Class SpriteSheet (0.4.1)

SpriteSheet(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Sprite sheet configuration.


format_ str
Format type. The default is "jpeg". Supported formats: - 'jpeg'
file_prefix str
Required. File name prefix for the generated sprite sheets. Each sprite sheet has an incremental 10-digit zero-padded suffix starting from 0 before the extension, such as "sprite_sheet0000000123.jpeg".
sprite_width_pixels int
Required. The width of sprite in pixels. Must be an even integer. To preserve the source aspect ratio, set the SpriteSheet.sprite_width_pixels field or the SpriteSheet.sprite_height_pixels field, but not both (the API will automatically calculate the missing field).
sprite_height_pixels int
Required. The height of sprite in pixels. Must be an even integer. To preserve the source aspect ratio, set the SpriteSheet.sprite_height_pixels field or the SpriteSheet.sprite_width_pixels field, but not both (the API will automatically calculate the missing field).
column_count int
The maximum number of sprites per row in a sprite sheet. The default is 0, which indicates no maximum limit.
row_count int
The maximum number of rows per sprite sheet. When the sprite sheet is full, a new sprite sheet is created. The default is 0, which indicates no maximum limit.
start_time_offset google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
Start time in seconds, relative to the output file timeline. Determines the first sprite to pick. The default is 0s.
end_time_offset google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
End time in seconds, relative to the output file timeline. When end_time_offset is not specified, the sprites are generated until the end of the output file.
total_count int
Total number of sprites. Create the specified number of sprites distributed evenly across the timeline of the output media. The default is 100.
interval google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration
Starting from 0s, create sprites at regular intervals. Specify the interval value in seconds.
quality int
The quality of the generated sprite sheet. Enter a value between 1 and 100, where 1 is the lowest quality and 100 is the highest quality. The default is 100. A high quality value corresponds to a low image data compression ratio.