This document helps troubleshoot authentication issues in Google Distributed Cloud. General troubleshooting information and guidance is provided, along with specific information for OpenID Connect (OIDC) and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
OIDC and LDAP authentication uses GKE Identity Service. Before you can use GKE Identity Service with Google Distributed Cloud, you must configure an identity provider. If you haven't configured an identity provider for GKE Identity Service, follow the instructions for one of the more common following providers:
Review the GKE Identity Service identity provider troubleshooting guide for information on how to enable and review identity logs and test connectivity.
If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.
General troubleshooting
The following troubleshooting tips can help with general authentication and authorization issues with Google Distributed Cloud. If these issues don't apply or you have issues with OIDC or LDAP, continue to the section on troubleshooting GKE Identity Service.
Keep gcloud anthos auth
You can avoid many common issues by verifying that the components of your
gcloud anthos auth
installation are up to date.
There are two pieces that must be verified. The gcloud anthos auth
command has logic in the Google Cloud CLI core component, and a separately
packaged anthos-auth
To update the Google Cloud CLI:
gcloud components update
To update the
component:gcloud components install anthos-auth
Invalid provider configuration
If your identity provider configuration is invalid, you will see an error screen from your identity provider after you click LOGIN. Follow the provider-specific instructions to correctly configure the provider or your cluster.
Invalid configuration
If Google Cloud console can't read the OIDC configuration from your cluster, the LOGIN button is disabled. To troubleshooting your cluster OIDC configuration, see the following troubleshoot OIDC section in this document.
Invalid permissions
If you complete the authentication flow, but still don't see the details of the cluster, make sure you granted the correct RBAC permissions to the account that you used with OIDC. This might be a different account from the one you use to access Google Cloud console.
Missing refresh token
The following issue occurs when the authorization server prompts for consent, but the required authentication parameter wasn't provided.
Error: missing 'RefreshToken' field in 'OAuth2Token' in credentials struct
To resolve this issue, in your ClientConfig
resource, add prompt=consent
to the authentication.oidc.extraParams
field. Then regenerate the client
authentication file.
Refresh token expired
The following issue occurs when the refresh token in the kubeconfig file has expired:
Unable to connect to the server: Get {DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT}: x509:
certificate signed by unknown authority
To resolve this issue, run the gcloud anthos auth login
command again.
gcloud anthos auth login fails with proxyconnect tcp
This issue occurs when there's an error in the https_proxy
environment variable configurations. If there's an https://
specified in the
environment variables, then the GoLang HTTP client libraries might fail if the
proxy is configured to handle HTTPS connections using other protocols such as
The following example error message might be returned:
proxyconnect tcp: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake
To resolve this issue, modify the https_proxy
variables to omit the https:// prefix
. On Windows, modify the system
environment variables. For example, change the value of the https_proxy
environment variable from
Cluster access fails when using kubeconfig generated by gcloud anthos auth login
This issue occurs when the Kubernetes API server is unable to authorize the user. This can happen if the appropriate RBACs are missing or incorrect, or there's an error in the OIDC configuration for the cluster. The following example error might be displayed:
To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
In the kubeconfig file generated by
gcloud anthos auth login
, copy the value ofid-token
.kind: Config ... users: - name: ... user: auth-provider: config: id-token: xxxxyyyy
Install jwt-cli and run:
ID_TOKEN Verify OIDC configuration.
resource has thegroup
fields. These fields are used to set the--oidc-group-claim
flags in the Kubernetes API server. When the API server is presented with the token, it forwards the token to GKE Identity Service, which returns the extractedgroup-claim
back to the API server. The API server uses the response to verify that the corresponding group or user has the correct permissions.Verify that the claims set for
in theClientConfig
resource are present in the ID token.Check RBACs that were applied.
Verify that there's an RBAC with the correct permissions for either the user specified by
or one of the groups listedgroup-claim
from the previous step. The name of the user or group in the RBAC should be prefixed with theusernameprefix
that was specified in theClientConfig
is blank, andusername
is a value other thanemail
, the prefix defaults toissuerurl#
. To disable username prefixes, setusernameprefix
.For more information about user and group prefixes, see Authenticating with OIDC.
resource:oidc: ... username: "unique_name" usernameprefix: "-" group: "group" groupprefix: "oidc:"
ID token:
{ ... "email": "", "unique_name": "EXAMPLE\cluster-developer", "group": [ "Domain Users", "EXAMPLE\developers" ], ... }
The following RBAC bindings grant this group and user the
cluster role. Note the single slash in the name field instead of a double slash:Group ClusterRoleBinding:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: example-binding subjects: - kind: Group name: "oidc:EXAMPLE\developers" apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: pod-reader apiGroup:
User ClusterRoleBinding:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: example-binding subjects: - kind: User name: "EXAMPLE\cluster-developer" apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: pod-reader apiGroup:
Check the Kubernetes API server logs.
