public static final class ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec extends GeneratedMessageV3 implements ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpecOrBuilder
Message for input channel specification.
Protobuf type
Inherited Members<ListT>makeMutableCopy(ListT)<ListT>makeMutableCopy(ListT,int)<T>emptyList(java.lang.Class<T>)
Static Fields
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int DATA_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int REQUIRED_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
Static Methods
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec getDefaultInstance()
public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec.Builder newBuilder()
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec.Builder newBuilder(ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec prototype)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(byte[] data)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
data | byte[]
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(byte[] data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(ByteString data)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(ByteString data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(CodedInputStream input)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(InputStream input)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(ByteBuffer data)
public static ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec parseFrom(ByteBuffer data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static Parser<ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec> parser()
public boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
obj | Object
public String getAcceptedDataTypeUris(int index)
If specified, only those detailed data types can be connected to the
processor. For example, jpeg stream for MEDIA, or PredictionResult proto
for PROTO type. If unspecified, then any proto is accepted.
repeated string accepted_data_type_uris = 5;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
The index of the element to return.
Returns |
Type | Description |
String | The acceptedDataTypeUris at the given index.
public ByteString getAcceptedDataTypeUrisBytes(int index)
If specified, only those detailed data types can be connected to the
processor. For example, jpeg stream for MEDIA, or PredictionResult proto
for PROTO type. If unspecified, then any proto is accepted.
repeated string accepted_data_type_uris = 5;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
The index of the value to return.
Returns |
Type | Description |
ByteString | The bytes of the acceptedDataTypeUris at the given index.
public int getAcceptedDataTypeUrisCount()
If specified, only those detailed data types can be connected to the
processor. For example, jpeg stream for MEDIA, or PredictionResult proto
for PROTO type. If unspecified, then any proto is accepted.
repeated string accepted_data_type_uris = 5;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | The count of acceptedDataTypeUris.
public ProtocolStringList getAcceptedDataTypeUrisList()
If specified, only those detailed data types can be connected to the
processor. For example, jpeg stream for MEDIA, or PredictionResult proto
for PROTO type. If unspecified, then any proto is accepted.
repeated string accepted_data_type_uris = 5;
public DataType getDataType()
The data types of the current input channel.
When this field has more than 1 value, it means this input channel can be
connected to either of these different data types. data_type = 2;
Returns |
Type | Description |
DataType | The dataType.
public int getDataTypeValue()
The data types of the current input channel.
When this field has more than 1 value, it means this input channel can be
connected to either of these different data types. data_type = 2;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | The enum numeric value on the wire for dataType.
public ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec getDefaultInstanceForType()
public long getMaxConnectionAllowed()
How many input edges can be connected to this input channel. 0 means
int64 max_connection_allowed = 4;
Returns |
Type | Description |
long | The maxConnectionAllowed.
The name of the current input channel.
string name = 1;
Returns |
Type | Description |
String | The name.
public ByteString getNameBytes()
The name of the current input channel.
string name = 1;
Returns |
Type | Description |
ByteString | The bytes for name.
public Parser<ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec> getParserForType()
public boolean getRequired()
Whether the current input channel is required by the processor.
For example, for a processor with required video input and optional audio
input, if video input is missing, the application will be rejected while
the audio input can be missing as long as the video input exists.
bool required = 3;
Returns |
Type | Description |
boolean | The required.
public int getSerializedSize()
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
public final UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields()
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
public final boolean isInitialized()
public ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec.Builder newBuilderForType()
protected ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec.Builder newBuilderForType(GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent parent)
protected Object newInstance(GeneratedMessageV3.UnusedPrivateParameter unused)
public ProcessorIOSpec.GraphInputChannelSpec.Builder toBuilder()
public void writeTo(CodedOutputStream output)