google-cloud-resource_manager - Class Google::Cloud::ResourceManager::Manager (v0.38.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the google-cloud-resource_manager class Google::Cloud::ResourceManager::Manager.


Provides methods for creating, retrieving, and updating projects.

See Google::Cloud#resource_manager


  • Object


require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
resource_manager.projects.each do |project|
  puts projects.project_id



def create_project(project_id, name: nil, labels: nil, parent: nil) -> Google::Cloud::ResourceManager::Project

Creates a project resource.

Initially, the project resource is owned by its creator exclusively. The creator can later grant permission to others to read or update the project.

Several APIs are activated automatically for the project, including Google Cloud Storage.

  • project_id (String) — The unique, user-assigned ID of the project. It must be 6 to 30 lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens. It must start with a letter. Trailing hyphens are prohibited.
  • name (String) (defaults to: nil) — The user-assigned name of the project. This field is optional and can remain unset.

    Allowed characters are: lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, hyphen, single-quote, double-quote, space, and exclamation point.

  • labels (Hash) (defaults to: nil) — The labels associated with this project.

    Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following regular expression: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?.

    Label values must be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular expression ([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)?.

    No more than 256 labels can be associated with a given resource.

  • parent (Resource) (defaults to: nil) — A parent Resource. Optional.

    Supported parent types include "organization" and "folder". Once set, the parent can be updated but cannot be cleared.

    The end user must have the resourcemanager.projects.create permission on the parent.

    (See #resource and Resource.)

require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
project = resource_manager.create_project "tokyo-rain-123"

A project can also be created with a name and labels:

require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
project = resource_manager.create_project "tokyo-rain-123",
  name: "Todos Development", labels: {env: :development}

A project can also be created with a name and parent:

require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
folder = resource_manager.resource "folder", "1234"
project = resource_manager.create_project "tokyo-rain-123",
  name: "Todos Development", parent: folder


def delete(project_id)

Marks the project for deletion. This method will only affect the project if the following criteria are met:

  • The project does not have a billing account associated with it.
  • The project has a lifecycle state of ACTIVE.
  • This method changes the project's lifecycle state from ACTIVE to DELETE_REQUESTED. The deletion starts at an unspecified time, at which point the lifecycle state changes to DELETE_IN_PROGRESS.

Until the deletion completes, you can check the lifecycle state by retrieving the project with Manager#project. The project remains visible to Manager#project and Manager#projects, but cannot be updated.

After the deletion completes, the project is not retrievable by the Manager#project and Manager#projects methods.

The caller must have modify permissions for this project.

  • project_id (String) — The ID of the project.
require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
resource_manager.delete "tokyo-rain-123"


def project(project_id) -> Google::Cloud::ResourceManager::Project, nil

Retrieves the project identified by the specified project_id.

  • project_id (String) — The ID of the project.
require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
project.project_id #=> "tokyo-rain-123"


def projects(filter: nil, token: nil, max: nil) -> Array<Google::Cloud::ResourceManager::Project>

Retrieves the projects that are visible to the user and satisfy the specified filter. This method returns projects in an unspecified order. New projects do not necessarily appear at the end of the list.

  • filter (String) (defaults to: nil)

    An expression for filtering the results of the request. Filter rules are case insensitive.

    The fields eligible for filtering are:

    • name
    • id
    • labels.key - where key is the name of a label

    Some examples of using labels as filters:

    • name:* - The project has a name.
    • name:Howl - The project's name is Howl or howl.
    • name:HOWL - Equivalent to above.
    • NAME:howl - Equivalent to above.
    • labels.color:* - The project has the label color.
    • labels.color:red - The project's label color has the value red.
    • labels.color:red labels.size:big - The project's label color has the value red and its label size has the value big.
  • token (String) (defaults to: nil) — A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.
  • max (Integer) (defaults to: nil) — Maximum number of projects to return.
require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
projects = resource_manager.projects

projects.each do |project|
  puts project.project_id

Projects can be filtered using the filter option:

require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
projects = resource_manager.projects filter: "labels.env:production"

projects.each do |project|
  puts project.project_id

Retrieve all projects: (See Project::List#all)

require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
projects = resource_manager.projects

projects.all do |project|
  puts project.project_id


def resource(type, id) -> resource

Create a Resource object. (See Resource.)

  • type (String) — The resource type this id is for. At present, the valid types are: "organization" and "folder".
  • id (String) — The type-specific id. This should correspond to the id used in the type-specific API's.
  • (resource)
require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
project = resource_manager.project "tokyo-rain-123"
folder = resource_manager.resource "folder", "1234"
project.parent = folder


def undelete(project_id)

Restores the project. You can only use this method for a project that has a lifecycle state of DELETE_REQUESTED. After deletion starts, as indicated by a lifecycle state of DELETE_IN_PROGRESS, the project cannot be restored.

The caller must have modify permissions for this project.

  • project_id (String) — The ID of the project.
require "google/cloud/resource_manager"

resource_manager =
resource_manager.undelete "tokyo-rain-123"