Discovery Engine V1BETA API - Module Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::SearchResponse::Summary::SummarySkippedReason (v0.19.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Discovery Engine V1BETA API module Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::SearchResponse::Summary::SummarySkippedReason.

An Enum for summary-skipped reasons.



value: 0
Default value. The summary skipped reason is not specified.


value: 1
The adversarial query ignored case.

Only used when SummarySpec.ignore_adversarial_query is set to true.


value: 2
The non-summary seeking query ignored case.

Google skips the summary if the query is chit chat. Only used when SummarySpec.ignore_non_summary_seeking_query is set to true.


value: 3
The out-of-domain query ignored case.

Google skips the summary if there are no high-relevance search results. For example, the data store contains facts about company A but the user query is asking questions about company B.


value: 4
The potential policy violation case.

Google skips the summary if there is a potential policy violation detected. This includes content that may be violent or toxic.


value: 5
The LLM addon not enabled case.

Google skips the summary if the LLM addon is not enabled.


value: 6
The no relevant content case.

Google skips the summary if there is no relevant content in the retrieved search results.


value: 7
The jail-breaking query ignored case.

For example, "Reply in the tone of a competing company's CEO". Only used when [SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.SummarySpec.ignore_jail_breaking_query] is set to true.


value: 8
The customer policy violation case.

Google skips the summary if there is a customer policy violation detected. The policy is defined by the customer.


value: 9
The non-answer seeking query ignored case.

Google skips the summary if the query doesn't have clear intent. Only used when [SearchRequest.ContentSearchSpec.SummarySpec.ignore_non_answer_seeking_query] is set to true.