Check Point CloudGuard supports sending events to Eventarc for delivery to interested subscribers.
The Check Point CloudGuard platform provides you cloud-born security, with advanced threat prevention for all your assets and workloads – in your public, private, hybrid or multicloud environment – providing you unified security to automate security everywhere. Learn more about using Check Point CloudGuard. | ![]() |
To subscribe to events from Check Point CloudGuard, complete the following steps:
Before you begin
Ensure that you have enabled the Eventarc and Eventarc Publishing APIs:
gcloud services enable \ \
If you are enabling a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) for a channel, enable the Cloud Key Management Service API.
gcloud services enable
Retrieve the provider name used by Check Point CloudGuard
The provider name is required when creating and using a channel. You can list
all Eventarc providers and retrieve their details, including
supported event types, by running gcloud
For example, you can list all third-party providers in any location:
gcloud eventarc providers list --filter='eventTypes.type!~^google*' --location=-
The output includes something similar to the following:
NAME: cloudguard LOCATION: us-central1
For details, see List event providers.
Retrieve the events supported by Check Point CloudGuard
An event type is needed when creating an Eventarc
trigger. You can list Check Point CloudGuard's supported event
types, by running a gcloud
gcloud eventarc providers describe cloudguard \ --location=LOCATION
with a supported Eventarc
For example:
gcloud eventarc providers describe cloudguard --location=us-central1
The output is similar to the following:
displayName: Check Point CloudGuard eventTypes: - type: cloudguard.v1.event name: projects/project-id/locations/us-central1/providers/cloudguard [...]
Make note of the event type to use when creating an Eventarc trigger.
Create a channel for Check Point CloudGuard events
To subscribe to events from Check Point CloudGuard, you must create a channel:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Eventarc > Channels page.
Create channel.Select a Channel type and Provider.
For example, select Third-party > Check Point CloudGuard.
In the Channel name field, enter a name for the channel.
In the Region list, select a supported Eventarc region.
Optionally, select the Use a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) checkbox and, in the CMEK encryption key list, select a key ring that you have created for the region.
For more information, see Use customer-managed encryption keys.
Click Create.
gcloud eventarc channels create CHANNEL_NAME \ --provider cloudguard \ --project PROJECT_ID \ --location LOCATION
Replace the following:
: a name for the channelPROJECT_ID
: your Google Cloud project IDYou can find your project ID on the Welcome page of the Google Cloud console.
: a supported Eventarc region
You can optionally use a --crypto-key
flag to specify a fully qualified
Cloud KMS key name in the format
For more information, see Use customer-managed encryption keys.
For details, see Create a channel.
Retrieve specific details to convey to Check Point CloudGuard
After creating a channel, you can retrieve specific details to convey to Check Point CloudGuard:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Eventarc > Channels page.
From the list of channels, click a channel to view its details.
The channel status should be
.Copy the Channel full name and Activation token value. Both will be needed later to convey to Check Point CloudGuard and activate the channel.
gcloud eventarc channels describe CHANNEL_NAME \ --project PROJECT_ID \ --location LOCATION
The output is similar to the following:
activationToken: aS7dXs1b79AcXsf createTime: '2021-11-15T15:20:31.582356065Z' name: projects/project-id/locations/us-central1/channels/cloudguard-channel provider: projects/project-id/locations/us-central1/providers/cloudguard pubsubTopic: projects/project-id/topics/eventarc-channel-us-central1-cloudguard-channel-077 state: PENDING uid: c6703a91-ccd3-4c32-a729-967393f23a29 updateTime: '2021-11-15T15:21:03.689597653Z'
Note that the channel is in a PENDING
state. To activate the channel, you
must provide the activationToken
value and the channel name
Check Point CloudGuard.
Learn more about the channel state.
Create an API key in Check Point CloudGuard
Before activating the channel, you must create an API key in Check Point CloudGuard.
Log into the Check Point CloudGuard console.
Select Settings > Credentials.
Click Create API Key.
The New API key created dialog opens.
Before closing the dialog, save the ID and Secret data. Once the dialog is closed, the data is not accessible.
Replace the following:
: the ID of the API key.API_KEY_SECRET
: the secret of the API key.
For more information, see Credentials.
Click OK.
Deploy an event receiver
To test the configuration, deploy an event receiver—in this case, a Workflows workflow that logs received events—and create an Eventarc trigger that routes events from Check Point CloudGuard to the event receiver. You must use a service account that has been granted the appropriate roles to access your Google Cloud project resources.
Enable the Workflows and Workflow Executions APIs:
gcloud services enable \ \
Create a service account and grant it the
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service Accounts page.
Select your project.
In the Service account name field, enter a name. The Google Cloud console fills in the Service account ID field based on this name. Optionally, add a description.
Click Create and continue.
In the Select a role list, select Logging > Logs Writer.
Click > Workflows Invoker.
Add another role and select WorkflowsClick Continue.
To finish creating the service account, click Done.
gcloud iam service-accounts create MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --role="roles/workflows.invoker" \ --member="" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \ --role="roles/logging.logWriter" \ --member=""
with a name for your service account.For more information about how to control access to Workflows resources, see Use IAM to control access.
Create and deploy a workflow that logs a received event:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workflows page.
Click Create.
Name your workflow
.Choose a supported Workflows region; for example, us-central1.
Select the Service account you previously created.
Click Next.
