blood Pressure" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mmHg", "system": "", "unit": "mmHg", "value": 133 } }, { "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "8462-4", "display": "Diastolic Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ], "text": "Diastolic Blood Pressure" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mmHg", "system": "", "unit": "mmHg", "value": 84 } } ], "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "a35bf421-1f00-4897-a94d-4d47c3bb306b", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "", "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 1, "type": "searchset" }
Chained search
A chained search allows a search to traverse references within the context of a query. The basic syntax for a chained search is:
[reference parameter]:[resource type].[inner search parameter]=[inner value]
If the reference parameter only refers to one resource type, the :[resource
may be omitted, resulting in:
[reference parameter].[inner search parameter]=[inner value]
For example, Observation
has a reference search parameter subject
that may
point to a Group
, Device
, Patient
, or Location
. To find Observations
that have a subject
which is a Patient
having a name beginning with "Joe",
you can search Observation?
If the query has multiple chained parameters, each chain is evaluated
separately. For example, Patient?
would match a Patient
that had two
references, one named "Joe" and the other having an
address in Canada. There is no syntax to group these clauses together to match
only Joe from Canada.
Chained searches can be recursive with other chains or reverse chains, for example
would match an
that refers to a subject
that refers to an organization
has a name
of Acme
Chained search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
to return all Observations that have a subject
which is a Patient
has a name beginning with Christopher
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
to return all Observations that have a subject
which is a Patient
has a name beginning with Christopher
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "laboratory", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "2093-3", "display": "Total Cholesterol", "system": "" } ], "text": "Total Cholesterol" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "85652a63-09ba-4a5b-ac5b-b690c6972eb5", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mg/dL", "system": "", "unit": "mg/dL", "value": 191 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "laboratory", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "2571-8", "display": "Triglycerides", "system": "" } ], "text": "Triglycerides" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "e7aea507-61af-4290-9323-0b3daed0b7a9", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mg/dL", "system": "", "unit": "mg/dL", "value": 143 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "vital-signs", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "55284-4", "display": "Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ] }, "component": [ { "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "8480-6", "display": "Systolic Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ], "text": "Systolic Blood Pressure" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mmHg", "system": "", "unit": "mmHg", "value": 133 } }, { "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "8462-4", "display": "Diastolic Blood Pressure", "system": "" } ], "text": "Diastolic Blood Pressure" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mmHg", "system": "", "unit": "mmHg", "value": 84 } } ], "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "a35bf421-1f00-4897-a94d-4d47c3bb306b", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "", "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "vital-signs", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "8302-2", "display": "Body Height", "system": "" } ], "text": "Body Height" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "14df9701-2dd4-4538-8fac-776c40dec22d", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "", "", "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "cm", "system": "", "unit": "centimeters", "value": 177.72961711703704 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "vital-signs", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "39156-5", "display": "Body Mass Index", "system": "" } ], "text": "Body Mass Index" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "1e2fdce6-4c79-4ef8-a5a9-2326cddbc8b3", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "", "", "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "kg/m2", "system": "", "unit": "kg/m2", "value": 38.34566163709526 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "laboratory", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "18262-6", "display": "Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol", "system": "" } ], "text": "Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "58357362-6f18-438a-8479-3289ebab1617", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mg/dL", "system": "", "unit": "mg/dL", "value": 102 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "laboratory", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "2085-9", "display": "High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol", "system": "" } ], "text": "High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "c6f1b042-a0fc-4bbc-9cd5-7a8a924c00e7", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "mg/dL", "system": "", "unit": "mg/dL", "value": 60 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "vital-signs", "system": "" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "code": "29463-7", "display": "Body Weight", "system": "" } ], "text": "Body Weight" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/0e9d631c-4407-45e5-bfbe-689806caaf7b" }, "id": "ac57b908-2804-4d67-a7ad-1e4a4c3225a1", "issued": "2008-03-07T17:47:02-05:00", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "", "", "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "final", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a" }, "valueQuantity": { "code": "kg", "system": "", "unit": "kg", "value": 121.12557348891558 } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 8, "type": "searchset" }
Reverse chained search
A reverse chained search matches resources based on criteria on other resources that refer to them. The syntax for a reverse chained search is:
_has:[resource type]:[reference parameter]:[search parameter]=[value]
For example, the Appointment
resource has a search parameter patient
referring to a Patient
resource. To find all Patient
resources that are
referenced by an Appointment
resource with a date of 2020-04-01
, use
Reverse chains can be recursive with other chains or reverse chains, for example
