Quotas and limits

This document lists the quotas and system limits that apply to Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka.

  • Quotas specify the amount of a countable, shared resource that you can use. Quotas are defined by Google Cloud services such as Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka.
  • System limits are fixed values that cannot be changed.

Google Cloud uses quotas to help ensure fairness and reduce spikes in resource use and availability. A quota restricts how much of a Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use. Quotas apply to a range of resource types, including hardware, software, and network components. For example, quotas can restrict the number of API calls to a service, the number of load balancers used concurrently by your project, or the number of projects that you can create. Quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing the overloading of services. Quotas also help you to manage your own Google Cloud resources.

The Cloud Quotas system does the following:

In most cases, when you attempt to consume more of a resource than its quota allows, the system blocks access to the resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails.

Quotas generally apply at the Google Cloud project level. Your use of a resource in one project doesn't affect your available quota in another project. Within a Google Cloud project, quotas are shared across all applications and IP addresses.

There are also system limits on Managed Service for Apache Kafka resources. System limits can't be changed.

View and manage quotas

For a given project, you can use the Quotas & System Limits dashboard to view current quota limits and usage. You can also use this dashboard to do the following:

  • Reduce your quota limits
  • Initiate a process to apply for higher quota limits

Go to Quotas

Managed Service for Apache Kafka quotas

You can view and edit the quotas listed in the following table for each project in the Quotas & System Limits dashboard.

Quota Default quota limit Description
Clusters per project per region 5 The maximum number of clusters allowed per project in a given region.
CPU capacity per project per region 750 The maximum CPU capacity allowed for brokers within a project in a given region.
Memory capacity per project per region 6,000 GiB The maximum memory capacity allowed for brokers within a project in a given region.
Cluster write requests per minute per project per region 100 The number of write requests for clusters, such as UpdateCluster and DeleteCluster, allowed per minute per project in a given region. This is not a quota on the rate at which producers can publish records.
Cluster create requests per minute per project per region 1 The number of CreateCluster requests allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Cluster read requests per minute per project per region. This is not a quota on the rate at which consumers can read records. 600 The number of read requests for clusters, such as GetCluster and ListClusters, allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Cluster authenticate connection requests per minute per project per region. 1200 The number of client connections that can be authenticated, per minute per project in a given region.
Topic write requests per minute per project per region. 100 The number of write requests for topics, such as CreateTopic UpdateTopic and DeleteTopic, allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Topic read requests per minute per project per region. 600 The number of read requests for topics, such as GetTopic and ListTopics, allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Consumer group write requests per minute per project per region. 100 The number of write requests for topics, such as UpdateConsumerGroup and DeleteConsumerGroup, allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Consumer group read requests per minute per project per region. 600 The number of read requests for topics, such as GetConsumerGroup and ListConsumerGroups, allowed per minute per project in a given region.
Operations requests per minute per project per region 1200 The number of requests for long-running operations allowed per minute per project in a given region.

Note: Default quota limits can vary among projects depending on the project's history. The values quoted here are typical.

Request a quota increase

To adjust most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a quota adjustment.

Managed Service for Apache Kafka limits

Managed Service for Apache Kafka reserves 100 GB of local SSD per CPU.

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