Upgrade Kf

This document describes how to upgrade an existing Kf installation and its dependencies.

As part of the upgrade procedure, you ensure that your Kf installation uses the latest version of the Kf operator:

  • Confirm your current Kf version can upgrade to Kf v2.4.1.
  • Upgrade to Kf v2.4.1.
  • Upgrade dependencies (if needed).

Before you begin

You will need:

  • An existing cluster with Kf installed.
  • Access to a machine with gcloud, kf, and kubectl installed.

Preparing for the upgrade

Connect to your target cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME \
 --zone CLUSTER_ZONE \

Confirm your current Kf CLI and server versions match

Run kf debug and validate the Kf CLI and Kf server versions match.

  • The CLI version is listed under Kf Client.
  • The Kf server version is listed under kf["app.kubernetes.io/version"].
$ kf debug
  Kf Client:                        v2.3.2
  Server version:                   v1.20.6-gke.1000
  kf["app.kubernetes.io/version"]:  v2.3.2

If the Kf client and Kf server values do not match, but the server version is v2.3.x, install the Kf v2.4.1 CLI before you continue.

If the Kf server value is older than v2.3.x, you must first incrementally upgrade to Kf v2.3.x to continue.

Confirm Kf is healthy before upgrading

Run kf doctor to check the state of your cluster. Ensure all tests pass before you continue.

$ kf doctor
=== RUN doctor/user
=== RUN doctor/user/ContainerRegistry
--- PASS: doctor/user
   --- PASS: doctor/user/ContainerRegistry

If you see any FAIL or Error: environment failed checks messages, follow the guidance in the kf doctor output, or view the troubleshooting guide to resolve the issue and retry the command until it is successful.

Optionally backup Kf configmaps if you have made customizations

  1. Make a backup of the config-defaults configmap by running:

    kubectl get configmap config-defaults -o yaml -n kf > config-defaults-backup.yaml
  2. Make a backup of the config-secrets configmap by running:

    kubectl get configmap config-secrets -o yaml -n kf > config-secrets-backup.yaml

Upgrade the Kf operator

The Kf operator was first released as part of versions 2.4.0:

  • If you have already installed the Kf operator as part of installing 2.4.0, then you only have to upgrade it as part of upgrading to 2.4.1.

    See Upgrade the Kf operator.

  • If you are upgrading from 2.3.2, you must install the 2.4.1 version of the Kf operator to upgrade to operator managed Kf.

    See Install the Kf operator.

Upgrade the current Kf operator

The Kf operator performs upgrades for you.

  1. Apply the operator yaml:

    kubectl apply -f "https://storage.googleapis.com/kf-releases/v2.4.1/operator.yaml"

Install the Kf operator for the first time

Perform these steps to upgrade to operator managed Kf.

  1. Apply the operator yaml:

    kubectl apply -f "https://storage.googleapis.com/kf-releases/v2.4.1/operator.yaml"
  2. Choose between using defaults or retaining customizations:

    1. Prepare kfsystem.yaml for the upgrade using defaults:

      Download the kfsystem.yaml file, fill in the variables below, then run the commands in the same directory as the file to automatically prepare kfsystem.yaml for the upgrade.

      kubectl apply -f kfsystem.yaml
      kubectl patch \
      kfsystem kfsystem \
      --type='json' \
      -p="[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/spec/kf', 'value': {'enabled': true, 'config': {'spaceContainerRegistry': '${CONTAINER_REGISTRY}', 'secrets':{'workloadidentity':{'googleserviceaccount':'${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa', 'googleprojectid':'${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}'}}}}}]"
    2. Prepare kfsystem.yaml for the upgrade while preserving customizations:

      1. Download the kfsystem.yaml file.

      2. Make a backup of the config-defaults configmap by running:

        kubectl get configmap config-defaults -o yaml -n kf > config-defaults-backup.yaml
      3. Make a backup of the config-secrets configmap by running:

        kubectl get configmap config-secrets -o yaml -n kf > config-secrets-backup.yaml
      4. Inspect the current config-defaults and config-secrets configmaps, and find the corresponding settings in kfsystem.yaml.

      5. Copy over the existing settings from config-secrets and config-defaults. All the settings in config-secrets and config-defaults can be found in kfsystem.yaml. The googleProjectId field is now required.

      6. The wi.googleServiceAccount field is the full Service Account in config-secrets, but for kfsystem the suffix must be removed. For example, ${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com would become ${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa in kfsystem.yaml.

