Class SubjectDescription (0.1.1)

SubjectDescription(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

These values describe fields in an issued X.509 certificate such as the distinguished name, subject alternative names, serial number, and lifetime.


subject .resources.Subject
Contains distinguished name fields such as the location and organization.
common_name str
The "common name" of the distinguished name.
subject_alt_name .resources.SubjectAltNames
The subject alternative name fields.
hex_serial_number str
The serial number encoded in lowercase hexadecimal.
lifetime .duration.Duration
For convenience, the actual lifetime of an issued certificate. Corresponds to 'not_after_time' - 'not_before_time'.
not_before_time .timestamp.Timestamp
The time at which the certificate becomes valid.
not_after_time .timestamp.Timestamp
The time at which the certificate expires.