Set up an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer with VM instance group backends

This guide uses an example to teach the fundamentals of Google Cloud internal passthrough Network Load Balancers. Before following this guide, familiarize yourself with the following:

To follow step-by-step guidance for this task directly in the Google Cloud console, click Guide me:

Guide me


To follow this guide, you need to create instances and modify a network in a project. You should be either a project owner or editor, or you should have all of the following Compute Engine IAM roles:

Task Required role
Create networks, subnets, and load balancer components Compute Network Admin
Add and remove firewall rules Compute Security Admin
Create instances Compute Instance Admin

For more information, see the following guides:

Set up load balancer with IPv4-only subnets and backends

This guide shows you how to configure and test an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer. The steps in this section describe how to configure the following:

  1. An example that uses a custom mode VPC network named lb-network.
  2. A single-stack subnet (stack-type set to IPv4), which is required for IPv4 traffic. When you create a single stack subnet on a custom mode VPC network, you choose an IPv4 subnet range for the subnet.
  3. Firewall rules that allow incoming connections to backend VMs.
  4. The backend instance group, which is located in the following region and subnet for this example:
    • Region: us-west1
    • Subnet: lb-subnet, with primary IPv4 address range
  5. Four backend VMs: two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-a and two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-c. To demonstrate global access, this example creates a second test client VM in a different region and subnet:
    • Region: europe-west1
    • Subnet: europe-subnet, with primary IP address range
  6. One client VM to test connections.
  7. The following internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components:
    • A health check for the backend service.
    • An internal backend service in the us-west1 region to manage connection distribution to the two zonal instance groups.
    • An internal forwarding rule and internal IP address for the frontend of the load balancer.

The architecture for this example looks like this:

Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer example configuration.
Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer example configuration (click to enlarge).

Configure a network, region, and subnet

To create the example network and subnet, follow these steps.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click Create VPC network.

  3. For Name, enter lb-network.

  4. In the Subnets section, do the following:

    1. Set the Subnet creation mode to Custom.
    2. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:
      • Name: lb-subnet
      • Region: us-west1
      • IP stack type: IPv4 (single-stack)
      • IP address range:
    3. Click Done.
    4. Click Add subnet and enter the following information:
      • Name: europe-subnet
      • Region: europe-west1
      • IP stack type: IPv4 (single-stack)
      • IP address range:
    5. Click Done.
  5. Click Create.


  1. Create the custom VPC network:

    gcloud compute networks create lb-network --subnet-mode=custom
  2. In the lb-network network, create a subnet for backends in the us-west1 region:

    gcloud compute networks subnets create lb-subnet \
      --network=lb-network \
      --range= \
  3. In the lb-network network, create another subnet for testing global access in the europe-west1 region:

    gcloud compute networks subnets create europe-subnet \
      --network=lb-network \
      --range= \


Make a POST request to the networks.insert method.


 "routingConfig": {
   "routingMode": "REGIONAL"
 "name": "lb-network",
 "autoCreateSubnetworks": false

Make two POST requests to the subnetworks.insert method.


 "name": "lb-subnet",
 "network": "",
 "ipCidrRange": "",
 "privateIpGoogleAccess": false

 "name": "europe-subnet",
 "network": "",
  "ipCidrRange": "",
  "privateIpGoogleAccess": false

Configure firewall rules

This example uses the following firewall rules:

  • fw-allow-lb-access: An ingress rule, applicable to all targets in the VPC network, allowing traffic from sources in the and ranges. This rule allows incoming traffic from any client located in either of the two subnets. It later lets you to configure and test global access.

  • fw-allow-ssh: An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows incoming SSH connectivity on TCP port 22 from any address. You can choose a more restrictive source IP range for this rule; for example, you can specify just the IP ranges of the system from which you will be initiating SSH sessions. This example uses the target tag allow-ssh to identify the VMs to which it should apply.

  • fw-allow-health-check: An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows traffic from the Google Cloud health checking systems ( and This example uses the target tag allow-health-check to identify the instances to which it should apply.

Without these firewall rules, the default deny ingress rule blocks incoming traffic to the backend instances.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.

    Go to Firewall policies

  2. To allow subnet traffic, click Create firewall rule and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-lb-access
    • Network: lb-network
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: All instances in the network
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges:
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  3. Click Create.

  4. To allow incoming SSH connections, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-ssh
    • Network: lb-network
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-ssh
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges:
    • Protocols and ports: Select Specified protocols and ports, select the TCP checkbox, and then enter 22 in Ports.
  5. Click Create.

  6. To allow Google Cloud health checks, click Create firewall rule a third time and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-health-check
    • Network: lb-network
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-health-check
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges: and
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  7. Click Create.


  1. Create the fw-allow-lb-access firewall rule to allow communication from within the subnet:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-lb-access \
        --network=lb-network \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --source-ranges=, \
  2. Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule to allow SSH connectivity to VMs with the network tag allow-ssh. When you omit source-ranges, Google Cloud interprets the rule to mean any source.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-ssh \
        --network=lb-network \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-ssh \
  3. Create the fw-allow-health-check rule to allow Google Cloud health checks.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \
        --network=lb-network \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-health-check \
        --source-ranges=, \


Create the fw-allow-lb-access firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.


 "name": "fw-allow-lb-access",
 "network": "",
 "priority": 1000,
 "sourceRanges": [
   "", ""
 "allowed": [
     "IPProtocol": "tcp"
     "IPProtocol": "udp"
     "IPProtocol": "icmp"
 "direction": "INGRESS",
 "logConfig": {
   "enable": false
 "disabled": false

Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.


 "name": "fw-allow-ssh",
      "network": "",
 "priority": 1000,
 "sourceRanges": [
 "targetTags": [
 "allowed": [
    "IPProtocol": "tcp",
    "ports": [
"direction": "INGRESS",
"logConfig": {
  "enable": false
"disabled": false

Create the fw-allow-health-check firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.


 "name": "fw-allow-health-check",
 "network": "",
 "priority": 1000,
 "sourceRanges": [
 "targetTags": [
 "allowed": [
     "IPProtocol": "tcp"
     "IPProtocol": "udp"
     "IPProtocol": "icmp"
 "direction": "INGRESS",
 "logConfig": {
   "enable": false
 "disabled": false

Create backend VMs and instance groups

This example uses two unmanaged instance groups each having two backend (server) VMs. To demonstrate the regional nature of internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, the two instance groups are placed in separate zones, us-west1-a and us-west1-c.

  • Instance group ig-a contains these two VMs:
    • vm-a1
    • vm-a2
  • Instance group ig-c contains these two VMs:
    • vm-c1
    • vm-c2

Traffic to all four of the backend VMs is load balanced.

To support this example and the additional configuration options, each of the four VMs runs an Apache web server that listens on the following TCP ports: 80, 8008, 8080, 8088, 443, and 8443.

Each VM is assigned an internal IP address in the lb-subnet and an ephemeral external (public) IP address. You can remove the external IP addresses later.

External IP address for the backend VMs are not required; however, they are useful for this example because they permit the backend VMs to download Apache from the internet, and they can connect using SSH.

By default, Apache is configured to bind to any IP address. Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers deliver packets by preserving the destination IP. Ensure that server software running on your backend VMs is listening on the IP address of the load balancer's internal forwarding rule. If you configure multiple internal forwarding rules, ensure that your software listens to the internal IP address associated with each one. The destination IP address of a packet delivered to a backend VM by an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer is the internal IP address of the forwarding rule.

For instructional simplicity, these backend VMs run Debian GNU/Linux 12.


Create backend VMs

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each VM, using the following name and zone combinations.

    • Name: vm-a1, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-a2, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-c1, zone: us-west1-c
    • Name: vm-c2, zone: us-west1-c
  3. Click Create instance.

  4. Set the Name as indicated in step 2.

  5. For Region, select us-west1, and choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Boot disk section, ensure that Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) is selected for the boot disk options. If necessary, click Change to change the image.

  7. Click Advanced options.

  8. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh and allow-health-check.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network
      • Subnet: lb-subnet
      • IP stack type: IPv4 (single-stack)
      • Primary internal IPv4 address: Ephemeral (automatic)
      • External IPv4 address: Ephemeral
  9. Click Management, and then in the Startup script field, enter the following script. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

    #! /bin/bash
    if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
    exit 0
    apt-get update
    apt-get install apache2 -y
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2enmod ssl
    http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
    http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
    https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
    https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
    prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
    prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
    echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
    http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
    http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
    https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
    https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
    systemctl restart apache2
    touch /etc/startup_script_completed
  10. Click Create.

Create instance groups

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Repeat the following steps to create two unmanaged instance groups each with two VMs in them, using these combinations.

    • Instance group name: ig-a, zone: us-west1-a, VMs: vm-a1 and vm-a2
    • Instance group name: ig-c, zone: us-west1-c, VMs: vm-c1 and vm-c2
  3. Click Create instance group.

  4. Click New unmanaged instance group.

  5. Set Name as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Location section, select us-west1 for Region, and then choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  7. For Network, select lb-network.

  8. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.

