Interface SearchDocumentsRequestOrBuilder (0.47.0)

public interface SearchDocumentsRequestOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract DocumentQuery getDocumentQuery()

Query used to search against documents (keyword, filters, etc.). document_query = 4;

Type Description

The documentQuery.


public abstract DocumentQueryOrBuilder getDocumentQueryOrBuilder()

Query used to search against documents (keyword, filters, etc.). document_query = 4;

Type Description

getHistogramQueries(int index)

public abstract HistogramQuery getHistogramQueries(int index)

An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options.

The following aggregation functions are supported:

  • count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities for each distinct attribute value.

    Data types:

  • Histogram facet (aka filterable properties): Facet names with format <schema id>.<facet>. Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z. If the facet is a child facet, then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is: <schema id>.<parent facet name>. <child facet name>. Example: schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet

  • DocumentSchemaId: (with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type (returns the schema id path, e.g. projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123).

    Example expression:

  • Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId')

  • For schema id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE: count('abc123.MORTGAGE_TYPE')

repeated histogram_queries = 9;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public abstract int getHistogramQueriesCount()

An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options.

The following aggregation functions are supported:

  • count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities for each distinct attribute value.

    Data types:

  • Histogram facet (aka filterable properties): Facet names with format <schema id>.<facet>. Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z. If the facet is a child facet, then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is: <schema id>.<parent facet name>. <child facet name>. Example: schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet

  • DocumentSchemaId: (with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type (returns the schema id path, e.g. projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123).

    Example expression:

  • Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId')

  • For schema id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE: count('abc123.MORTGAGE_TYPE')

repeated histogram_queries = 9;

Type Description


public abstract List<HistogramQuery> getHistogramQueriesList()

An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options.

The following aggregation functions are supported:

  • count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities for each distinct attribute value.

    Data types:

  • Histogram facet (aka filterable properties): Facet names with format &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;facet&gt;. Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z. If the facet is a child facet, then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is: &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;parent facet name&gt;. &lt;child facet name&gt;. Example: schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet

  • DocumentSchemaId: (with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type (returns the schema id path, e.g. projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123).

    Example expression:

  • Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId')

  • For schema id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE: count('abc123.MORTGAGE_TYPE')

repeated histogram_queries = 9;

Type Description

getHistogramQueriesOrBuilder(int index)

public abstract HistogramQueryOrBuilder getHistogramQueriesOrBuilder(int index)

An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options.

The following aggregation functions are supported:

  • count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities for each distinct attribute value.

    Data types:

  • Histogram facet (aka filterable properties): Facet names with format &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;facet&gt;. Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z. If the facet is a child facet, then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is: &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;parent facet name&gt;. &lt;child facet name&gt;. Example: schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet

  • DocumentSchemaId: (with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type (returns the schema id path, e.g. projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123).

    Example expression:

  • Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId')

  • For schema id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE: count('abc123.MORTGAGE_TYPE')

repeated histogram_queries = 9;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public abstract List<? extends HistogramQueryOrBuilder> getHistogramQueriesOrBuilderList()

An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents. Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets and other options.

The following aggregation functions are supported:

  • count(string_histogram_facet): Count the number of matching entities for each distinct attribute value.

    Data types:

  • Histogram facet (aka filterable properties): Facet names with format &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;facet&gt;. Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z. If the facet is a child facet, then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is: &lt;schema id&gt;.&lt;parent facet name&gt;. &lt;child facet name&gt;. Example: schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet

  • DocumentSchemaId: (with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type (returns the schema id path, e.g. projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123).

    Example expression:

  • Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId')

  • For schema id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE: count('abc123.MORTGAGE_TYPE')

repeated histogram_queries = 9;

Type Description
List<? extends>


public abstract int getOffset()

An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result location, amongst the documents deemed by the API as relevant) in search results. This field is only considered if page_token is unset.

The maximum allowed value is 5000. Otherwise an error is thrown.