If the OIDC plugin configured in the Kubernetes API server doesn't start up correctly, the API server returns an
error when presented with the ID token. To see if there were any issues with the OIDC plugin in the API server, run:kubectl logs statefulset/kube-apiserver -n
USER_CLUSTER_NAME \ --kubeconfigADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG Replace the following:
: The name of your user cluster to view logs for.ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
: The admin cluster kubeconfig file.
Error validating cluster config
When you try to run a bmctl
command, you might encounter the following error:
Error validating cluster config: 3 errors occurred:
* GKEConnect check failed: Get oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid JWT Signature."}
* ClusterOperations check failed: Post oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid JWT Signature."}
* GCR pull permission for bucket: failed: Get oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid JWT Signature."}
This error is likely happening because you're using an expired service account key. To generate a new service account key, follow the instructions in Create and delete service account keys.
Troubleshoot OIDC
When OIDC authentication isn't working for Google Distributed Cloud, typically the OIDC
specification in the ClientConfig
resource has been improperly configured.
The ClientConfig
resource provides instructions for reviewing logs and the
OIDC specification to help identify the cause of an OIDC problem.
Review the GKE Identity Service identity provider troubleshooting guide for information on how to enable and review identity logs and test connectivity. After you confirm that GKE Identity Service works as expected or you identify an issue, review the following OIDC troubleshooting information.
Check the OIDC specification in your cluster
The OIDC information for your cluster is specified in the ClientConfig
resource in the kube-public
kubectl get
to print the OIDC resource for your user cluster:kubectl --kubeconfig
KUBECONFIG -n kube-public get \ default -o yamlReplace
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.Review the field values to confirm that the specification is configured correctly for your OIDC provider.
If you identify a configuration issue in the specification, reconfigure OIDC.
If you're unable to diagnose and resolve the problem yourself, contact Google Cloud support.
Google Cloud support needs the GKE Identity Service logs and the OIDC specification to diagnose and resolve OIDC problems.
Verify that OIDC authentication is enabled
Before you test OIDC authentication, verify that OIDC authentication is enabled in your cluster.
Examine the GKE Identity Service logs:
kubectl logs -l k8s-app=ais -n anthos-identity-service
The following example output shows that OIDC authentication is correctly enabled:
... I1011 22:14:21.684580 33 plugin_list.h:139] OIDC_AUTHENTICATION[0] started. ...
If OIDC authentication isn't enabled correctly, errors similar to the following example are displayed:
Failed to start the OIDC_AUTHENTICATION[0] authentication method with error:
Review the specific errors reported and try to correct them.
Test the OIDC authentication
To use the OIDC feature, use a workstation with the UI and browser enabled. You can't perform these steps from a text-based SSH session. To test that OIDC works correctly in your cluster, complete the following steps:
- Download the Google Cloud CLI.
To generate the login config file, run the following
gcloud anthos create-login-config
command:gcloud anthos create-login-config \ --output user-login-config.yaml \ --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.To authenticate the user, run the following command:
gcloud anthos auth login --cluster
CLUSTER_NAME \ --login-config user-login-config.yaml \ --kubeconfigAUTH_KUBECONFIG Replace the following:
- CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your user cluster to connect to.
- AUTH_KUBECONFIG with the new kubeconfig file to create that includes the credentials for accessing your cluster. For more information, see Authenticate to the cluster.
You should receive a sign-in consent page open in the default web browser of your local workstation. Provide valid authentication information for a user in this sign in prompt.
After you successfully complete the previous sign-in step, a kubeconfig file is generated in your current directory.
To test the new kubeconfig file that includes your credentials, list the Pods in your user cluster:
kubectl get pods --kubeconfig
AUTH_KUBECONFIG Replace AUTH_KUBECONFIG with the path to your new kubeconfig file that was generated in the previous step.
The following example message might be returned that shows you can successfully authenticate, but there are no role-based access controls (RBACs) assigned to the account:
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "XXXX" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope
Review OIDC authentication logs
If you're unable to authenticate with OIDC, GKE Identity Service logs provide the most relevant and useful information for debugging the problem.
kubectl logs
to print the GKE Identity Service logs:kubectl --kubeconfig
KUBECONFIG \ -n anthos-identity-service logs \ deployment/ais --all-containers=trueReplace
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.Review the logs for errors that can help you diagnose OIDC problems.
For example, the
resource might have a typo in theissuerURL
field, such ashtps://
(missing at
). The GKE Identity Service logs would contain an entry like the following example:OIDC (htps:// - Unable to fetch JWKs needed to validate OIDC ID token.
If you identify a configuration issue in the logs, Reconfigure OIDC and correct the configuration issues.