  9. In the VM instances section, add the VMs as indicated in step 2.

  10. Click Create.


  1. Create the four VMs by running the following command four times, using these four combinations for [VM-NAME] and [ZONE]. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

    • VM-NAME: vm-a1, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-a2, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-c1, ZONE: us-west1-c
    • VM-NAME: vm-c2, ZONE: us-west1-c
    gcloud compute instances create VM-NAME \
        --zone=ZONE \
        --image-family=debian-12 \
        --image-project=debian-cloud \
        --tags=allow-ssh,allow-health-check \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash
    if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
    exit 0
    apt-get update
    apt-get install apache2 -y
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2enmod ssl
    http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
    http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
    https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
    https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
    prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
    prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
    echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
    http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
    http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
    https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
    https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
    systemctl restart apache2
    touch /etc/startup_script_completed'
  2. Create the two unmanaged instance groups in each zone:

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-a \
    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-c \
  3. Add the VMs to the appropriate instance groups:

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-a \
        --zone=us-west1-a \
    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-c \
        --zone=us-west1-c \


For the four VMs, use the following VM names and zones:

  • VM-NAME: vm-a1, ZONE: us-west1-a
  • VM-NAME: vm-a2, ZONE: us-west1-a
  • VM-NAME: vm-c1, ZONE: us-west1-c
  • VM-NAME: vm-c2, ZONE: us-west1-c

You can get the current DEBIAN_IMAGE_NAME by running the following gcloud command:

gcloud compute images list \

Create four backend VMs by making four POST requests to the instances.insert method:


 "name": "VM-NAME",
 "tags": {
   "items": [
 "machineType": "[ZONE]/machineTypes/e2-standard-2",
 "canIpForward": false,
 "networkInterfaces": [
     "network": "",
     "subnetwork": "",
     "accessConfigs": [
         "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
         "name": "external-nat",
         "networkTier": "PREMIUM"
 "disks": [
     "type": "PERSISTENT",
     "boot": true,
     "mode": "READ_WRITE",
     "autoDelete": true,
     "deviceName": "VM-NAME",
     "initializeParams": {
       "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-image-name",
       "diskType": "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/zone/diskTypes/pd-standard",
       "diskSizeGb": "10"
 "metadata": {
   "items": [
       "key": "startup-script",
       "value": "#! /bin/bash\napt-get update\napt-get install apache2 -y\na2ensite default-ssl\na2enmod ssl\nfile_ports=\"/etc/apache2/ports.conf\"\nfile_http_site=\"/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf\"\nfile_https_site=\"/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf\"\nhttp_listen_prts=\"Listen 80\\nListen 8008\\nListen 8080\\nListen 8088\"\nhttp_vh_prts=\"*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088\"\nhttps_listen_prts=\"Listen 443\\nListen 8443\"\nhttps_vh_prts=\"*:443 *:8443\"\nvm_hostname=\"$(curl -H \"Metadata-Flavor:Google\" \\\n\"\necho \"Page served from: $vm_hostname\" | \\\ntee /var/www/html/index.html\nprt_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_ports\")\"\nprt_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$prt_conf\" | sed \"s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|\")\"\nprt_conf=\"$(echo \"$prt_conf_2\" | sed \"s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$prt_conf\" | tee \"$file_ports\"\nhttp_site_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_http_site\")\"\nhttp_site_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$http_site_conf\" | sed \"s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$http_site_conf_2\" | tee \"$file_http_site\"\nhttps_site_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_https_site\")\"\nhttps_site_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$https_site_conf\" | sed \"s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$https_site_conf_2\" | tee \"$file_https_site\"\nsystemctl restart apache2"
 "scheduling": {
   "preemptible": false
 "deletionProtection": false

Create two instance groups by making a POST request to the instanceGroups.insert method.


 "name": "ig-a",
 "network": "",
 "subnetwork": ""

 "name": "ig-c",
 "network": "",
 "subnetwork": ""

Add instances to each instance group by making a POST request to the instanceGroups.addInstances method.


 "instances": [
     "instance": "",
     "instance": ""

 "instances": [
     "instance": "",
     "instance": ""

Configure load balancer components

These steps configure all of the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components starting with the health check and backend service, and then the frontend components:

  • Health check: In this example, you use an HTTP health check that checks for an HTTP 200 (OK) response. For more information, see the health checks section of the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer overview.

  • Backend service: Because you need to pass HTTP traffic through the internal load balancer, you need to use TCP, not UDP.

  • Forwarding rule: This example creates a single internal forwarding rule.

  • Internal IP address: In this example, you specify an internal IP address,, when you create the forwarding rule.


Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Network Load Balancer (TCP/UDP/SSL) and click Next.
  4. For Proxy or passthrough, select Passthrough load balancer and click Next.
  5. For Public facing or internal, select Internal and click Next.
  6. Click Configure.

Basic configuration

On the Create internal passthrough Network Load Balancer page, enter the following information:

  • Load balancer name: be-ilb
  • Region: us-west1
  • Network: lb-network

Configure the backends

  1. Click Backend configuration.
  2. To handle only IPv4 traffic, in the New Backend section of Backends, select the IP stack type as IPv4 (single-stack).
  3. In Instance group, select the ig-c instance group and click Done.
  4. Click Add a backend and repeat the step to add ig-a.
  5. From the Health check list, select Create a health check, enter the following information, and click Save.

    • Name: hc-http-80
    • Protocol: HTTP
    • Port: 80
    • Proxy protocol: NONE
    • Request path: /

    Note that when you use the Google Cloud console to create your load balancer, the health check is global. If you want to create a regional health check, use gcloud or the API.

  6. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Backend configuration before continuing.

Configure the frontend

  1. Click Frontend configuration.
  2. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:
    1. For Name, enter fr-ilb.
    2. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.
    3. In the Internal IP purpose section, in the IP address list, select Create IP address, enter the following information, and then click Reserve.
      • Name: ip-ilb
      • IP version: IPv4
      • Static IP address: Let me choose
      • Custom IP address:
    4. For Ports, select Multiple and then in Port numbers, enter 80,8008,8080, and 8088.
    5. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Frontend configuration before continuing.

Review the configuration

  1. Click Review and finalize.
  2. Review your load balancer configuration settings.
  3. Optional: Click Equivalent code to view the REST API request that will be used to create the load balancer.
  4. Click Create.


  1. Create a new regional HTTP health check to test HTTP connectivity to the VMs on port 80.

    gcloud compute health-checks create http hc-http-80 \
        --region=us-west1 \
  2. Create the backend service for HTTP traffic:

    gcloud compute backend-services create be-ilb \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --protocol=tcp \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --health-checks=hc-http-80 \
  3. Add the two instance groups to the backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-a \
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-c \
  4. Create a forwarding rule for the backend service. When you create the forwarding rule, specify for the internal IP address in the subnet.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --address= \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=80,8008,8080,8088 \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \


Create the health check by making a POST request to the regionHealthChecks.insert method.


"name": "hc-http-80",
"type": "HTTP",
"httpHealthCheck": {
  "port": 80

Create the regional backend service by making a POST request to the regionBackendServices.insert method.


"name": "be-ilb",
"backends": [
    "group": "",
    "balancingMode": "CONNECTION"
    "group": "",
    "balancingMode": "CONNECTION"
"healthChecks": [
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"connectionDraining": {
  "drainingTimeoutSec": 0

Create the forwarding rule by making a POST request to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "80", "8008", "8080", "8088"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"network": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Test your load balancer

These tests show how to validate your load balancer configuration and learn about its expected behavior.

Create a client VM

This example creates a client VM (vm-client) in the same region as the backend (server) VMs. The client is used to validate the load balancer's configuration and demonstrate expected behavior as described in the testing section.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. For Name, enter vm-client.

  4. For Region, select us-west1.

  5. For Zone, select us-west1-a.

  6. Click Advanced options.

  7. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network
      • Subnet: lb-subnet
  8. Click Create.


The client VM can be in any zone in the same region as the load balancer, and it can use any subnet in that region. In this example, the client is in the us-west1-a zone, and it uses the same subnet as the backend VMs.

gcloud compute instances create vm-client \
    --zone=us-west1-a \
    --image-family=debian-12 \
    --image-project=debian-cloud \
    --tags=allow-ssh \


Make a POST request to the instances.insert method.


 "name": "vm-client",
 "tags": {
   "items": [
 "machineType": "",
 "canIpForward": false,
 "networkInterfaces": [
     "network": "",
     "subnetwork": "",
     "accessConfigs": [
         "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
         "name": "external-nat",
         "networkTier": "PREMIUM"
 "disks": [
     "type": "PERSISTENT",
     "boot": true,
     "mode": "READ_WRITE",
     "autoDelete": true,
     "deviceName": "vm-client",
     "initializeParams": {
       "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-image-name",
       "diskType": "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/us-west1-a/diskTypes/pd-standard",
       "diskSizeGb": "10"
 "scheduling": {
   "preemptible": false
 "deletionProtection": false

Test connection from client VM

This test contacts the load balancer from a separate client VM; that is, not from a backend VM of the load balancer. The expected behavior is for traffic to be distributed among the four backend VMs because no session affinity has been configured.

  1. Connect to the client VM instance.

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Make a web request to the load balancer using curl to contact its IP address. Repeat the request so you can see that responses come from different backend VMs. The name of the VM generating the response is displayed in the text in the HTML response, by virtue of the contents of /var/www/html/index.html on each backend VM. For example, expected responses look like Page served from: vm-a1 and Page served from: vm-a2.


    The forwarding rule is configured to serve ports 80, 8008, 8080, and 8088. To send traffic to those other ports, append a colon (:) and the port number after the IP address, like this:


    If you add a service label to the internal forwarding rule, you can use internal DNS to contact the load balancer using its service name.


Ping the load balancer's IP address

This test demonstrates an expected behavior: You cannot ping the IP address of the load balancer. This is because internal passthrough Network Load Balancers are implemented in virtual network programming — they are not separate devices.

  1. Connect to the client VM instance.

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Attempt to ping the IP address of the load balancer. Notice that you don't get a response and that the ping command times out after 10 seconds in this example.

    timeout 10 ping

Send requests from load-balanced VMs

This test demonstrates that when a backend VM sends packets to the IP address of its load balancer's forwarding rule, those requests are routed back to itself. This is the case regardless of the backend VM's health check state.

Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers are implemented by using virtual network programming and VM configuration in the guest OS. On Linux VMs, the Guest environment creates a route for the load balancer's IP address in the operating system's local routing table.

Because this local route is within the VM itself (not a route in the VPC network), packets sent to the load balancer's IP address are not processed by the VPC network. Instead, packets sent to the load balancer's IP address remain within the operating system of the VM.

  1. Connect to a backend VM, such as vm-a1:

    gcloud compute ssh vm-a1 --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Make a web request to the load balancer (by IP address or service name) using curl. The response comes from the same backend VM that makes the request. Repeated requests are answered in the same way. The expected response when testing from vm-a1 is always Page served from: vm-a1.

  3. Inspect the local routing table, looking for a destination that matches the IP address of the load balancer itself, This route is a necessary part of an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer, but it also demonstrates why a request from a VM behind the load balancer is always responded to by the same VM.

    ip route show table local | grep

When a backend VM for an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer sends packets to the load balancer's forwarding rule IP address, the packets are always routed back to the VM that makes the request. This is because an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer is a pass-through load balancer and is implemented by creating a local route for the load balancer's IP address within the VM's guest OS, as indicated in this section. If you have a use case where load-balanced backends need to send TCP traffic to the load balancer's IP address, and you need the traffic to be distributed as if it originated from a non-load-balanced backend, consider using a regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer instead.

For more information, see Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers as next hops.