      7. After the settings are copied over, change the field enabled in kfsystem to true.

      8. Save your changes to kfsystem.yaml.

      9. Configure the operator for Kf:

        kubectl apply -f kfsystem.yaml

Upgrade Kf dependencies

  1. Upgrade Tekton:

    kubectl apply -f "https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.23.0/release.yaml"
  2. Upgrade Cloud Service Mesh:

    1. Follow the steps in the Cloud Service Mesh 1.9 upgrade guide.
  3. Upgrade Config Connector.

    1. Download the required Config Connector Operator tar file.

    2. Extract the tar file.

      tar zxvf release-bundle.tar.gz
    3. Install the Config Connector operator on your cluster.

      kubectl apply -f operator-system/configconnector-operator.yaml
    4. Configure the Config Connector operator if installing Config Connector for the first time.

      1. Copy the following YAML into a file named configconnector.yaml:

        # configconnector.yaml
        apiVersion: core.cnrm.cloud.google.com/v1beta1
        kind: ConfigConnector
        # the name is restricted to ensure that there is only one
        # ConfigConnector resource installed in your cluster
        name: configconnector.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
        mode: cluster
        googleServiceAccount: "KF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME" # Replace with the full service account resolved from ${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
      2. Apply the configuration to your cluster.

        kubectl apply -f configconnector.yaml
    5. Verify Config Connector is fully installed before continuing.

      • Config Connector runs all of its components in a namespace named cnrm-system. Verify the Pods are ready by running the following command:

        kubectl wait -n cnrm-system --for=condition=Ready pod --all
      • If Config Connector is installed correctly, the output is similar to the following:

        pod/cnrm-controller-manager-0 condition met
    6. Setup Workload Identity if installing Config Connector for the first time.

      kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
      --namespace cnrm-system \
      --overwrite \
      cnrm-controller-manager \

Upgrade to the Kf v2.4.1 CLI

  1. Install the CLI:


    This command installs the Kf CLI for all users on the system. Follow the instructions in the Cloud Shell tab to install it just for yourself.

    gcloud storage cp gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-linux /tmp/kf
    chmod a+x /tmp/kf
    sudo mv /tmp/kf /usr/local/bin/kf


    This command installs kf for all users on the system.

    gcloud storage cp gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-darwin /tmp/kf
    chmod a+x /tmp/kf
    sudo mv /tmp/kf /usr/local/bin/kf

    Cloud Shell

    This command installs kf on your Cloud Shell instance if you use bash, the instructions may need to be modified for other shells.

    mkdir -p ~/bin
    gcloud storage cp gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-linux ~/bin/kf
    chmod a+x ~/bin/kf
    echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc


    This downloads kf to current directory. Add it to the path if you want to call if from anywhere other than the current directory.

    gcloud storage cp gs://kf-releases/v2.4.1/kf-windows.exe kf.exe
  2. Validate the Kf CLI and Kf server versions match:

    • The CLI version is listed under Kf Client.
    • The Kf server version is listed under kf["app.kubernetes.io/version"].
    $ kf debug
      Kf Client:                        v2.4.1
      Server version:                   v1.20.6-gke.1000
      kf["app.kubernetes.io/version"]:  v2.4.1

Verify Kf upgraded successfully

  1. If installing the Kf operator for the first time, confirm the operator installed:

    kubectl get deployment -n appdevexperience appdevexperience-operator

    If you do not see the operator like in the example output below, review the Install the Kf operator for the first time steps.

    NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    appdevexperience-operator   1/1     1            1           1h
  2. Run doctor to ensure the newly installed version is healthy:

    kf doctor --retries=20

    The command will run cluster checks several times. It's normal for a few of the attempts to fail while the new controllers are starting.

    If the command fails with the message Error: environment failed checks, follow the guidance in the doctor output to resolve the issue and retry the command until it is successful.

  3. If you have made customizations to config-defaults or config-secrets, verify they carried over:

    Compare the config-defaults-backup.yaml file with kubectl diff -f config-defaults-backup.yaml to ensure your cluster is still configured correctly.

    For example, if you kept all changes from your old Kf version, and approved use of a new buildpack bundled with the next version of Kf:

    $ kubectl diff -f config-defaults-backup.yaml
    diff -u -N /tmp/LIVE/v1.ConfigMap.kf.config-defaults /tmp/MERGED/v1.ConfigMap.kf.config-defaults
    --- /tmp/LIVE/v1.ConfigMap.kf.config-defaults
    +++ /tmp/MERGED/v1.ConfigMap.kf.config-defaults
    @@ -131,6 +131,8 @@
         enable_route_services: false
       spaceBuildpacksV2: |
    -    - name: new_buildpack
    -      url: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/new-buildpack
         - name: staticfile_buildpack
           url: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/staticfile-buildpack
         - name: java_buildpack
    exit status 1

If the verification steps pass, your cluster has successfully been upgraded! If you have any issues, please review the support page for guidance.