If you're unable to diagnose and resolve the problem yourself, contact Google Cloud support.
Google Cloud support needs the GKE Identity Service logs and the OIDC specification to diagnose and resolve OIDC problems.
Common OIDC issues
If you have problems with OIDC authentication, review the following common issues. Follow any guidance for how to resolve the issue.
No endpoints available for service "ais"
When you save the ClientConfig
resource, the following error message is
Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "":
failed to call webhook: Post "https://ais.anthos-identity-service.svc:15000/admission?timeout=10s":
no endpoints available for service "ais"
This error is caused by the unhealthy GKE Identity Service endpoint. The GKE Identity Service Pod is unable to serve the validation webhook.
To confirm that the GKE Identity Service Pod is unhealthy, run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n anthos-identity-service \ --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.The following example output means that your GKE Identity Service Pod is crashing:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ais-5949d879cd-flv9w 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 7m14s
To understand why the Pod has a problem, look at the Pod events:
kubectl describe pod -l k8s-app=ais \ -n anthos-identity-service \ --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.The following example output reports a permission error when pulling the image:
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled 10m default-scheduler Successfully assigned anthos-identity-service/ais-5949d879cd-flv9w to pool-1-76bbbb8798-dknz5 Normal Pulling 8m23s (x4 over 10m) kubelet Pulling image "" Warning Failed 8m21s (x4 over 10m) kubelet Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": pulling from host failed with status code [manifests hybrid_identity_charon_20220808_2319_RC00]: 401 Unauthorized Warning Failed 8m21s (x4 over 10m) kubelet Error: ErrImagePull Warning Failed 8m10s (x6 over 9m59s) kubelet Error: ImagePullBackOff Normal BackOff 4m49s (x21 over 9m59s) kubelet Back-off pulling image ""
If the Pod events report a problem, continue troubleshooting in the affected areas. If you need additional assistance, contact Google Cloud support.
Failed reading response bytes from server
You might see the following errors in the GKE Identity Service logs:
E0516 07:24:38.314681 65] Failed fetching the Discovery URI
"" with error:
Failed reading response bytes from server.
E0516 08:24:38.446504 65] Failed to fetch the JWKs URI
"" with error:
Failed reading response bytes from server.
These network errors might appear in the logs in one of the following ways:
Sparsely appear in the log: Spare errors likely aren't the main issue, and could be intermittent network problems.
The GKE Identity Service OIDC plugin has a daemon process to periodically synchronize the OIDC discovery URL every 5 seconds. If the network connection is unstable, this egress request might fail. Occasional failure does not affect the OIDC authentication. The existing cached data can be reused.
If you encounter spare errors in the logs, continue with additional troubleshooting steps.
Constantly appear in the log, or GKE Identity Service never successfully reaches the well-known endpoint: These constant issues indicate a connectivity issue between GKE Identity Service and your OIDC identity provider.
The following troubleshooting steps can help diagnose these connectivity issues:
- Make sure that a firewall isn't blocking the outbound requests from GKE Identity Service.
- Check that the identity provider server is running correctly.
- Verify that the OIDC issuer URL in the
resource is configured correctly. - If you enabled the proxy field in the
resource, review the status or log of your egress proxy server. - Test the connectivity between your GKE Identity Service pod and OIDC identity provider server.
You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
When you try to sign in using OIDC authentication, you might receive the following error message:
You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
This error is a general Kubernetes authentication problem that doesn't give any additional information. However, this error does indicate a configuration problem.
To determine the problem, review the previous sections to
Check the OIDC specification in your cluster
Configure the ClientConfig
Failed to make webhook authenticator request
In the GKE Identity Service logs, you might see the following error:
E0810 09:58:02.820573 1 webhook.go:127] Failed to make webhook authenticator request:
error trying to reach service: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
This error indicates that the API server can't establish the connection with the GKE Identity Service Pod.
To verify if the GKE Identity Service endpoint can be reached from the outside, run the following
command:curl -k -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -X POST \ https://
APISERVER_HOST /api/v1/namespaces/anthos-identity-service/services/https:ais:https/proxy/authenticate -d '{}'Replace
with the address of your API server.The expected response is an
HTTP 400
status code. If the request timed out, restart the GKE Identity Service Pod. If the error continues, it means that the GKE Identity Service HTTP server fails to start. For additional assistance, contact Google Cloud support.
