Managed Service for Apache Kafka API

Manage Apache Kafka clusters and resources.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

CreateCluster Creates a new cluster in a given project and location.
CreateTopic Creates a new topic in a given project and location.
DeleteCluster Deletes a single cluster.
DeleteConsumerGroup Deletes a single consumer group.
DeleteTopic Deletes a single topic.
GetCluster Returns the properties of a single cluster.
GetConsumerGroup Returns the properties of a single consumer group.
GetTopic Returns the properties of a single topic.
ListClusters Lists the clusters in a given project and location.
ListConsumerGroups Lists the consumer groups in a given cluster.
ListTopics Lists the topics in a given cluster.
UpdateCluster Updates the properties of a single cluster.
UpdateConsumerGroup Updates the properties of a single consumer group.
UpdateTopic Updates the properties of a single topic.


CancelOperation Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
DeleteOperation Deletes a long-running operation.
GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
WaitOperation Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.