Class VideoStream (0.1.0)

VideoStream(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Video stream resource.


codec str
Codec type. The default is "h264". Supported codecs: - 'h264' - 'h265' - 'vp9'
profile str
Enforce specified codec profile. The default is "high". Supported codec profiles: - 'baseline' - 'main' - 'high'
tune str
Enforce specified codec tune.
preset str
Enforce specified codec preset. The default is "veryfast".
height_pixels int
Required. The height of video in pixels. Must be an even integer.
width_pixels int
Required. The width of video in pixels. Must be an even integer.
pixel_format str
Pixel format to use. The default is "yuv420p". Supported pixel formats: - 'yuv420p' pixel format. - 'yuv422p' pixel format. - 'yuv444p' pixel format. - 'yuv420p10' 10-bit HDR pixel format. - 'yuv422p10' 10-bit HDR pixel format. - 'yuv444p10' 10-bit HDR pixel format. - 'yuv420p12' 12-bit HDR pixel format. - 'yuv422p12' 12-bit HDR pixel format. - 'yuv444p12' 12-bit HDR pixel format.
bitrate_bps int
Required. The video bitrate in bits per second. Must be between 1 and 1,000,000,000.
rate_control_mode str
Specify the rate_control_mode. The default is "vbr". Supported rate control modes: - 'vbr' - variable bitrate - 'crf' - constant rate factor
enable_two_pass bool
Use two-pass encoding strategy to achieve better video quality. VideoStream.rate_control_mode must be "vbr". The default is false.
crf_level int
Target CRF level. Must be between 10 and 36, where 10 is the highest quality and 36 is the most efficient compression. The default is 21.
vbv_size_bits int
Size of the Video Buffering Verifier (VBV) buffer in bits. Must be greater than zero. The default is equal to VideoStream.bitrate_bps.
vbv_fullness_bits int
Initial fullness of the Video Buffering Verifier (VBV) buffer in bits. Must be greater than zero. The default is equal to 90% of VideoStream.vbv_size_bits.
allow_open_gop bool
Specifies whether an open Group of Pictures (GOP) structure should be allowed or not. The default is false.
gop_frame_count int
Select the GOP size based on the specified frame count. Must be greater than zero.
gop_duration .duration.Duration
Select the GOP size based on the specified duration. The default is "3s".
entropy_coder str
The entropy coder to use. The default is "cabac". Supported entropy coders: - 'cavlc' - 'cabac'
b_pyramid bool
Allow B-pyramid for reference frame selection. This may not be supported on all decoders. The default is false.
b_frame_count int
The number of consecutive B-frames. Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be less than VideoStream.gop_frame_count if set. The default is 0.
frame_rate float
Required. The video frame rate in frames per second. Must be less than or equal to 120. Will default to the input frame rate if larger than the input frame rate.
aq_strength float
Specify the intensity of the adaptive quantizer (AQ). Must be between 0 and 1, where 0 disables the quantizer and 1 maximizes the quantizer. A higher value equals a lower bitrate but smoother image. The default is 0.