URL not found
The following issue occurs when Google Cloud console can't reach the identity
provider. An attempt to sign in is redirected to a page with a URL not found
To resolve this issue, review the following troubleshooting steps. After each step, try to sign in again:
If the identity provider isn't reachable over the public internet, enable the OIDC HTTP proxy to sign in using Google Cloud console. Edit the
custom resource and setuseHTTPProxy
:kubectl edit clientconfig default -n kube-public --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.If the HTTP proxy is enabled and you still experience this error, there might be an issue with the proxy starting up. View the logs of the proxy:
kubectl logs deployment/clientconfig-operator -n kube-system --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.Even if your identity provider has a well-known CA, you must provide a value for
in yourClientConfig
custom resource for the HTTP proxy to successfully start.If the authorization server prompts for consent, and you haven't included the
parameters, edit theClientConfig
custom resource, and addprompt=consent
parameters:kubectl edit clientconfig default -n kube-public --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.If configuration settings are changed on storage service, you might need to explicitly sign out of existing sessions. In the Google Cloud console, go to the cluster details page, and select Log out.
Troubleshoot LDAP
If you have issues with LDAP authentication, make sure that you have set up your environment by following one of the appropriate configuration documents:
You also need to make sure that you
populate the LDAP service account secret
and have
configured the ClientConfig
resource to enable LDAP authentication.
Review the GKE Identity Service identity provider troubleshooting guide for information on how to enable and review identity logs and test connectivity. After you confirm that GKE Identity Service works as expected or you identify an issue, review the following LDAP troubleshooting information.
Verify that LDAP authentication is enabled
Before you test LDAP authentication, verify that LDAP authentication is enabled in your cluster.
Examine the GKE Identity Service logs:
kubectl logs -l k8s-app=ais -n anthos-identity-service
The following example output shows that LDAP authentication is correctly enabled:
... I1012 00:14:11.282107 34 plugin_list.h:139] LDAP[0] started. ...
If LDAP authentication isn't enabled correctly, errors similar to the following example are displayed:
Failed to start the LDAP_AUTHENTICATION[0] authentication method with error:
Review the specific errors reported and try to correct them.
Test the LDAP authentication
To use the LDAP feature, use a workstation with the UI and browser enabled. You can't perform these steps from a text-based SSH session. To test that LDAP authentication works correctly in your cluster, complete the following steps:
- Download the Google Cloud CLI.
To generate the login config file, run the following gcloud anthos create-login-config command:
gcloud anthos create-login-config \ --output user-login-config.yaml \ --kubeconfig
with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig file.To authenticate the user, run the following command:
gcloud anthos auth login --cluster
CLUSTER_NAME \ --login-config user-login-config.yaml \ --kubeconfigAUTH_KUBECONFIG Replace the following:
with the name of your user cluster to connect to.AUTH_KUBECONFIG
with the new kubeconfig file to create that includes the credentials for accessing your cluster. For more information, see Authenticate to the cluster.
You should receive a sign-in consent page open in the default web browser of your local workstation. Provide valid authentication information for a user in this sign in prompt.
After you successfully complete the previous sign-in step, a kubeconfig file is generated in your current directory.
To test the new kubeconfig file that includes your credentials, list the Pods in your user cluster:
kubectl get pods --kubeconfig
AUTH_KUBECONFIG Replace AUTH_KUBECONFIG with the path to your user cluster kubeconfig that was generated in the previous step.
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "XXXX" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope
Common LDAP issues
If you have problems with LDAP authentication, review the following common issues. Follow any guidance for how to resolve the issue.
Users can't authenticate with commas in their CN
When you use LDAP, you might have problems where users can't authenticate if
their CN contains a comma, like CN="a,b"
. If you enable the debugging log for
GKE Identity Service, the following error message is reported:
I0207 20:41:32.670377 30] Unable to query groups from the LDAP server, using the LDAP service account
Encountered the following error: Empty entries.
This problem occurs because the GKE Identity Service LDAP plugin double escapes the comma. This issue only happens in versions Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 and earlier.
To fix this problem, complete one of the following steps:
- Upgrade your cluster to Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 or later.
- Choose a different
, likesAMAccountName
, instead of using the CN. - Remove the commas from inside the CN in your LDAP directory.
Authentication failure with Google Cloud CLI 1.4.2
With Google Cloud CLI anthos-auth
1.4.2, you might see the following error
message when you run the gcloud anthos auth login
Error: LDAP login failed: could not obtain an STS token: Post "":
failed to obtain an endpoint for deployment anthos-identity-service/ais: Unauthorized
ERROR: Configuring Anthos authentication failed
In the GKE Identity Service log, you also see the following error:
I0728 12:43:01.980012 26] Stopping STS authentication, unable to decrypt the STS token:
Decryption failed, no keys in the current key set could decrypt the payload.
To resolve this error, complete the following steps:
Check if you use the Google Cloud CLI
version 1.4.2:gcloud anthos auth version
The following example output shows that the version is 1.4.2:
Current Version: v1.4.2
If you run the Google Cloud CLI
version 1.4.2, upgrade to version 1.4.3 or later.
What's next
If you need additional assistance, reach out to
Cloud Customer Care.