Set up load balancer with dual-stack subnets and backends

This document shows you how to configure and test an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. The steps in this section describe how to configure the following:

  1. The example on this page uses a custom mode VPC network named lb-network-dual-stack. IPv6 traffic requires a custom mode subnet.
  2. A dual-stack subnet (stack-type set to IPv4_IPv6), which is required for IPv6 traffic. When you create a dual stack subnet on a custom mode VPC network, you choose an IPv6 access type for the subnet. For this example, we set the subnet's ipv6-access-type parameter to INTERNAL. This means new VMs on this subnet can be assigned both internal IPv4 addresses and internal IPv6 addresses. For instructions, see VPC documentation about Adding a dual-stack subnet.
  3. Firewall rules that allow incoming connections to backend VMs.
  4. The backend instance group, which is located in the following region and subnet for this example:
    • Region: us-west1
    • Subnet: lb-subnet, with primary IPv4 address range Although you choose which IPv4 address range to configure on the subnet, the IPv6 address range is assigned automatically. Google provides a fixed size (/64) IPv6 CIDR block.
  5. Four backend dual-stack VMs: two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-a and two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-c. To demonstrate global access, this example creates a second test client VM in a different region and subnet:
    • Region: europe-west1
    • Subnet: europe-subnet, with primary IP address range
  6. One client VM to test connections.
  7. The following internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components:
    • A health check for the backend service.
    • An internal backend service in the us-west1 region to manage connection distribution to the two zonal instance groups.
    • Two internal forwarding rules for the frontend of the load balancer.

The following diagram shows the architecture for this example:

A dual-stack VPC network with a backend service to manage connection
    distribution to two zonal instance groups.
Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer example configuration (click to enlarge).

Configure a network, region, and subnet

The example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer described on this page is created in a custom mode VPC network named lb-network-dual-stack.

To configure subnets with internal IPv6 ranges, enable a VPC network ULA internal IPv6 range. Internal IPv6 subnet ranges are allocated from this range.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click Create VPC network.

  3. For Name, enter lb-network-dual-stack.

  4. If you want to configure internal IPv6 address ranges on subnets in this network, complete these steps:

    1. For Private IPv6 address settings, select Configure a ULA internal IPv6 range for this VPC Network.
    2. For Allocate internal IPv6 range, select Automatically or Manually. If you select Manually, enter a /48 range from within the fd20::/20 range. If the range is in use, you are prompted to provide a different range.
  5. For Subnet creation mode, select Custom.

  6. In the New subnet section, specify the following configuration parameters for a subnet:

    • Name: lb-subnet
    • Region: us-west1
    • IP stack type: IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack)
    • IPv4 range:
    • IPv6 access type: Internal
  7. Click Done.

  8. Click Add subnet and enter the following information:

    • Name: europe-subnet
    • Region: europe-west1
    • IP stack type: IPv4 (single-stack)
    • IP address range:
  9. Click Done.

  10. Click Create.


  1. To create a new custom mode VPC network, run the gcloud compute networks create command.

    To configure internal IPv6 ranges on any subnets in this network, use the --enable-ula-internal-ipv6 flag. This option assigns a /48 ULA prefix from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google Cloud for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you want to select the /48 IPv6 range that is assigned, use the --internal-ipv6-range flag to specify a range.

    gcloud compute networks create lb-network-dual-stack \
     --subnet-mode=custom \
     --enable-ula-internal-ipv6 \
     --internal-ipv6-range=ULA_IPV6_RANGE \

    Replace ULA_IPV6_RANGE with a /48 prefix from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you don't use the --internal-ipv6-range flag, Google selects a /48 prefix for the network, such as fd20:bc7:9a1c::/48.

  2. Within the NETWORK network, create a subnet for backends in the us-west1 region and another subnet for testing global access in the europe-west1 region.

    To create the subnets, run the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create lb-subnet \
     --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
     --range= \
     --region=us-west1 \
     --stack-type=IPV4_IPV6 \
    gcloud compute networks subnets create europe-subnet \
     --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
     --range= \
     --region=europe-west1 \
     --stack-type=IPV4_IPV6 \


Create a new custom mode VPC network.

To configure internal IPv6 ranges on any subnets in this network, set enableUlaInternalIpv6 to true. This option assigns a /48 range from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you want to select which /48 IPv6 range that is assigned, also use the internalIpv6Range field to specify a range.

   "autoCreateSubnetworks": false,
   "name": "lb-network-dual-stack",
   "mtu": MTU,
   "enableUlaInternalIpv6": true,
   "internalIpv6Range": "ULA_IPV6_RANGE",
   "routingConfig": {
   "routingMode": "DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the VPC network is created.
  • MTU: the maximum transmission unit of the network. MTU can either be 1460 (default) or 1500. Review the maximum transmission unit overview before setting the MTU to 1500.
  • ULA_IPV6_RANGE: a /48 prefix from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you don't provide a value for internalIpv6Range, Google selects a /48 prefix for the network.
  • DYNAMIC_ROUTING_MODE: either global or regional to control the route advertisement behavior of Cloud Routers in the network. For more information, refer to dynamic routing mode.

    For more information, refer to the networks.insert method.

Make two POST requests to the subnetworks.insert method.

   "ipCidrRange": "",
   "network": "lb-network-dual-stack",
   "name": "lb-subnet"
   "stackType": IPV4_IPV6,
   "ipv6AccessType": Internal

   "ipCidrRange": "",
   "network": "lb-network-dual-stack",
   "name": "europe-subnet"
   "stackType": IPV4_IPV6,
   "ipv6AccessType": Internal

Configure firewall rules

This example uses the following firewall rules:

  • fw-allow-lb-access: An ingress rule, applicable to all targets in the VPC network, that allows traffic from sources in the and ranges. This rule allows incoming traffic from any client located in either of the two subnets. Later, you can configure and test global access.

  • fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6: An ingress rule, applicable to all targets in the VPC network, that allows traffic from sources in the IPv6 range configured in the subnet. This rule allows incoming IPv6 traffic from any client located in either of the two subnets. Later, you can configure and test global access.

  • fw-allow-ssh: An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows incoming SSH connectivity on TCP port 22 from any address. You can choose a more restrictive source IP range for this rule; for example, you can specify just the IP ranges of the system from which you initiate SSH sessions. This example uses the target tag allow-ssh to identify the VMs to which it should apply.

  • fw-allow-health-check: An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows traffic from the Google Cloud health checking systems ( and This example uses the target tag allow-health-check to identify the instances to which it should apply.

  • fw-allow-health-check-ipv6: An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows traffic from the Google Cloud health checking systems (2600:2d00:1:b029::/64). This example uses the target tag allow-health-check-ipv6 to identify the instances to which it should apply.

Without these firewall rules, the default deny ingress rule blocks incoming traffic to the backend instances.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.

    Go to Firewall policies

  2. To create the rule to allow subnet traffic, click Create firewall rule and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-lb-access
    • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: All instances in the network
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges: and
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  3. Click Create.

  4. To allow IPv6 subnet traffic, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6
    • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: All instances in the network
    • Source filter: IPv6 ranges
    • Source IPv6 ranges: IPV6_ADDRESS assigned in the lb-subnet
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  5. Click Create.

  6. To allow incoming SSH connections, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-ssh
    • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-ssh
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges:
    • Protocols and ports: Select Specified protocols and ports, select the TCP checkbox, and then enter 22 in Ports.
  7. Click Create.

  8. To allow Google Cloud IPv6 health checks, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-health-check-ipv6
    • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-health-check-ipv6
    • Source filter: IPv6 ranges
    • Source IPv6 ranges: 2600:2d00:1:b029::/64
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  9. Click Create.

  10. To allow Google Cloud health checks, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-health-check
    • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-health-check
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges: and
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  11. Click Create.


  1. Create the fw-allow-lb-access firewall rule to allow communication with the subnet:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-lb-access \
        --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --source-ranges=, \
  2. Create the fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6 firewall rule to allow communication with the subnet:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6 \
        --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --source-ranges=IPV6_ADDRESS \

    Replace IPV6_ADDRESS with the IPv6 address assigned in the lb-subnet.

  3. Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule to allow SSH connectivity to VMs with the network tag allow-ssh. When you omit source-ranges, Google Cloud interprets the rule to mean any source.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-ssh \
        --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-ssh \
  4. Create the fw-allow-health-check-ipv6 rule to allow Google Cloud IPv6 health checks.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check-ipv6 \
        --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-health-check-ipv6 \
        --source-ranges=2600:2d00:1:b029::/64 \
  5. Create the fw-allow-health-check rule to allow Google Cloud health checks.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \
        --network=lb-network-dual-stack \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-health-check \
        --source-ranges=, \


  1. Create the fw-allow-lb-access firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.

    "name": "fw-allow-lb-access",
    "network": "",
    "priority": 1000,
    "sourceRanges": [
      "", ""
    "allowed": [
        "IPProtocol": "tcp"
        "IPProtocol": "udp"
        "IPProtocol": "icmp"
    "direction": "INGRESS",
    "logConfig": {
      "enable": false
    "disabled": false
  2. Create the fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6 firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.

     "name": "fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6",
     "network": "",
     "priority": 1000,
     "sourceRanges": [
     "allowed": [
          "IPProtocol": "tcp"
          "IPProtocol": "udp"
          "IPProtocol": "icmp"
     "direction": "INGRESS",
     "logConfig": {
        "enable": false
     "disabled": false

    Replace IPV6_ADDRESS with the IPv6 address assigned in the lb-subnet.

  3. Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.

    "name": "fw-allow-ssh",
         "network": "",
    "priority": 1000,
    "sourceRanges": [
    "targetTags": [
    "allowed": [
       "IPProtocol": "tcp",
       "ports": [
    "direction": "INGRESS",
    "logConfig": {
     "enable": false
    "disabled": false
  4. Create the fw-allow-health-check-ipv6 firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.

    "name": "fw-allow-health-check-ipv6",
    "network": "",
    "priority": 1000,
    "sourceRanges": [
    "targetTags": [
    "allowed": [
        "IPProtocol": "tcp"
        "IPProtocol": "udp"
    "direction": "INGRESS",
    "logConfig": {
      "enable": false
    "disabled": false
  5. Create the fw-allow-health-check firewall rule by making a POST request to the firewalls.insert method.

