Class SubordinateConfig (0.1.1)

SubordinateConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Describes a subordinate CA's issuers. This is either a resource path to a known issuing CertificateAuthority, or a PEM issuer certificate chain.


certificate_authority str
Required. This can refer to a CertificateAuthority in the same project that was used to create a subordinate CertificateAuthority. This field is used for information and usability purposes only. The resource name is in the format projects/*/locations/*/certificateAuthorities/*.
pem_issuer_chain .resources.SubordinateConfig.SubordinateConfigChain
Required. Contains the PEM certificate chain for the issuers of this CertificateAuthority, but not pem certificate for this CA itself.



SubordinateConfigChain(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

This message describes a subordinate CA's issuer certificate chain. This wrapper exists for compatibility reasons.