Cloud AI Platform v1 API - Enum Featurestore.Types.State (3.5.0)

public enum Featurestore.Types.State

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud AI Platform v1 API enum Featurestore.Types.State.

Possible states a featurestore can have.






Name Description

State when the featurestore configuration is not being updated and the fields reflect the current configuration of the featurestore. The featurestore is usable in this state.


Default value. This value is unused.


The state of the featurestore configuration when it is being updated. During an update, the fields reflect either the original configuration or the updated configuration of the featurestore. For example, online_serving_config.fixed_node_count can take minutes to update. While the update is in progress, the featurestore is in the UPDATING state, and the value of fixed_node_count can be the original value or the updated value, depending on the progress of the operation. Until the update completes, the actual number of nodes can still be the original value of fixed_node_count. The featurestore is still usable in this state.