Class Container (3.0.1)

Container(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents a container that may contain DLP findings. Examples of a container include a file, table, or database record.


type_ str
Container type, for example BigQuery or Google Cloud Storage.
project_id str
Project where the finding was found. Can be different from the project that owns the finding.
full_path str
A string representation of the full container name. Examples: - BigQuery: 'Project:DataSetId.TableId' - Google Cloud Storage: 'gs://Bucket/folders/filename.txt'
root_path str
The root of the container. Examples: - For BigQuery table project_id:dataset_id.table_id, the root is dataset_id - For Google Cloud Storage file gs://bucket/folder/filename.txt, the root is gs://bucket
relative_path str
The rest of the path after the root. Examples: - For BigQuery table project_id:dataset_id.table_id, the relative path is table_id - Google Cloud Storage file gs://bucket/folder/filename.txt, the relative path is folder/filename.txt
update_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Findings container modification timestamp, if applicable. For Google Cloud Storage contains last file modification timestamp. For BigQuery table contains last_modified_time property. For Datastore - not populated.
version str
Findings container version, if available ("generation" for Google Cloud Storage).