Ruby Client for the Privileged Access Manager V1 API

Privileged Access Manager (PAM) helps you on your journey towards least privilege and helps mitigate risks tied to privileged access misuse or abuse. PAM allows you to shift from always-on standing privileges towards on-demand access with just-in-time, time-bound, and approval-based access elevations. PAM allows IAM administrators to create entitlements that can grant just-in-time, temporary access to any resource scope. Requesters can explore eligible entitlements and request the access needed for their task. Approvers are notified when approvals await their decision. Streamlined workflows facilitated by using PAM can support various use cases, including emergency access for incident responders, time-boxed access for developers for critical deployment or maintenance, temporary access for operators for data ingestion and audits, JIT access to service accounts for automated tasks, and more.


Privileged Access Manager (PAM) is a Google Cloud native, managed solution to secure, manage and audit privileged access while ensuring operational velocity and developer productivity.

PAM enables just-in-time, time-bound, approval-based access elevations, and auditing of privileged access elevations and activity. PAM lets you define the rules of who can request access, what they can request access to, and if they should be granted access with or without approvals based on the sensitivity of the access and emergency of the situation.



An entitlement is an eligibility or license that allows specified users (requesters) to request and obtain access to specified resources subject to a set of conditions such as duration, etc. entitlements can be granted to both human and non-human principals.


A grant is an instance of active usage against the entitlement. A user can place a request for a grant against an entitlement. The request may be forwarded to an approver for their decision. Once approved, the grant is activated, ultimately giving the user access (roles/permissions) on a resource per the criteria specified in entitlement.

How does PAM work

PAM creates and uses a service agent (Google-managed service account) to perform the required IAM policy changes for granting access at a specific resource/access scope. The service agent requires getIAMPolicy and setIAMPolicy permissions at the appropriate (or higher) access scope - Organization/Folder/Project to make policy changes on the resources listed in PAM entitlements.

When enabling PAM for a resource scope, the user/ principal performing that action should have the appropriate permissions at that resource scope (resourcemanager.{projects|folders|organizations}.setIamPolicy, resourcemanager.{projects|folders|organizations}.getIamPolicy, and resourcemanager.{projects|folders|organizations}.get) to list and grant the service agent/account the required access to perform IAM policy changes.

This gem is a versioned client. It provides basic client classes for a specific version of the Privileged Access Manager V1 API. Most users should consider using the main client gem, google-cloud-privileged_access_manager. See the section below titled Which client should I use? for more information.


$ gem install google-cloud-privileged_access_manager-v1

Before You Begin

In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps:

  1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project.
  2. Enable billing for your project.
  3. Enable the API.
  4. Set up authentication.

Quick Start

require "google/cloud/privileged_access_manager/v1"

client =
request = # (request fields as keyword arguments...)
response = client.check_onboarding_status request

View the Client Library Documentation for class and method documentation.

See also the Product Documentation for general usage information.

Enabling Logging

To enable logging for this library, set the logger for the underlying gRPC library. The logger that you set may be a Ruby stdlib Logger as shown below, or a Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger that will write logs to Cloud Logging. See grpc/logconfig.rb and the gRPC spec_helper.rb for additional information.

Configuring a Ruby stdlib logger:

require "logger"

module MyLogger
  LOGGER = $stderr, level: Logger::WARN
  def logger

# Define a gRPC module-level logger method before grpc/logconfig.rb loads.
module GRPC
  extend MyLogger

Google Cloud Samples

To browse ready to use code samples check Google Cloud Samples.

Supported Ruby Versions

This library is supported on Ruby 2.7+.

Google provides official support for Ruby versions that are actively supported by Ruby Core—that is, Ruby versions that are either in normal maintenance or in security maintenance, and not end of life. Older versions of Ruby may still work, but are unsupported and not recommended. See for details about the Ruby support schedule.

Which client should I use?

Most modern Ruby client libraries for Google APIs come in two flavors: the main client library with a name such as google-cloud-privileged_access_manager, and lower-level versioned client libraries with names such as google-cloud-privileged_access_manager-v1. In most cases, you should install the main client.

What's the difference between the main client and a versioned client?

A versioned client provides a basic set of data types and client classes for a single version of a specific service. (That is, for a service with multiple versions, there might be a separate versioned client for each service version.) Most versioned clients are written and maintained by a code generator.

The main client is designed to provide you with the recommended client interfaces for the service. There will be only one main client for any given service, even a service with multiple versions. The main client includes factory methods for constructing the client objects we recommend for most users. In some cases, those will be classes provided by an underlying versioned client; in other cases, they will be handwritten higher-level client objects with additional capabilities, convenience methods, or best practices built in. Generally, the main client will default to a recommended service version, although in some cases you can override this if you need to talk to a specific service version.

Why would I want to use the main client?

We recommend that most users install the main client gem for a service. You can identify this gem as the one without a version in its name, e.g. google-cloud-privileged_access_manager. The main client is recommended because it will embody the best practices for accessing the service, and may also provide more convenient interfaces or tighter integration into frameworks and third-party libraries. In addition, the documentation and samples published by Google will generally demonstrate use of the main client.

Why would I want to use a versioned client?

You can use a versioned client if you are content with a possibly lower-level class interface, you explicitly want to avoid features provided by the main client, or you want to access a specific service version not be covered by the main client. You can identify versioned client gems because the service version is part of the name, e.g. google-cloud-privileged_access_manager-v1.

What about the google-apis-

Client library gems with names that begin with google-apis- are based on an older code generation technology. They talk to a REST/JSON backend (whereas most modern clients talk to a gRPC backend) and they may not offer the same performance, features, and ease of use provided by more modern clients.

The google-apis- clients have wide coverage across Google services, so you might need to use one if there is no modern client available for the service. However, if a modern client is available, we generally recommend it over the older google-apis- clients.