Troubleshoot database health issues

You can view details about database fleet health issues and recommended resolutions, as well as compliance violation information.

Before you begin

View database health issues

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Database Center page.

    Database Center

  2. To define the scope of your database fleet, use the drop-down in the Google Cloud console menu bar, select a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

  3. Select the products and versions, regions, and labels filters you want to apply to your dashboard.

  4. Click All Resources. The dashboard shows resource metadata and issues affecting each resource.

Troubleshoot database health issues

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Database Center page.

    Database Center

  2. To define the scope of your database fleet, use the drop-down in the Google Cloud console menu bar, select a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

  3. Select the products and versions, regions, and labels filters you want to apply to your dashboard.

  4. Click All Resources. The dashboard shows resource metadata and issues affecting each resource.

  5. To view a detailed description of the issue, click a database health issue. The issue dialog describes the issue, recommends next steps, and lists compliance violations where applicable.

  6. To view the resource affected by the issue, click Go to Resource.

  7. Optional: To edit the relevant configuration to resolve the issue you clicked, click Edit Configuration.

  8. Optional: To share detailed issue information, click Copy Link and share the link.