would match a Practitioner
P if there is an Encounter
E and a Claim
C such
that C has a created date of 2020-04-01
, C refers to E through its encounter
reference, and E refers to P through its practitioner
Reverse chained search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "address": [ { "country": "US", "line": [ "907 Arlo Cliffs", "Suite 984" ], "postalCode": "XXXXX" } ], "birthDate": "1940-12-01", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "en-US", "display": "English (United States)", "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:47" } ] } } ], "deceasedDateTime": "2009-07-26T12:01:23-05:00", "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2106-3", "display": "White", "system": "" } ], "text": "race" } }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2186-5", "display": "Nonhispanic", "system": "" } ], "text": "ethnicity" } }, { "url": "", "valueAddress": { "city": "Tama", "country": "US", "postalCode": "52339", "state": "Iowa" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "Farrah Feeney" }, { "url": "", "valueCode": "M" }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": false }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": true }, { "url": "", "valueHumanName": { "text": "Christopher Diaz" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "999-16-9041" } ], "gender": "male", "generalPractitioner": [ { "reference": "Organization/9fb51c89-1453-406c-8357-578311b43a91" } ], "id": "8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "SB", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "999169041" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.25", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "DL", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "S99992205" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "PPN", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "X12551631X" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "MR", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" } ], "maritalStatus": { "coding": [ { "code": "S", "system": "" } ], "text": "S" }, "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "multipleBirthBoolean": false, "name": [ { "family": "Diaz", "given": [ "Christopher" ], "prefix": [ "Mr." ], "use": "official" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "434-100-2918 x800" } ], "text": { "div": "Generated by Synthea. Version identifier: 2dd4c1c37e2743d14e5073c7b5e42899a3e51531", "status": "generated" } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 1, "type": "searchset" }
Including additional resources in search results
The _include
and _revinclude
parameters request that the search results
include additional resources ("included resources") related to the resources
directly matching the query ("primary results"). Using these parameters is more
efficient than making a series of requests to retrieve these additional
resources separately. In the searchset
bundle returned from the search,
resources added by these parameters will be flagged with = include
to distinguish them from primary results which
will have = match
Forward inclusion with _include
adds resources and resource versions
referenced by the primary results, and reverse inclusion with _revinclude
resources that reference the primary results. The reference to follow is
specified by the name of a search parameter, and only reference fields that are
available as search parameters can be used in this way.
The parameter formats to _include
and _revinclude
are the same, taking two
or three values delimited by :
. The first value is the resource type that the
reference is coming from, the second value is the search parameter name, and the
optional third value limits the resource type to a single type in cases where
the reference can point to more than one type.
For example:
searches overMedicationRequest
resources, and for each resource returned also returns the target of thesubject
reference which might be aGroup
as defined in the FHIR specification.MedicationRequest?_include=MedicationRequest:subject:Patient
is similar but only returnssubject
references toPatient
searches overMedicationRequest
resources, and for each resource returned also returns anyProvenance
resources where thetarget
reference onProvenance
refers to the matching resource.
search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri "|2571-8&_include=*" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "address": [ { "country": "US", "line": [ "907 Arlo Cliffs", "Suite 984" ], "postalCode": "XXXXX" } ], "birthDate": "1940-12-01", "communication": [ { "language": { "coding": [ { "code": "en-US", "display": "English (United States)", "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:47" } ] } } ], "deceasedDateTime": "2009-07-26T12:01:23-05:00", "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2106-3", "display": "White", "system": "" } ], "text": "race" } }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "code": "2186-5", "display": "Nonhispanic", "system": "" } ], "text": "ethnicity" } }, { "url": "", "valueAddress": { "city": "Tama", "country": "US", "postalCode": "52339", "state": "Iowa" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "Farrah Feeney" }, { "url": "", "valueCode": "M" }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": false }, { "url": "", "valueBoolean": true }, { "url": "", "valueHumanName": { "text": "Christopher Diaz" } }, { "url": "", "valueString": "999-16-9041" } ], "gender": "male", "generalPractitioner": [ { "reference": "Organization/9fb51c89-1453-406c-8357-578311b43a91" } ], "id": "8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "SB", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "999169041" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.25", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "DL", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "S99992205" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "PPN", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "X12551631X" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "MR", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" } ], "maritalStatus": { "coding": [ { "code": "S", "system": "" } ], "text": "S" }, "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "profile": [ "" ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "multipleBirthBoolean": false, "name": [ { "family": "Diaz", "given": [ "Christopher" ], "prefix": [ "Mr." ], "use": "official" } ], "resourceType": "Patient", "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "434-100-2918 x800" } ], "text": { "div": "Generated by Synthea. Version identifier: 2dd4c1c37e2743d14e5073c7b5e42899a3e51531", "status": "generated" } }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 1, "type": "searchset" }
The modifier :iterate
causes an _include
to be evaluated iteratively.