    "name": "fw-allow-health-check",
    "network": "",
    "priority": 1000,
    "sourceRanges": [
    "targetTags": [
    "allowed": [
        "IPProtocol": "tcp"
        "IPProtocol": "udp"
        "IPProtocol": "icmp"
    "direction": "INGRESS",
    "logConfig": {
      "enable": false
    "disabled": false

Create backend VMs and instance groups

This example uses two unmanaged instance groups each having two backend (server) VMs. To demonstrate the regional nature of internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, the two instance groups are placed in separate zones, us-west1-a and us-west1-c.

  • Instance group ig-a contains these two VMs:
    • vm-a1
    • vm-a2
  • Instance group ig-c contains these two VMs:
    • vm-c1
    • vm-c2

Traffic to all four of the backend VMs is load balanced.

To support this example and the additional configuration options, each of the four VMs runs an Apache web server that listens on the following TCP ports: 80,8008, 8080, 8088, 443, and 8443.

Each VM is assigned an internal IP address in the lb-subnet and an ephemeral external (public) IP address. You can remove the external IP addresses later.

External IP address for the backend VMs are not required; however, they are useful for this example because they permit the backend VMs to download Apache from the internet, and they can connect using SSH.

By default, Apache is configured to bind to any IP address. Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers deliver packets by preserving the destination IP.

Ensure that server software running on your backend VMs is listening on the IP address of the load balancer's internal forwarding rule. If you configure multiple internal forwarding rules, ensure that your software listens to the internal IP address associated with each one. The destination IP address of a packet delivered to a backend VM by an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer is the internal IP address of the forwarding rule.

If you're using managed instance groups, ensure that the subnetwork stack type matches the stack type of instance templates used by the managed instance groups. The subnetwork must be dual-stack if the managed instance group is using a dual-stack instance template.

For instructional simplicity, these backend VMs run Debian GNU/Linux 12.


Create backend VMs

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each VM, using the following name and zone combinations.

    • Name: vm-a1, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-a2, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-c1, zone: us-west1-c
    • Name: vm-c2, zone: us-west1-c
  3. Click Create instance.

  4. Set the Name as indicated in step 2.

  5. For Region, select us-west1, and choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Boot disk section, ensure that Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) is selected for the boot disk options. If necessary, click Change to change the image.

  7. Click Advanced options.

  8. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh and allow-health-check-ipv6.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
      • Subnet: lb-subnet
      • IP stack type: IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack)
      • Primary internal IPv4 address: Ephemeral (automatic)
      • External IPv4 address: Ephemeral
    3. Click Management, and then in the Startup script field, enter the following script. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

      #! /bin/bash
      if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
      exit 0
      apt-get update
      apt-get install apache2 -y
      a2ensite default-ssl
      a2enmod ssl
      http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
      http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
      https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
      https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
      vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
      echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
      tee /var/www/html/index.html
      prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
      prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
      prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
      echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
      http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
      http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
      https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
      https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
      systemctl restart apache2
      touch /etc/startup_script_completed
  9. Click Create.

Create instance groups

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Repeat the following steps to create two unmanaged instance groups each with two VMs in them, using these combinations.

    • Instance group name: ig-a, zone: us-west1-a, VMs: vm-a1 and vm-a2
    • Instance group name: ig-c, zone: us-west1-c, VMs: vm-c1 and vm-c2
  3. Click Create instance group.

  4. Click New unmanaged instance group.

  5. Set Name as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Location section, select us-west1 for the Region, and then choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  7. For Network, select lb-network-dual-stack.

  8. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.

  9. In the VM instances section, add the VMs as indicated in step 2.

  10. Click Create.


  1. To create the four VMs, run the gcloud compute instances create command four times, using these four combinations for [VM-NAME] and [ZONE]. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

    • VM-NAME: vm-a1, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-a2, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-c1, ZONE: us-west1-c
    • VM-NAME: vm-c2, ZONE: us-west1-c

      gcloud compute instances create VM-NAME \
        --zone=ZONE \
        --image-family=debian-12 \
        --image-project=debian-cloud \
        --tags=allow-ssh,allow-health-check-ipv6 \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --stack-type=IPV4_IPV6 \
        --metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash
      if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
      exit 0
      apt-get update
      apt-get install apache2 -y
      a2ensite default-ssl
      a2enmod ssl
      http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
      http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
      https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
      https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
      vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
      echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
      tee /var/www/html/index.html
      prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
      prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
      prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
      echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
      http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
      http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
      https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
      https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
      systemctl restart apache2
      touch /etc/startup_script_completed'
  2. Create the two unmanaged instance groups in each zone:

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-a \
    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-c \
  3. Add the VMs to the appropriate instance groups:

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-a \
        --zone=us-west1-a \
    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-c \
        --zone=us-west1-c \


For the four VMs, use the following VM names and zones:

  • VM-NAME: vm-a1, ZONE: us-west1-a
  • VM-NAME: vm-a2, ZONE: us-west1-a
  • VM-NAME: vm-c1, ZONE: us-west1-c
  • VM-NAME: vm-c2, ZONE: us-west1-c

You can get the current DEBIAN_IMAGE_NAME by running the following gcloud command:

gcloud compute images list \

Create four backend VMs by making four POST requests to the instances.insert method:


 "name": "VM-NAME",
 "tags": {
   "items": [
 "machineType": "[ZONE]/machineTypes/e2-standard-2",
 "canIpForward": false,
 "networkInterfaces": [
     "stackType": "IPV4_IPV6",
     "network": "",
     "subnetwork": "",
     "accessConfigs": [
         "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
         "name": "external-nat",
         "networkTier": "PREMIUM"
 "disks": [
     "type": "PERSISTENT",
     "boot": true,
     "mode": "READ_WRITE",
     "autoDelete": true,
     "deviceName": "VM-NAME",
     "initializeParams": {
       "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-image-name",
       "diskType": "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/zone/diskTypes/pd-standard",
       "diskSizeGb": "10"
 "metadata": {
   "items": [
       "key": "startup-script",
       "value": "#! /bin/bash\napt-get update\napt-get install apache2 -y\na2ensite default-ssl\na2enmod ssl\nfile_ports=\"/etc/apache2/ports.conf\"\nfile_http_site=\"/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf\"\nfile_https_site=\"/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf\"\nhttp_listen_prts=\"Listen 80\\nListen 8008\\nListen 8080\\nListen 8088\"\nhttp_vh_prts=\"*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088\"\nhttps_listen_prts=\"Listen 443\\nListen 8443\"\nhttps_vh_prts=\"*:443 *:8443\"\nvm_hostname=\"$(curl -H \"Metadata-Flavor:Google\" \\\nhttp://\"\necho \"Page served from: $vm_hostname\" | \\\ntee /var/www/html/index.html\nprt_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_ports\")\"\nprt_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$prt_conf\" | sed \"s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|\")\"\nprt_conf=\"$(echo \"$prt_conf_2\" | sed \"s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$prt_conf\" | tee \"$file_ports\"\nhttp_site_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_http_site\")\"\nhttp_site_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$http_site_conf\" | sed \"s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$http_site_conf_2\" | tee \"$file_http_site\"\nhttps_site_conf=\"$(cat \"$file_https_site\")\"\nhttps_site_conf_2=\"$(echo \"$https_site_conf\" | sed \"s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|\")\"\necho \"$https_site_conf_2\" | tee \"$file_https_site\"\nsystemctl restart apache2"
 "scheduling": {
   "preemptible": false
 "deletionProtection": false

Create two instance groups by making a POST request to the instanceGroups.insert method.


 "name": "ig-a",
 "network": "",
 "subnetwork": ""

 "name": "ig-c",
 "network": "",
 "subnetwork": ""

Add instances to each instance group by making a POST request to the instanceGroups.addInstances method.


 "instances": [
     "instance": "",
     "instance": ""

 "instances": [
     "instance": "",
     "instance": ""

Configure load balancer components

These steps configure all of the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components starting with the health check and backend service, and then the frontend components:

  • Health check: In this example, you use an HTTP health check that checks for an HTTP 200 (OK) response. For more information, see health checks section of the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer overview.

  • Backend service: Because you need to pass HTTP traffic through the internal load balancer, you need to use TCP, not UDP.

  • Forwarding rule: This example creates two internal forwarding rules for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

  • Internal IP address: In this example, you specify an internal IP address,, when you create the IPv4 forwarding rule. For more information, see Internal IP address. Although you choose which IPv4 address is configured, the IPv6 address is assigned automatically.


Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Network Load Balancer (TCP/UDP/SSL) and click Next.
  4. For Proxy or passthrough, select Passthrough load balancer and click Next.
  5. For Public facing or internal, select Internal and click Next.
  6. Click Configure.

Basic configuration

On the Create internal passthrough Network Load Balancer page, enter the following information:

  • Load balancer name: be-ilb
  • Region: us-west1
  • Network: lb-network-dual-stack

Backend configuration

  1. Click Backend configuration.
  2. In the New Backend section of Backends, select the IP stack type as IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack).
  3. In Instance group, select the ig-a instance group and click Done.
  4. Click Add a backend and repeat the step to add ig-c.
  5. From the Health check list, select Create a health check, enter the following information, and click Save:
    • Name: hc-http-80.
    • Scope: Regional.
    • Protocol: HTTP.
    • Port: 80.
    • Proxy protocol: NONE.
    • Request path: /.
  6. Verify that a blue check mark appears next to Backend configuration.

Frontend configuration

  1. Click Frontend configuration. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:
    1. For Name, enter fr-ilb-ipv6.
    2. To handle IPv6 traffic, do the following:
      1. For IP version, select IPv6.
      2. For Subnetwork, selectlb-subnet. The IPv6 address range in the forwarding rule is always ephemeral.
      3. For Ports, select Multiple, and then in the Port number field, enter 80,8008,8080,8088.
      4. Click Done.
    3. To handle IPv4 traffic, do the following:
      1. Click Add frontend IP and port.
      2. For Name, enter fr-ilb.
      3. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.
      4. In the Internal IP purpose section, from the IP address list, select Create IP address, enter the following information, and then click Reserve.
        • Name: ip-ilb
        • IP version: IPv4
        • Static IP address: Let me choose
        • Custom IP address:
      5. For Ports, select Multiple, and then in Port numbers, enter 80,8008,8080, and 8088.
      6. Click Done.
      7. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Frontend configuration before continuing.

