Class StoragePool (1.27.0)

StoragePool(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
capacity_provisioning_type str
Provisioning type of the byte capacity of the pool. Check the CapacityProvisioningType enum for the list of possible values. This field is a member of oneof_ _capacity_provisioning_type.
creation_timestamp str
[Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format. This field is a member of oneof_ _creation_timestamp.
description str
An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource. This field is a member of oneof_ _description.
id int
[Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier is defined by the server. This field is a member of oneof_ _id.
kind str
[Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#storagePool for storage pools. This field is a member of oneof_ _kind.
label_fingerprint str
A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this storage pool, which is essentially a hash of the labels set used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels, otherwise the request will fail with error 412 conditionNotMet. To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a storage pool. This field is a member of oneof_ _label_fingerprint.
labels MutableMapping[str, str]
Labels to apply to this storage pool. These can be later modified by the setLabels method.
name str
Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. This field is a member of oneof_ _name.
performance_provisioning_type str
Provisioning type of the performance-related parameters of the pool, such as throughput and IOPS. Check the PerformanceProvisioningType enum for the list of possible values. This field is a member of oneof_ _performance_provisioning_type.
pool_provisioned_capacity_gb int
Size, in GiB, of the storage pool. For more information about the size limits, see This field is a member of oneof_ _pool_provisioned_capacity_gb.
pool_provisioned_iops int
Provisioned IOPS of the storage pool. Only relevant if the storage pool type is hyperdisk-balanced. This field is a member of oneof_ _pool_provisioned_iops.
pool_provisioned_throughput int
Provisioned throughput of the storage pool. Only relevant if the storage pool type is hyperdisk-balanced or hyperdisk-throughput. This field is a member of oneof_ _pool_provisioned_throughput.
[Output Only] Status information for the storage pool resource. This field is a member of oneof_ _resource_status.
self_link str
[Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URL for this resource. This field is a member of oneof_ _self_link.
self_link_with_id str
[Output Only] Server-defined URL for this resource's resource id. This field is a member of oneof_ _self_link_with_id.
state str
[Output Only] The status of storage pool creation. - CREATING: Storage pool is provisioning. storagePool. - FAILED: Storage pool creation failed. - READY: Storage pool is ready for use. - DELETING: Storage pool is deleting. Check the State enum for the list of possible values. This field is a member of oneof_ _state.
[Output Only] Status information for the storage pool resource. This field is a member of oneof_ _status.
storage_pool_type str
Type of the storage pool. This field is a member of oneof_ _storage_pool_type.
zone str
[Output Only] URL of the zone where the storage pool resides. You must specify this field as part of the HTTP request URL. It is not settable as a field in the request body. This field is a member of oneof_ _zone.




Provisioning type of the byte capacity of the pool. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons:



LabelsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The abstract base class for a message.

Name Description
kwargs dict

Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.

mapping Union[dict, .Message]

A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.

ignore_unknown_fields Optional(bool)

If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.



Provisioning type of the performance-related parameters of the pool, such as throughput and IOPS. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons:




[Output Only] The status of storage pool creation. - CREATING: Storage pool is provisioning. storagePool. - FAILED: Storage pool creation failed. - READY: Storage pool is ready for use. - DELETING: Storage pool is deleting.