Google Cloud Compute V1 API - Module Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::VpnTunnel::Status (v2.19.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Compute V1 API module Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::VpnTunnel::Status.

[Output Only] The status of the VPN tunnel, which can be one of the following: - PROVISIONING: Resource is being allocated for the VPN tunnel. - WAITING_FOR_FULL_CONFIG: Waiting to receive all VPN-related configs from the user. Network, TargetVpnGateway, VpnTunnel, ForwardingRule, and Route resources are needed to setup the VPN tunnel. - FIRST_HANDSHAKE: Successful first handshake with the peer VPN. - ESTABLISHED: Secure session is successfully established with the peer VPN. - NETWORK_ERROR: Deprecated, replaced by NO_INCOMING_PACKETS - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR: Auth error (for example, bad shared secret). - NEGOTIATION_FAILURE: Handshake failed. - DEPROVISIONING: Resources are being deallocated for the VPN tunnel. - FAILED: Tunnel creation has failed and the tunnel is not ready to be used. - NO_INCOMING_PACKETS: No incoming packets from peer. - REJECTED: Tunnel configuration was rejected, can be result of being denied access. - ALLOCATING_RESOURCES: Cloud VPN is in the process of allocating all required resources. - STOPPED: Tunnel is stopped due to its Forwarding Rules being deleted for Classic VPN tunnels or the project is in frozen state. - PEER_IDENTITY_MISMATCH: Peer identity does not match peer IP, probably behind NAT. - TS_NARROWING_NOT_ALLOWED: Traffic selector narrowing not allowed for an HA-VPN tunnel.



value: 0
A value indicating that the enum field is not set.


value: 320_922_816
Cloud VPN is in the process of allocating all required resources (specifically, a borg task).


value: 23_580_290
Auth error (e.g. bad shared secret).


value: 428_935_662
Resources is being deallocated for the VPN tunnel.


value: 88_852_344
Secure session is successfully established with peer VPN.


value: 455_706_685
Tunnel creation has failed and the tunnel is not ready to be used.


value: 191_393_000
Successful first handshake with peer VPN.


value: 360_325_868
Handshake failed.


value: 193_912_951
Deprecated, replaced by NO_INCOMING_PACKETS


value: 119_983_216
No incoming packets from peer


value: 290_896_621
Resource is being allocated for the VPN tunnel.


value: 174_130_302
Tunnel configuration was rejected, can be result of being denylisted.


value: 444_276_141
Tunnel is stopped due to its Forwarding Rules being deleted.


value: 41_640_522
Waiting to receive all VPN-related configs from user. Network, TargetVpnGateway, VpnTunnel, ForwardingRule and Route resources are needed to setup VPN tunnel.