Review the configuration

  1. Click Review and finalize. Check all your settings.
  2. If the settings are correct, click Create. It takes a few minutes for the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer to be created.


  1. Create a new regional HTTP health check to test HTTP connectivity to the VMs on port 80.

    gcloud compute health-checks create http hc-http-80 \
        --region=us-west1 \
  2. Create the backend service for HTTP traffic:

    gcloud compute backend-services create be-ilb \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --protocol=tcp \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --health-checks=hc-http-80 \
  3. Add the two instance groups to the backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-a \
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-c \
  4. Create two forwarding rules for the backend service. When you create the IPv4 forwarding rule, specify for the internal IP address in the subnet for IPv4 addresses.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --address= \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=80,8008,8080,8088 \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb-ipv6 \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=80,8008,8080,8088 \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \
        --backend-service-region=us-west1 \


Create the health check by making a POST request to the regionHealthChecks.insert method.


"name": "hc-http-80",
"type": "HTTP",
"httpHealthCheck": {
  "port": 80

Create the regional backend service by making a POST request to the regionBackendServices.insert method.


"name": "be-ilb",
"backends": [
    "group": "",
    "balancingMode": "CONNECTION"
    "group": "",
    "balancingMode": "CONNECTION"
"healthChecks": [
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"connectionDraining": {
  "drainingTimeoutSec": 0

Create the forwarding rule by making a POST request to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb-ipv6",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "80", "8008", "8080", "8088"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"backendService": "",
"ipVersion": "IPV6",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Create the forwarding rule by making a POST request to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "80", "8008", "8080", "8088"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Test your load balancer

To test the load balancer, create a client VM in the same region as the load balancer, and then send traffic from the client to the load balancer.

Create a client VM

This example creates a client VM (vm-client) in the same region as the backend (server) VMs. The client is used to validate the load balancer's configuration and demonstrate expected behavior as described in the testing section.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. For Name, enter vm-client.

  4. For Region, select us-west1.

  5. For Zone, select us-west1-a.

  6. Click Advanced options.

  7. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network-dual-stack
      • Subnet: lb-subnet
      • IP stack type: IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack)
      • Primary internal IP: Ephemeral (automatic)
      • External IP: Ephemeral
    3. Click Done.
  8. Click Create.


The client VM can be in any zone in the same region as the load balancer, and it can use any subnet in that region. In this example, the client is in the us-west1-a zone, and it uses the same subnet as the backend VMs.

gcloud compute instances create vm-client \
    --zone=us-west1-a \
    --image-family=debian-12 \
    --image-project=debian-cloud \
    --stack-type=IPV4_IPV6 \
    --tags=allow-ssh \


Make a POST request to the instances.insert method.


 "name": "vm-client",
 "tags": {
   "items": [
 "machineType": "",
 "canIpForward": false,
 "networkInterfaces": [
     "stackType": "IPV4_IPV6",
     "network": "",
     "subnetwork": "",
     "accessConfigs": [
         "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
         "name": "external-nat",
         "networkTier": "PREMIUM"
 "disks": [
     "type": "PERSISTENT",
     "boot": true,
     "mode": "READ_WRITE",
     "autoDelete": true,
     "deviceName": "vm-client",
     "initializeParams": {
       "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-image-name",
       "diskType": "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/us-west1-a/diskTypes/pd-standard",
       "diskSizeGb": "10"
 "scheduling": {
   "preemptible": false
 "deletionProtection": false

Test the connection

This test contacts the load balancer from a separate client VM; that is, not from a backend VM of the load balancer. The expected behavior is for traffic to be distributed among the four backend VMs.

  1. Connect to the client VM instance.

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Describe the IPv6 forwarding rule fr-ilb-ipv6. Note the IPV6_ADDRESS in the description.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe fr-ilb-ipv6 --region=us-west1
  3. Describe the IPv4 forwarding rule fr-ilb.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe fr-ilb --region=us-west1
  4. From clients with IPv6 connectivity, run the following command:

    $ curl -m 10 -s http://IPV6_ADDRESS:80

    For example, if the assigned IPv6 address is [fd20:1db0:b882:802:0:46:0:0/96]:80, the command should look like:

    $  curl -m 10 -s http://[fd20:1db0:b882:802:0:46:0:0]:80
  5. From clients with IPv4 connectivity, run the following command:

    $ curl -m 10 -s

    Replace the placeholders with valid values:

    • IPV6_ADDRESS is the ephemeral IPv6 address in the fr-ilb-ipv6 forwarding rule.

Set up load balancer with IPv6-only subnets and backends

This document shows you how to configure and test an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer that supports only IPv6 traffic. The steps in this section describe how to configure the following:

  1. A custom mode VPC network named lb-network-ipv6-only. IPv6 traffic requires a custom mode subnet.
  2. An IPv6-only subnet (stack-type set to IPv6_ONLY), which is required for IPv6 traffic.
  3. Firewall rules that allow incoming connections to backend VMs.
  4. The backend instance group, which is located in the following region and subnet for this example:
    • Region: us-west1
    • Subnet: lb-subnet The IPv6 address range for the subnet is assigned automatically. Google provides a fixed size (/64) IPv6 CIDR block.
  5. Four backend IPv6-only VMs: two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-a and two VMs in an unmanaged instance group in zone us-west1-c.
  6. One client VM to test connections.
  7. The following internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components:
    • A health check for the backend service.
    • An internal backend service in the us-west1 region to manage connection distribution to the two zonal instance groups.

Configure a network, region, and subnet

The example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer described on this page is created in a custom mode VPC network named lb-network-ipv6-only.

To configure subnets with internal IPv6 ranges, enable a VPC network ULA internal IPv6 range. Internal IPv6 subnet ranges are allocated from this range.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click Create VPC network.

  3. For Name, enter lb-network-ipv6-only.

  4. If you want to configure internal IPv6 address ranges on subnets in this network, complete these steps:

    1. For Private IPv6 address settings, select Configure a ULA internal IPv6 range for this VPC Network.
    2. For Allocate internal IPv6 range, select Automatically or Manually. If you select Manually, enter a /48 range from within the fd20::/20 range. If the range is already in use, you are prompted to provide a different range.
  5. For Subnet creation mode, select Custom.

  6. In the New subnet section, specify the following configuration parameters for a subnet:

    • Name: lb-subnet
    • Region: us-west1
    • IP stack type: IPv6 (single-stack)
    • IPv6 access type: Internal
  7. Click Done.

  8. Click Create.


  1. To create a new custom mode VPC network, run the gcloud compute networks create command.

    To configure internal IPv6 ranges on any subnets in this network, use the --enable-ula-internal-ipv6 flag. This option assigns a /48 ULA prefix from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google Cloud for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you want to select the /48 IPv6 range that is assigned, use the --internal-ipv6-range flag to specify a range.

  gcloud compute networks create lb-network-ipv6-only \
      --subnet-mode=custom \
      --enable-ula-internal-ipv6 \
      --internal-ipv6-range=ULA_IPV6_RANGE \

Replace ULA_IPV6_RANGE with a /48 prefix from within the fd20::/20 range used by Google for internal IPv6 subnet ranges. If you don't use the --internal-ipv6-range flag, Google selects a /48 prefix for the network, such as fd20:bc7:9a1c::/48.

  1. Within the NETWORK network, create a subnet for backends in the us-west1 region and another subnet for testing global access in the europe-west1 region.

    To create the subnets, run the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

  gcloud compute networks subnets create lb-subnet \
      --network=lb-network-ipv6-only \
      --region=us-west1 \
      --stack-type=IPV6_ONLY \

Configure firewall rules

This example uses the following firewall rules:

  • fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6-only: an ingress rule, applicable to all targets in the VPC network, that allows traffic from sources in the IPv6 range configured in the subnet. This rule allows incoming IPv6 traffic from any client located in lb-subnet-ipv6-only.

  • fw-allow-ssh: an ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows incoming SSH connectivity on TCP port 22 from any address. You can choose a more restrictive source IP range for this rule; for example, you can specify just the IP ranges of the system from which you initiate SSH sessions. This example uses the target tag allow-ssh to identify the VMs to which it must apply.

  • fw-allow-health-check-ipv6-only: an ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows traffic from the Google Cloud health checking systems (2600:2d00:1:b029::/64). This example uses the target tag allow-health-check-ipv6 to identify the instances to which it must apply.

Without these firewall rules, the default deny ingress rule blocks incoming traffic to the backend instances.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.

    Go to Firewall policies

  2. To allow IPv6 subnet traffic, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6-only
    • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: All instances in the network
    • Source filter: IPv6 ranges
    • Source IPv6 ranges: the IPv6 address range assigned to the lb-subnet-ipv6-only subnet
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  3. Click Create.

  4. To allow incoming SSH connections, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-ssh
    • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-ssh
    • Source filter: IPv4 ranges
    • Source IPv4 ranges:
    • Protocols and ports: Select Specified protocols and ports, select the TCP checkbox, and then enter 22 in Ports.
  5. Click Create.

  6. To allow Google Cloud IPv6 health checks, click Create firewall rule again and enter the following information:

    • Name: fw-allow-health-check-ipv6-only
    • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only
    • Priority: 1000
    • Direction of traffic: ingress
    • Action on match: allow
    • Targets: Specified target tags
    • Target tags: allow-health-check-ipv6
    • Source filter: IPv6 ranges
    • Source IPv6 ranges: 2600:2d00:1:b029::/64
    • Protocols and ports: Allow all
  7. Click Create.


  1. Create the fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6 firewall rule to allow communication with the subnet:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-lb-access-ipv6-only \
        --network=lb-network-ipv6-only \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --source-ranges=IPV6_ADDRESS \

    Replace IPV6_ADDRESS with the IPv6 address assigned in the lb-subnet-ipv6-only.

  2. Create the fw-allow-ssh firewall rule to allow SSH connectivity to VMs with the network tag allow-ssh. When you omit source-ranges, Google Cloud interprets the rule to mean any source.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-ssh \
        --network=lb-network-ipv6-only \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-ssh \
  3. Create the fw-allow-health-check-ipv6 rule to allow Google Cloud IPv6 health checks.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check-ipv6-only \
        --network=lb-network-ipv6-only \
        --action=allow \
        --direction=ingress \
        --target-tags=allow-health-check-ipv6 \
        --source-ranges=2600:2d00:1:b029::/64 \

Create backend VMs and instance groups

This example uses two unmanaged instance groups, each having two backend VMs. To demonstrate the regional nature of internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, the two instance groups are placed in separate zones, us-west1-a and us-west1-c.