In the workflow editor, enter the following definition for your workflow:
main: params: [event] steps: - logStep: call: sys.log args: data: ${event}
Click Deploy.
- Open a terminal or Cloud Shell.
- In your home directory, create a new file called
. Copy and paste the following into the new file and save it:
main: params: [event] steps: - logStep: call: sys.log args: data: ${event}
Deploy the workflow:
gcloud workflows deploy logEventsWorkflow \ --source=logEventsWorkflow.yaml \ --location LOCATION
with a supported Workflows region; for example,us-central1
Create an Eventarc trigger to route events from Check Point CloudGuard to the target workflow:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Eventarc > Triggers page.
Create trigger.Type a Trigger name.
This is the ID of the trigger and it must start with a letter. For example,
.Select a Trigger type and Event provider.
This is the partner service that is the source of events. For example, select Third-party > Check Point CloudGuard.
Select the appropriate Channel.
Select an Event.
For example: cloudguard.v1.event
Optionally, in the Filters section, specify an appropriate attribute and value.
Select the Service account you previously created to invoke your workflow.
For the Event destination, select Workflows, and then select the workflow you previously created.
Click Create.
gcloud eventarc triggers create TRIGGER \ --location=LOCATION \ --destination-workflow=logEventsWorkflow \ --event-filters=type=cloudguard.v1.event \ --channel=CHANNEL_NAME \ --project=PROJECT_ID \ --service-account=""
with the ID of the trigger or a fully qualified identifier. For example,my-event-channel-trigger
.For more information, see Create a trigger for a third-party provider.
Configure the integration to support event routing
Configure the integration to support the routing of events from Check Point CloudGuard. You can do this through Check Point CloudGuard's API using an API request tool or by making curl calls.
Convey the Eventarc channel full name and activation token to Check Point CloudGuard. For example:
CHANNEL_NAME=CHANNEL_FULL_NAME TOKEN=ACTIVATION_TOKEN curl -v --request POST \ --url \ -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data @- << EOF { "activationToken": "$TOKEN", "channelFullName": "$CHANNEL_NAME" } EOF
Replace the following:
: the channel name, including the Google Cloud project ID and location of the resource. For example:projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/channels/CHANNEL_NAME
: the token is valid for 24 hours after the channel's creation. After 24 hours, the channel becomes INACTIVE.
If the curl command is successful, the output is similar to the following, and a channel connection ID is returned:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 38 ... Connection #0 to host left intact "af094362-37da-4a42-ac73-882738406a45"
Save the channel connection ID (for example,
) to use when setting up a notification handler:CHANNEL_CONNECTION_ID=CHANNEL_CONNECTION_ID
If you run the
gcloud eventarc channels describe CHANNEL_NAME
command again, the channel state should now beACTIVE
. For example:createTime: '2022-07-13T11:05:09.714896959Z' name: projects/eventarc-test-project/locations/us-central1/channels/test-cloudguard provider: projects/eventarc-test-project/locations/us-central1/providers/cloudguard pubsubTopic: projects/eventarc-test-project/topics/eventarc-channel-us-central1-test-cloudguard-430 state: ACTIVE
Set up a notification handler to watch for specific access events in Check Point CloudGuard and forward notification of these events to Eventarc. For example:
NOTIFICATION_NAME=NOTIFICATION_NAME curl -v --request POST \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD \ --data @- << EOF { "changeDetection": { "eventarcData": { "channelConnectionId": "$CHANNEL_CONNECTION_ID" }, "eventarcIntegrationState": "Enabled" }, "name": "$NOTIFICATION_NAME" } EOF
with a unique name to identify the notification.The output from the curl command is similar to the following:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2022 11:48:36 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 887
Log into the Check Point CloudGuard console.
Select Posture management > Continuous posture.
Select the checkbox for the GCP CloudGuard Best Practices ruleset and click Edit.
Select the notification you previously configured and then click Save.
Test the routing of events
You can now test the entire configuration by accessing Check Point CloudGuard to trigger an event, and ensuring that the event from Check Point CloudGuard is routed to the workflow event receiver which logs the received event.
Create a Google Cloud resource to simulate a violation of the Check Point CloudGuard ruleset; for example, create a public Cloud Storage bucket.
Log into the Check Point CloudGuard console.
Select Posture management > Continuous posture.
Select the GCP CloudGuard Best Practices ruleset and click Run Assessment.
The assessment detects that the Cloud Storage bucket is public and generates an event for Eventarc. Note that the event generation might take some time.
To verify that a workflow execution was triggered by the received event, list the last five executions:
gcloud workflows executions list ${MY_WORKFLOW} --limit=5
The output is similar to the following, listing a NAME and STATE equal to
for each workflow execution.NAME: projects/1051295516635/locations/us-central1/workflows/logEventsWorkflow/executions/674b5783-deec-4d1b-be1d-b067f7b32971 STATE: SUCCEEDED START_TIME: 2022-07-13T22:01:06.314980819Z END_TIME: 2022-07-13T22:01:06.637825944Z
Every time a workflow executes a single run of the logic contained in a workflow's definition, it automatically triggers at least two execution logs: one at the start of an execution and one at the end. To view the logs do the following:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workflows page:
To access a workflow's Details page, click the workflow's name.
To view the execution details, in the Executions tab, click a specific Execution ID.
What's next
- Learn more about third-party events
- Learn more about Eventarc