Class GceRegionalPersistentDisk (0.5.5)

GceRegionalPersistentDisk(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A PersistentDirectory backed by a Compute Engine regional persistent disk. The persistent_directories field is repeated, but it may contain only one entry. It creates a persistent disk <>__ that mounts to the workstation VM at /home when the session starts and detaches when the session ends. If this field is empty, workstations created with this configuration do not have a persistent home directory.


size_gb int
Optional. The GB capacity of a persistent home directory for each workstation created with this configuration. Must be empty if source_snapshot is set. Valid values are 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1000. Defaults to 200. If less than 200 GB, the disk_type must be "pd-balanced" or "pd-ssd".
fs_type str
Optional. Type of file system that the disk should be formatted with. The workstation image must support this file system type. Must be empty if source_snapshot is set. Defaults to "ext4".
disk_type str
Optional. The `type of the persistent disk
source_snapshot str
Optional. Name of the snapshot to use as the source for the disk. If set, size_gb and fs_type must be empty.
Optional. Whether the persistent disk should be deleted when the workstation is deleted. Valid values are DELETE and RETAIN. Defaults to DELETE.




Value representing what should happen to the disk after the workstation is deleted.

Values: RECLAIM_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED (0): Do not use. DELETE (1): Delete the persistent disk when deleting the workstation. RETAIN (2): Keep the persistent disk when deleting the workstation. An administrator must manually delete the disk.