  • Instance group ig-a contains these two VMs:
    • vm-a1
    • vm-a2
  • Instance group ig-c contains these two VMs:
    • vm-c1
    • vm-c2

Traffic to all four of the backend VMs is load balanced.

To support this example and the additional configuration options, each of the four VMs runs an Apache web server that listens on the following TCP ports: 80,8008, 8080, 8088, 443, and 8443.

Each VM is assigned an internal IP address in the lb-subnet-ipv6-only and an ephemeral external (public) IP address. You can remove the external IP addresses later.

External IP addresses for the backend VMs aren't required; however, they are useful for this example because they permit the backend VMs to download Apache from the internet, and you can connect to them using SSH.

By default, Apache is configured to bind to any IP address. Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers deliver packets by preserving the destination IP.

Ensure that server software running on your backend VMs is actively waiting for incoming connections directed to the IP address IP address of the load balancer's internal forwarding rule. If you configure multiple internal forwarding rules, ensure that your software listens to the internal IP address associated with each one. The destination IP address of a packet delivered to a backend VM by an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer is the internal IP address of the forwarding rule.

For instructional simplicity, these backend VMs run Debian GNU/Linux 12.


Create backend VMs

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each VM, using the following name and zone combinations.

    • Name: vm-a1, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-a2, zone: us-west1-a
    • Name: vm-c1, zone: us-west1-c
    • Name: vm-c2, zone: us-west1-c
  3. Click Create instance.

  4. Set the Name as indicated in step 2.

  5. For Region, select us-west1, and choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Boot disk section, ensure that Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) is selected for the boot disk options. If necessary, click Change to change the image.

  7. Click Advanced options.

  8. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh and allow-health-check-ipv6.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only
      • Subnet: lb-subnet-ipv6-only
      • IP stack type: IPv6 (single-stack)
    3. Click Management, and then in the Startup script field, enter the following script. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

      #! /bin/bash
      if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
      exit 0
      apt-get update
      apt-get install apache2 -y
      a2ensite default-ssl
      a2enmod ssl
      http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
      http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
      https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
      https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
      vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
      echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
      tee /var/www/html/index.html
      prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
      prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
      prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
      echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
      http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
      http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
      https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
      https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
      echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
      systemctl restart apache2
      touch /etc/startup_script_completed
  9. Click Create.

Create instance groups

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Repeat the following steps to create two unmanaged instance groups each with two VMs in them, using these combinations.

    • Instance group name: ig-a, zone: us-west1-a, VMs: vm-a1 and vm-a2
    • Instance group name: ig-c, zone: us-west1-c, VMs: vm-c1 and vm-c2
  3. Click Create instance group.

  4. Click New unmanaged instance group.

  5. Set Name as indicated in step 2.

  6. In the Location section, select us-west1 for the Region, and then choose a Zone as indicated in step 2.

  7. For Network, select lb-network-ipv6-only.

  8. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet-ipv6-only.

  9. In the VM instances section, add the VMs as indicated in step 2.

  10. Click Create.


  1. To create the four VMs, run the gcloud compute instances create command four times, using these four combinations for [VM-NAME] and [ZONE]. The script contents are identical for all four VMs.

    • VM-NAME: vm-a1, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-a2, ZONE: us-west1-a
    • VM-NAME: vm-c1, ZONE: us-west1-c
    • VM-NAME: vm-c2, ZONE: us-west1-c
    gcloud beta compute instances create VM-NAME \
        --zone=ZONE \
        --image-family=debian-12 \
        --image-project=debian-cloud \
        --tags=allow-ssh,allow-health-check-ipv6 \
        --subnet=lb-subnet-ipv6-only \
        --stack-type=IPV6_ONLY \
        --metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash
    if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
    exit 0
    apt-get update
    apt-get install apache2 -y
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2enmod ssl
    http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
    http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
    https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
    https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
    prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
    prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
    echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
    http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
    http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
    https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
    https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
    systemctl restart apache2
    touch /etc/startup_script_completed'
  2. Create the two unmanaged instance groups in each zone:

    gcloud beta compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-a \
    gcloud beta compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-c \
  3. Add the VMs to the appropriate instance groups:

    gcloud beta compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-a \
      --zone=us-west1-a \
    gcloud beta compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-c \
      --zone=us-west1-c \

Configure load balancer components

These steps configure all of the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer components starting with the health check and backend service, and then the frontend components:


Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Network Load Balancer (TCP/UDP/SSL) and click Next.
  4. For Proxy or passthrough, select Passthrough load balancer and click Next.
  5. For Public facing or internal, select Internal and click Next.
  6. Click Configure.

Basic configuration

On the Create internal passthrough Network Load Balancer page, enter the following information:

  • Load balancer name: ilb-ipv6-only
  • Region: us-west1
  • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only

Backend configuration

  1. Click Backend configuration.
  2. In the New Backend section of Backends, select the IP stack type as IPv6 (single-stack).
  3. In Instance group, select the ig-a instance group and click Done.
  4. Click Add a backend and repeat the step to add ig-c.
  5. From the Health check list, select Create a health check, enter the following information, and click Save:
    • Name: hc-http-80.
    • Scope: Regional.
    • Protocol: HTTP.
    • Port: 80.
    • Proxy protocol: NONE.
    • Request path: /.
  6. Verify that a blue check mark appears next to Backend configuration.

Frontend configuration

  1. Click Frontend configuration. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:
    1. For Name, enter fr-ilb-ipv6-only.
    2. To handle IPv6 traffic, do the following:
      1. For IP version, select IPv6.
      2. For Subnetwork, selectlb-subnet-ipv6-only. The IPv6 address range in the forwarding rule is always ephemeral.
      3. For Ports, select Multiple, and then in the Port number field, enter 80,8008,8080,8088.
      4. Click Done.
    3. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Frontend configuration before continuing.

Review the configuration

  1. Click Review and finalize. Check all your settings.
  2. If the settings are correct, click Create. It takes a few minutes for the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer to be created.


  1. Create a new regional HTTP health check to test HTTP connectivity to the VMs on port 80.

    gcloud beta compute health-checks create http hc-http-80 \
        --region=us-west1 \
  2. Create the backend service:

    gcloud beta compute backend-services create ilb-ipv6-only \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL \
        --protocol=tcp \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --health-checks=hc-http-80 \
  3. Add the two instance groups to the backend service:

    gcloud beta compute backend-services add-backend ilb-ipv6-only \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-a \
    gcloud beta compute backend-services add-backend ilb-ipv6-only \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-c \
  4. Create the IPv6 forwarding rule with an ephemeral IPv6 address.

    gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb-ipv6-only \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL \
        --subnet=lb-subnet-ipv6-only \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=80,8008,8080,8088 \
        --backend-service=ilb-ipv6-only \
        --backend-service-region=us-west1 \

Test your load balancer

To test the load balancer, create a client VM in the same region as the load balancer, and then send traffic from the client to the load balancer.

Create a client VM

This example creates a client VM (vm-client) in the same region as the backend (server) VMs. The client is used to validate the load balancer's configuration and demonstrate expected behavior as described in the testing section.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. For Name, enter vm-client.

  4. For Region, select us-west1.

  5. For Zone, select us-west1-a.

  6. Click Advanced options.

  7. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network-ipv6-only
      • Subnet: lb-subnet-ipv6-only
      • IP stack type: IPv6 (single-stack)
    3. Click Done.
  8. Click Create.


The client VM can be in any zone in the same region as the load balancer, and it can use any subnet in that region. In this example, the client is in the us-west1-a zone, and it uses the same subnet as the backend VMs.

gcloud beta compute instances create vm-client \
    --zone=us-west1-a \
    --image-family=debian-12 \
    --image-project=debian-cloud \
    --stack-type=IPV6_ONLY \
    --tags=allow-ssh \

Test the connection

This test contacts the load balancer from a separate client VM; that is, not from a backend VM of the load balancer. The expected behavior is for traffic to be distributed among the four backend VMs.

  1. Connect to the client VM instance.

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Describe the IPv6 forwarding rule fr-ilb-ipv6-only. Note the IPV6_ADDRESS in the description.

    gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules describe fr-ilb-ipv6-only \
  3. From clients with IPv6 connectivity, run the following command:

    curl -m 10 -s http://IPV6_ADDRESS:80

    For example, if the assigned IPv6 address is [fd20:1db0:b882:802:0:46:0:0/96]:80, the command should look like:

    curl -m 10 -s http://[fd20:1db0:b882:802:0:46:0:0]:80

Additional configuration options

This section expands on the configuration example to provide alternative and additional configuration options. All of the tasks are optional. You can perform them in any order.

Enable global access

You can enable global access for your example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer to make it accessible to clients in all regions. The backends of your example load balancer must still be located in one region (us-west1).

Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer with global access.
Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer with global access (click to enlarge).

To configure global access, make the following configuration changes.


Edit the load balancer's forwarding rule

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. In the Name column, click your internal passthrough Network Load Balancer. The example load balancer is named be-ilb.

  3. Click Frontend configuration.

  4. Click Edit .

  5. Under Global access, select Enable.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Click Update.

On the Load balancer details page, verify that the frontend configuration says Regional (REGION) with global access.


  1. Update the example load balancer's forwarding rule, fr-ilb to include the --allow-global-access flag.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules update fr-ilb \
       --region=us-west1 \
  2. You can use the forwarding-rules describe command to determine whether a forwarding rule has global access enabled. For example:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe fr-ilb \
       --region=us-west1 \

    The word True appears in the output, after the name and region of the forwarding rule, when global access is enabled.


Make a PATCH request to the forwardingRules/patch method.


"allowGlobalAccess": true

Create a VM client to test global access


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. Set the Name to vm-client2.

  4. Set the Region to europe-west1.

  5. Set the Zone to europe-west1-b.

  6. Click Advanced options.

  7. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network
      • Subnet: europe-subnet
  8. Click Create.


The client VM can be in any zone in the same region as the load balancer, and it can use any subnet in that region. In this example, the client is in the europe-west1-b zone, and it uses the same subnet as the backend VMs.

gcloud compute instances create vm-client2 \
    --zone=europe-west1-b \
    --image-family=debian-12 \
    --image-project=debian-cloud \
    --tags=allow-ssh \


Make a POST request to the instances.insert method.