For example, 0 means to return results starting from the first matching document, and 10 means to return from the 11th document. This can be used for pagination, (for example, pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to return from the second page).

int32 offset = 5;

Type Description

The offset.


public abstract String getOrderBy()

The criteria determining how search results are sorted. For non-empty query, default is "relevance desc". For empty query, default is "upload_date desc".

Supported options are:

  • "relevance desc": By relevance descending, as determined by the API algorithms.
  • "upload_date desc": By upload date descending.
  • "upload_date": By upload date ascending.
  • "update_date desc": By last updated date descending.
  • "update_date": By last updated date ascending.
  • "retrieval_importance desc": By retrieval importance of properties descending. This feature is still under development, please do not use unless otherwise instructed to do so.

string order_by = 8;

Type Description

The orderBy.


public abstract ByteString getOrderByBytes()

The criteria determining how search results are sorted. For non-empty query, default is "relevance desc". For empty query, default is "upload_date desc".

Supported options are:

  • "relevance desc": By relevance descending, as determined by the API algorithms.
  • "upload_date desc": By upload date descending.
  • "upload_date": By upload date ascending.
  • "update_date desc": By last updated date descending.
  • "update_date": By last updated date ascending.
  • "retrieval_importance desc": By retrieval importance of properties descending. This feature is still under development, please do not use unless otherwise instructed to do so.

string order_by = 8;

Type Description

The bytes for orderBy.


public abstract int getPageSize()

A limit on the number of documents returned in the search results. Increasing this value above the default value of 10 can increase search response time. The value can be between 1 and 100.

int32 page_size = 6;

Type Description

The pageSize.


public abstract String getPageToken()

The token specifying the current offset within search results. See SearchDocumentsResponse.next_page_token for an explanation of how to obtain the next set of query results.

string page_token = 7;

Type Description

The pageToken.


public abstract ByteString getPageTokenBytes()

The token specifying the current offset within search results. See SearchDocumentsResponse.next_page_token for an explanation of how to obtain the next set of query results.

string page_token = 7;

Type Description

The bytes for pageToken.


public abstract String getParent()

Required. The parent, which owns this collection of documents. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}.

string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The parent.


public abstract ByteString getParentBytes()

Required. The parent, which owns this collection of documents. Format: projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}.

string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }

Type Description

The bytes for parent.


public abstract int getQaSizeLimit()

Experimental, do not use. The limit on the number of documents returned for the question-answering feature. To enable the question-answering feature, set [DocumentQuery].[is_nl_query][] to true.

int32 qa_size_limit = 11;

Type Description

The qaSizeLimit.


public abstract RequestMetadata getRequestMetadata()

The meta information collected about the end user, used to enforce access control and improve the search quality of the service. request_metadata = 3;

Type Description

The requestMetadata.


public abstract RequestMetadataOrBuilder getRequestMetadataOrBuilder()

The meta information collected about the end user, used to enforce access control and improve the search quality of the service. request_metadata = 3;

Type Description


public abstract boolean getRequireTotalSize()

Controls if the search document request requires the return of a total size of matched documents. See SearchDocumentsResponse.total_size.

Enabling this flag may adversely impact performance. Hint: If this is used with pagination, set this flag on the initial query but set this to false on subsequent page calls (keep the total count locally).

Defaults to false.

bool require_total_size = 10;

Type Description

The requireTotalSize.


public abstract SearchDocumentsRequest.TotalResultSize getTotalResultSize()

Controls if the search document request requires the return of a total size of matched documents. See SearchDocumentsResponse.total_size. total_result_size = 12;

Type Description

The totalResultSize.


public abstract int getTotalResultSizeValue()

Controls if the search document request requires the return of a total size of matched documents. See SearchDocumentsResponse.total_size. total_result_size = 12;

Type Description

The enum numeric value on the wire for totalResultSize.


public abstract boolean hasDocumentQuery()

Query used to search against documents (keyword, filters, etc.). document_query = 4;

Type Description

Whether the documentQuery field is set.


public abstract boolean hasRequestMetadata()

The meta information collected about the end user, used to enforce access control and improve the search quality of the service. request_metadata = 3;

Type Description

Whether the requestMetadata field is set.