This modifier can follow an extra layer of references from included results,
or follow recursive structures such as Observation:derived-from
to another Observation
The depth of recursion is limited to two levels: the top level and two sublevels. For example, suppose you have the following sequence of references:
- A Patient resource that references a PractitionerRole resource through the
field. - The PractitionerRole resource references a Practitioner resource through the
field. - The Practitioner resource references an Organization resource through the
The following example shows the sequence of references. The Organization resource at level 3 isn't included in the search results because it exceeds the maximum two-level limit.
Patient (Level 0)
- Patient.generalPractitioner -> PractitionerRole (Level 1)
- PractitionerRole.practitioner -> Practitioner (Level 2)
- Practitioner.organization -> Organization (Level 3)
The following additional examples describe the behavior of the :iterate
searches overObservation
resources and recursively follows the derived-from reference from matchingObservation
resources, and then from included resources.MedicationRequest?_revinclude=Provenance:target&_include:iterate=Provenance:agent
will search overMedicationRequest
resources, includeProvenance
resources with atarget
that is in this result set, and then also include resources referenced through theagent
parameter of thoseProvenance
A wildcard, *
, indicates that all references available as search parameters
should be included. You can use the *
wildcard as the first and only argument
in the _include
, or in place of the search parameter name from the standard
, where the optional third value limits the resource type to a single
type as in the original behavior.
For example:
searches overObservation
resources, and for each resource also returns all referenced resources.Observation?_include=Observation:*
is equivalent to the preceding.MedicationRequest?_include=MedicationRequest:*:Patient
returns all references toPatient
resources for eachMedicationRequest
The server deduplicates resources so that each page of results only includes one copy of the resource, even if the resource appears in multiple references. The same included resource appears on each page of results if a primary result relates to it.
Manage the number of included resources
Note the following about additional resources included using the
and _revinclude
Included resources don't count toward the page size. They aren't counted in
, and they might cause the number of returned resources to be larger than a specified_count
parameter.Because included resources don't count toward the page size, use caution with
parameters that might produce many results. Large result sizes can lead to timeouts or errors. Consider using a smaller_count
value to limit the number of primary results if you expect many included results. Avoid following a one-to-many relationship where the many side of the relationship isn't bounded.An individual
parameter adds at most 100 additional resources. For use cases where there might be more than 100 resources referring to the primary results, do one of the following:- Use a separate search query request using page size and pagination parameters to retrieve more results.
Start the search with the included resources:
Suppose an Encounter resource with ID
has hundreds of Observation resources. Searching for these Observation resources using_revinclude
(starting with the Encounter) returns a response that exceeds the limit of 100 additional resources:fhir/Encounter?_id=123&_revinclude=Observation:encounter
Instead, search for Observation resources and include the related Encounter using
This approach filters Observation resources to only those related to the Encounter and retrieves the Encounter resource only once.
Limiting fields returned in search results
The _elements
parameter allows the client to request that only a subset of
fields is returned for each search result to reduce the size of the response by
omitting unnecessary data. The parameter accepts a comma-separated list of base
element names in the resource, for example
. Only these fields and their
children will be included in the returned resources. Resources in the response
that have been altered by this parameter will contain a meta.tag
value of
to indicate that they are incomplete.
search samples
Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:
- PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
- LOCATION: the location of the parent dataset
- DATASET_ID: the FHIR store's parent dataset
- FHIR_STORE_ID: the FHIR store ID
To send your request, choose one of these options:
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
The following sample uses the
Execute the following command:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method GET `
-Headers $headers `
-Uri ",contact,link" | Select-Object -Expand Content
You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:
{ "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "id": "patient3", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "SUBSETTED", "system": "" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Patient" }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "id": "patient2", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "SUBSETTED", "system": "" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Patient" }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "id": "8ac08aa9-63d2-4e81-8647-3a138d7f9f5a", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "SB", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "999169041" }, { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.25", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "DL", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "S99992205" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "PPN", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "X12551631X" }, { "system": "", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "MR", "system": "" } ] }, "value": "c1ee4b49-3194-4b39-91ed-4d1393a780c6" } ], "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "SUBSETTED", "system": "" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Patient" }, "search": { "mode": "match" } }, { "fullUrl": "", "resource": { "id": "patient1", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ", "tag": [ { "code": "SUBSETTED", "system": "" } ], "versionId": "MTYzMTgyMTExMDIyMDk5ODAwMA" }, "resourceType": "Patient" }, "search": { "mode": "match" } } ], "link": [ { "relation": "search", "url": "" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "" }, { "relation": "self", "url": "" } ], "resourceType": "Bundle", "total": 4, "type": "searchset" }
The Cloud Healthcare API has limited support for the _summary
which provides pre-defined subsets of resource fields similar to _elements
returns only thetext
, andmeta
top-level fields_summary=data
removes thetext
field and returns all other fields