"name": "vm-client2",
"tags": {
  "items": [
"machineType": "",
"canIpForward": false,
"networkInterfaces": [
    "network": "",
    "subnetwork": "",
    "accessConfigs": [
        "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
        "name": "external-nat",
        "networkTier": "PREMIUM"
"disks": [
    "type": "PERSISTENT",
    "boot": true,
    "mode": "READ_WRITE",
    "autoDelete": true,
    "deviceName": "vm-client2",
    "initializeParams": {
      "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-image-name",
      "diskType": "projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/europe-west1-b/diskTypes/pd-standard",
      "diskSizeGb": "10"
"scheduling": {
  "preemptible": false
"deletionProtection": false

Connect to the VM client and test connectivity

To test the connectivity, run the following command:

  gcloud compute ssh vm-client2 --zone=europe-west1-b

Test connecting to the load balancer on all configured ports, as you did from the vm-client in the us-west1 region. Test HTTP connectivity on the four ports configured on the forwarding rule:


Configure managed instance groups

The example configuration created two unmanaged instance groups. You can instead use managed instance groups, including zonal and regional managed instance groups, as backends for internal passthrough Network Load Balancers.

Managed instance groups require that you create an instance template. This procedure demonstrates how to replace the two zonal unmanaged instance groups from the example with a single, regional managed instance group. A regional managed instance group automatically creates VMs in multiple zones of the region, making it simpler to distribute production traffic among zones.

Managed instance groups also support autoscaling and autohealing. If you use autoscaling with internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, you cannot scale based on load balancing.

This procedure shows you how to modify the backend service for the example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer so that it uses a regional managed instance group.


Instance template

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instance templates page.

    Go to VM instance templates

  2. Click Create instance template.

  3. Set the Name to template-vm-ilb.

  4. Choose a machine type.

  5. In the Boot disk section, ensure that Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) is selected for the boot disk options. If necessary, click Change to change the image.

  6. Click Advanced options.

  7. Click Networking and configure the following fields:

    1. For Network tags, enter allow-ssh and allow-health-check.
    2. For Network interfaces, select the following:
      • Network: lb-network
      • Subnet: lb-subnet
  8. Click Management, and then in the Startup script field, enter the following script:

    #! /bin/bash
    if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
    exit 0
    apt-get update
    apt-get install apache2 -y
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2enmod ssl
    http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
    http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
    https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
    https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
    prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
    prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
    echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
    http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
    http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
    https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
    https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
    systemctl restart apache2
    touch /etc/startup_script_completed
  9. Click Create.

Managed instance group

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click Create instance group.

  3. Set the Name to ig-ilb.

  4. For Location, choose Multi-zone, and set the Region to us-west1.

  5. Set the Instance template to template-vm-ilb.

  6. Optional: Configure autoscaling. You cannot autoscale the instance group based on HTTP load balancing usage because the instance group is a backend for the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer.

  7. Set the Minimum number of instances to 1 and the Maximum number of instances to 6.

  8. Optional: Configure autohealing. If you configure autohealing, use the same health check used by the backend service for the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer. In this example, use hc-http-80.

  9. Click Create.


  1. Create the instance template. Optionally, you can set other parameters, such as machine type, for the image template to use.

    gcloud compute instance-templates create template-vm-ilb \
        --image-family=debian-12 \
        --image-project=debian-cloud \
        --tags=allow-ssh,allow-health-check \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --network=lb-network \
        --metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash
    if [ -f /etc/startup_script_completed ]; then
    exit 0
    apt-get update
    apt-get install apache2 -y
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2enmod ssl
    http_listen_prts="Listen 80\nListen 8008\nListen 8080\nListen 8088"
    http_vh_prts="*:80 *:8008 *:8080 *:8088"
    https_listen_prts="Listen 443\nListen 8443"
    https_vh_prts="*:443 *:8443"
    vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \"
    echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \
    tee /var/www/html/index.html
    prt_conf="$(cat "$file_ports")"
    prt_conf_2="$(echo "$prt_conf" | sed "s|Listen 80|${http_listen_prts}|")"
    prt_conf="$(echo "$prt_conf_2" | sed "s|Listen 443|${https_listen_prts}|")"
    echo "$prt_conf" | tee "$file_ports"
    http_site_conf="$(cat "$file_http_site")"
    http_site_conf_2="$(echo "$http_site_conf" | sed "s|*:80|${http_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$http_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_http_site"
    https_site_conf="$(cat "$file_https_site")"
    https_site_conf_2="$(echo "$https_site_conf" | sed "s|_default_:443|${https_vh_prts}|")"
    echo "$https_site_conf_2" | tee "$file_https_site"
    systemctl restart apache2
    touch /etc/startup_script_completed'
  2. Create one regional managed instance group using the template:

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed create ig-ilb \
        --template=template-vm-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
  3. Add the regional managed instance group as a backend to the backend service that you already created:

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-ilb \
  4. Disconnect the two unmanaged (zonal) instance groups from the backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-a \
    gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend be-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --instance-group=ig-c \

Remove external IP addresses from backend VMs

When you created the backend VMs, each was assigned an ephemeral external IP address so it could download Apache using a startup script. Because the backend VMs are only used by an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer, you can remove their external IP addresses. Removing external IP addresses prevents the backend VMs from accessing the internet directly.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

    Go to VM instances

  2. Repeat the following steps for each backend VM.

  3. Click the name of the backend VM, for example, vm-a1.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. In the Network interfaces section, click the network.

  6. From the External IP list, select None, and click Done.

  7. Click Save.


  1. To look up the zone for an instance – for example, if you're using a regional managed instance group – run the following command for each instance to determine its zone. Replace [SERVER-VM] with the name of the VM to look up.

    gcloud compute instances list --filter="name=[SERVER-VM]"
  2. Repeat the following step for each backend VM. Replace [SERVER-VM] with the name of the VM, and replace and [ZONE] with the VM's zone.

    gcloud compute instances delete-access-config [SERVER-VM] \
        --zone=[ZONE] \


Make a POST request to the instances.deleteAccessConfig method for each backend VM, replacingvm-a1 with the name of the VM, and replacing and us-west1-a with the VM's zone.


Use a reserved internal IP address

When you create backend VMs and instance groups, the VM instance uses an ephemeral internal IPv4 or IPv6 address.

The following steps show you how to promote an internal IPv4 or IPv6 address to a static internal IPv4 or IPv6 address and then update the VM instance to use the static internal IP address:

  1. Promote an in-use ephemeral internal IPv4 or IPv6 address to a static address.
  2. Change or assign an internal IPv6 address to an existing instance.

Alternatively, the following steps show you how to reserve a new static internal IPv4 or IPv6 address and then update the VM instance to use the static internal IP address:

  1. Reserve a new static internal IPv4 or IPv6 address.

    Unlike internal IPv4 reservation, internal IPv6 reservation doesn't support reserving a specific IP address from the subnetwork. Instead, a /96 internal IPv6 address range is automatically allocated from the subnet's /64 internal IPv6 address range.

  2. Change or assign an internal IPv6 address to an existing instance.

For more information, see How to reserve a static internal IP address.

Accept traffic on all ports

The load balancer's forwarding rule, not its backend service, determines the port or ports on which the load balancer accepts traffic. For information about the purpose of each component, see Components.

When you created this example load balancer's forwarding rule, you configured ports 80, 8008, 8080, and 8088. The startup script that installs Apache also configures it to accept HTTPS connections on ports 443 and 8443.

To support these six ports, you can configure the forwarding rule to accept traffic on all ports. With this strategy, you can also configure the firewall rule or rules that allow incoming connections to backend VMs so that they only permit certain ports.

This procedure shows you how to delete the load balancer's current forwarding rule and create a new one that accepts traffic on all ports.

For more information about when to use this setup, see Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers and forwarding rules with a common IP address.


Delete your forwarding rule and create a new one

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click the be-ilb load balancer and click Edit.

  3. Click Frontend configuration.

  4. Hold the pointer over the forwarding rule and click Delete.

  5. Click Add frontend IP and port.

  6. In the New Frontend IP and port section, enter the following information and click Done:

    • Name: fr-ilb
    • Subnetwork: lb-subnet
    • Internal IP: ip-ilb
    • Ports: All.
  7. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Frontend configuration before continuing.

  8. Click Review and finalize and review your load balancer configuration settings.

  9. Click Create.


  1. Delete your existing forwarding rule, fr-ilb.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete fr-ilb \
  2. Create a replacement forwarding rule, with the same name, whose port configuration uses the keyword ALL. The other parameters for the forwarding rule remain the same.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --address= \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=ALL \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \


Delete the forwarding rule by making a DELETE request to the forwardingRules.delete method.


Create the forwarding rule by making a POST request to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"allPorts": true,
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"network": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Test the traffic on all ports setup

Connect to the client VM instance and test HTTP and HTTPS connections.

  • Connect to the client VM:

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  • Test HTTP connectivity on all four ports:

  • Test HTTPS connectivity on ports 443 and 8443. The --insecure flag is required because each Apache server in the example setup uses a self-signed certificate.

    curl --insecure
    curl --insecure

  • Observe that HTTP requests (on all four ports) and HTTPS requests (on both ports) are distributed among all of the backend VMs.

Accept traffic on multiple ports using two forwarding rules

When you created this example load balancer's forwarding rule, you configured ports 80, 8008, 8080, and 8088. The startup script that installs Apache also configures it to accept HTTPS connections on ports 443 and 8443.

An alternative strategy to configuring a single forwarding rule to accept traffic on all ports is to create multiple forwarding rules, each supporting five or fewer ports.

This procedure shows you how to replace the example load balancer's forwarding rule with two forwarding rules, one handling traffic on ports 80, 8008, 8080, and 8088, and the other handling traffic on ports 443 and 8443.

For more information about when to use this setup, see Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers and forwarding rules with a common IP address.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Forwarding rules page.

    Go to Forwarding rules

  2. In the Name column, click fr-ilb, and then click Delete.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  4. In the Name column, click be-ilb.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click Frontend configuration.

  7. Click Add frontend IP and port.

  8. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter fr-ilb-http.
    2. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.
    3. For Internal IP purpose, select Shared.
    4. From the IP address list, select Create IP address, enter the following information, and click Reserve:
      • Name: internal-10-1-2-99
      • Static IP address: Let me choose
      • Custom IP address:
    5. For Ports, select Multiple, and then in Port numbers, enter 80,8008,8080, and 8088.
    6. Click Done.
  9. Click Add frontend IP and port.

