Class GcePersistentDisk (0.5.5)

GcePersistentDisk(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

An EphemeralDirectory is backed by a Compute Engine persistent disk.


disk_type str
Optional. Type of the disk to use. Defaults to "pd-standard".
source_snapshot str
Optional. Name of the snapshot to use as the source for the disk. Must be empty if source_image is set. Updating source_snapshot will update content in the ephemeral directory after the workstation is restarted. This field is mutable.
source_image str
Optional. Name of the disk image to use as the source for the disk. Must be empty if source_snapshot is set. Updating source_image will update content in the ephemeral directory after the workstation is restarted. This field is mutable.
read_only bool
Optional. Whether the disk is read only. If true, the disk may be shared by multiple VMs and source_snapshot must be set.