Class FieldTransformation (3.0.1)

FieldTransformation(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The transformation to apply to the field.


fields Sequence[.storage.FieldId]
Required. Input field(s) to apply the transformation to.
condition .dlp.RecordCondition
Only apply the transformation if the condition evaluates to true for the given RecordCondition. The conditions are allowed to reference fields that are not used in the actual transformation. Example Use Cases: - Apply a different bucket transformation to an age column if the zip code column for the same record is within a specific range. - Redact a field if the date of birth field is greater than 85.
primitive_transformation .dlp.PrimitiveTransformation
Apply the transformation to the entire field.
info_type_transformations .dlp.InfoTypeTransformations
Treat the contents of the field as free text, and selectively transform content that matches an InfoType.