Class CustomErrorResponsePolicy (1.27.0)

CustomErrorResponsePolicy(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Specifies the custom error response policy that must be applied when the backend service or backend bucket responds with an error.

.. _oneof:


Name Description
error_response_rules MutableSequence[]
Specifies rules for returning error responses. In a given policy, if you specify rules for both a range of error codes as well as rules for specific error codes then rules with specific error codes have a higher priority. For example, assume that you configure a rule for 401 (Un-authorized) code, and another for all 4 series error codes (4XX). If the backend service returns a 401, then the rule for 401 will be applied. However if the backend service returns a 403, the rule for 4xx takes effect.
error_service str
The full or partial URL to the BackendBucket resource that contains the custom error content. Examples are: - - compute/v1/projects/project/global/backendBuckets/myBackendBucket - global/backendBuckets/myBackendBucket If errorService is not specified at lower levels like pathMatcher, pathRule and routeRule, an errorService specified at a higher level in the UrlMap will be used. If UrlMap.defaultCustomErrorResponsePolicy contains one or more errorResponseRules[], it must specify errorService. If load balancer cannot reach the backendBucket, a simple Not Found Error will be returned, with the original response code (or overrideResponseCode if configured). errorService is not supported for internal or regional HTTP/HTTPS load balancers. This field is a member of oneof_ _error_service.