  10. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter fr-ilb-https.
    2. For Subnetwork, select lb-subnet.
    3. For Internal IP purpose, select Shared.
    4. From the IP address list, select internal-10-1-2-99.
    5. For Ports, select Multiple, and then in Port numbers, enter 443 and 8443.
    6. Click Done.
  11. Click Review and finalize, and review your load balancer configuration settings.

  12. Click Update.


  1. Delete your existing forwarding rule, fr-ilb.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete fr-ilb \
  2. Create a static (reserved) internal IP address for and set its --purpose flag to SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP. The --purpose flag is required so that two internal forwarding rules can use the same internal IP address.

    gcloud compute addresses create internal-10-1-2-99 \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --addresses= \
    1. Create two replacement forwarding rules with the following parameters:
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb-http \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --address= \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=80,8008,8080,8088 \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb-https \
        --region=us-west1 \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --network=lb-network \
        --subnet=lb-subnet \
        --address= \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=443,8443 \
        --backend-service=be-ilb \


Delete the forwarding rule by making a DELETE request to the forwardingRules.delete method.


Create a static (reserved) internal IP address for and set its purpose to SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP by making a POST request to the addresses.insert method.


"name": "internal-10-1-2-99",
"address": "",
"prefixLength": 32,
"addressType": INTERNAL,
"subnetwork": ""

Create two forwarding rules by making two POST requests to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb-http",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "80", "8008", "8080",  "8088"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"network": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"
"name": "fr-ilb-https",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "443", "8443"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"network": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Test the traffic on multiple ports setup

Connect to the client VM instance and test HTTP and HTTPS connections.

  • Connect to the client VM:

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  • Test HTTP connectivity on all four ports:

  • Test HTTPS connectivity on ports 443 and 8443. The --insecure flag is required because each Apache server in the example setup uses a self-signed certificate.

    curl --insecure
    curl --insecure
  • Observe that HTTP requests (on all four ports) and HTTPS requests (on both ports) are distributed among all of the backend VMs.

Use session affinity

The example configuration creates a backend service without session affinity.

This procedure shows you how to update the backend service for the example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer so that it uses session affinity based on a hash created from the client's IP addresses and the IP address of the load balancer's internal forwarding rule.

For supported session affinity types, see Session affinity options.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click be-ilb (the name of the backend service that you created for this example) and click Edit.

  3. On the Edit internal passthrough Network Load Balancer page, click Backend configuration.

  4. From the Session affinity list, select Client IP.

  5. Click Update.


Use the following gcloud command to update the be-ilb backend service, specifying client IP session affinity:

gcloud compute backend-services update be-ilb \
    --region=us-west1 \
    --session-affinity CLIENT_IP


Make a PATCH request to the regionBackendServices/patch method.


"sessionAffinity": "CLIENT_IP"

Configure a connection tracking policy

This section shows you how to update the backend service to change the load balancer's default connection tracking policy.

A connection tracking policy includes the following settings:


Use the following gcloud compute backend-services command to update the connection tracking policy for the backend service:

gcloud compute backend-services update BACKEND_SERVICE \
    --region=REGION \
    --tracking-mode=TRACKING_MODE \
    --connection-persistence-on-unhealthy-backends=CONNECTION_PERSISTENCE_BEHAVIOR \

Replace the placeholders with valid values:

  • BACKEND_SERVICE: the backend service that you're updating
  • REGION: the region of the backend service that you're updating
  • TRACKING_MODE: the connection tracking mode to be used for incoming packets; for the list of supported values, see Tracking mode
  • CONNECTION_PERSISTENCE_BEHAVIOR: the connection persistence behavior when backends are unhealthy; for the list of supported values, see Connection persistence on unhealthy backends
  • IDLE_TIMEOUT_VALUE: the number of seconds that a connection tracking table entry must be maintained after the load balancer processes the last packet that matched the entry

    You can only modify this property when the connection tracking is less than 5-tuple (that is, when session affinity is configured to be either CLIENT_IP or CLIENT_IP_PROTO, and the tracking mode is PER_SESSION).

    The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). The maximum configurable idle timeout value is 57,600 seconds (16 hours).

Create a forwarding rule in another subnet

This procedure creates a second IP address and forwarding rule in a different subnet to demonstrate that you can create multiple forwarding rules for one internal passthrough Network Load Balancer. The region for the forwarding rule must match the region of the backend service.

Subject to firewall rules, clients in any subnet in the region can contact either internal passthrough Network Load Balancer IP address.


Add the second subnet

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  2. Click Create VPC network.

  3. Click lb-network.

  4. In the Subnets section, do the following:

    1. Click Add subnet.
    2. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:
      • Name: second-subnet
      • Region: us-west1
      • IP address range:
    3. Click Add.

Add the second forwarding rule

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click the be-ilb load balancer and click Edit.

  3. Click Frontend configuration.

  4. Click Add frontend IP and port.

  5. In the New Frontend IP and port section, set the following fields and click Done:

    • Name: fr-ilb-2
    • IP version: IPv4
    • Subnetwork: second-subnet
    • Internal IP: ip-ilb
    • Ports: 80 and 443
  6. Verify that there is a blue check mark next to Frontend configuration before continuing.

  7. Click Review and finalize, and review your load balancer configuration settings.

  8. Click Create.


  1. Create a second subnet in the lb-network network in the us-west1 region:

    gcloud compute networks subnets create second-subnet \
       --network=lb-network \
       --range= \
  2. Create a second forwarding rule for ports 80 and 443. The other parameters for this rule, including IP address and backend service, are the same as for the primary forwarding rule, fr-ilb.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fr-ilb-2 \
       --region=us-west1 \
       --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
       --network=lb-network \
       --subnet=second-subnet \
       --address= \
       --ip-protocol=TCP \
       --ports=80,443 \
       --backend-service=be-ilb \


Make a POST requests to the subnetworks.insert method.


 "name": "second-subnet",
 "network": "",
 "ipCidrRange": "",
 "privateIpGoogleAccess": false

Create the forwarding rule by making a POST request to the forwardingRules.insert method.


"name": "fr-ilb-2",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPProtocol": "TCP",
"ports": [
  "80", "443"
"loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL",
"subnetwork": "",
"network": "",
"backendService": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"

Test the new forwarding rule

Connect to the client VM instance and test HTTP and HTTPS connections to the IP addresses.

  1. Connect to the client VM:

    gcloud compute ssh vm-client --zone=us-west1-a
  2. Test HTTP connectivity to the IP addresses:

  3. Test HTTPS connectivity. Use of --insecure is required because the Apache server configuration in the example setup uses self-signed certificates.

    curl --insecure
    curl --insecure
  4. Observe that requests are handled by all of the backend VMs, regardless of the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) or IP address used.

Use backend subsetting

The example configuration creates a backend service without subsetting.

This procedure shows you how to enable subsetting on the backend service for the example internal passthrough Network Load Balancer so that the deployment can scale to a larger number of backend instances.

You should only enable subsetting if you need to support more than 250 backend VMs on a single load balancer.

For more information about this use case, see backend subsetting.


Use the following gcloud command to update the be-ilb backend service, specifying subsetting policy:

gcloud compute backend-services update be-ilb \


Make a PATCH request to the regionBackendServices/patch method.



Create a load balancer for Packet Mirroring

Packet Mirroring lets you copy and collect packet data from specific instances in a VPC. The collected data can help you detect security threats and monitor application performance.

Packet Mirroring requires an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer in order to balance traffic to an instance group of collector destinations. To create an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer for Packet Mirroring, follow these steps.


Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Network Load Balancer (TCP/UDP/SSL) and click Next.
  4. For Proxy or passthrough, select Passthrough load balancer and click Next.
  5. For Public facing or internal, select Internal and click Next.
  6. Click Configure.

Basic configuration

  1. For Load balancer name, enter a name.
  2. For Region, select the region of the VM instances where you want to mirror packets.
  3. For Network, select the network where you want to mirror packets.
  4. Click Backend configuration.
  5. In the New Backend section, for Instance group, select the instance group to forward packets to.
  6. From the Health check list, select Create a health check, enter the following information, and click Save:
    1. For Name, enter a name for the health check.
    2. For Protocol, select HTTP.
    3. For Port, enter 80.
  7. Click Frontend configuration.
  8. In the New Frontend IP and port section, do the following:
    1. For Name, enter a name.
    2. For Subnetwork, select a subnetwork in the same region as the instances to mirror.
    3. For Ports, select All.
    4. Click Advanced configurations and select the Enable this load balancer for packet mirroring checkbox.
    5. Click Done.
  9. Click Create.


  1. Create a new regional HTTP health check to test HTTP connectivity to an instance group on port 80:

    gcloud compute health-checks create http HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
        --region=REGION \

    Replace the following:

    • HEALTH_CHECK_NAME: the name of the health check.
    • REGION: the region of the VM instances that you want to mirror packets for.
  2. Create a backend service for HTTP traffic:

    gcloud compute backend-services create COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE \
        --region=REGION \
        --health-checks-region=REGION \
        --health-checks=HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \

    Replace the following:

    • COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE: the name of the backend service.
    • REGION: the region of the VM instances where you want to mirror packets.
    • HEALTH_CHECK_NAME: the name of the health check.
  3. Add an instance group to the backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE \
        --region=REGION \
        --instance-group=INSTANCE_GROUP \

    Replace the following:

    • COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE: the name of the backend service.
    • REGION: the region of the instance group.
    • INSTANCE_GROUP: the name of the instance group.
    • ZONE: the zone of the instance group.
  4. Create a forwarding rule for the backend service:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create FORWARDING_RULE_NAME \
        --region=REGION \
        --network=NETWORK \
        --subnet=SUBNET \
        --backend-service=COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE \
        --load-balancing-scheme=internal \
        --ip-protocol=TCP \
        --ports=all \

    Replace the following:

    • FORWARDING_RULE_NAME: the name of the forwarding rule.
    • REGION: the region for the forwarding rule.
    • NETWORK: the network for the forwarding rule.
    • SUBNET: a subnetwork in the region of the VMs where you want to mirror packets.
    • COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICE: the backend service for this load balancer.

What's next