

Eventarc 来源、目标和事件类型

确定来源、目标和事件类型后,您可以创建 Eventarc 触发器。



  • Google 来源 - 过滤从 Google 提供方(直接或通过 Cloud Audit Logs 条目)发送的事件
  • 第三方 - 过滤从符合条件的第三方提供方发送的事件

使用 Google Cloud CLI,您可以列出 Eventarc 提供方并检索其详细信息,包括支持的事件。如需了解详情,请参阅列出事件提供方



  • Cloud Run functions(使用 Cloud Run functions 界面
  • Cloud Run
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE),包括在 GKE 集群中运行的专用服务和公共服务的公共端点
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 网络中的内部 HTTP 端点
  • Workflows

您可以通过为 Eventarc 触发器配置过滤条件来路由事件。触发器配置因支持的事件类型而异:

  • Cloud Audit Logs 事件 - 通过 Cloud Audit Logs 生成日志时触发
  • 直接事件 - 由更新 Cloud Storage 存储桶中的对象或消息发布到 Pub/Sub 主题等无中介事件触发
  • 第三方事件 - 由提供 Eventarc 来源的非 Google 提供方的事件触发

Eventarc 触发器

如需创建 Eventarc 触发器,请点击为您要路由的事件提供的说明。

事件提供方 事件目的地 事件类型 说明
访问权限审批 Cloud Run
Access Context Manager Cloud Run
AI Platform(隶属 Vertex AI) Cloud Run
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL Cloud Run
analyticshub.googleapis.com Cloud Run
API Gateway Cloud Run
API 密钥 Cloud Run
Apigee Cloud Run
Apigee API Hub Cloud Run
Apigee Connect Cloud Run
Apigee Registry Cloud Run
App Engine Cloud Run
Artifact Analysis Cloud Run
Artifact Registry Cloud Run
Assured Workloads Cloud Run
Backup for GKE Cloud Run
裸金属解决方案 Cloud Run
批量 Cloud Run
BeyondCorp Cloud Run
BigQuery Cloud Run
BigQuery BI Engine Cloud Run
BigQuery Connection API Cloud Run
BigQuery Data Transfer Cloud Run
BigQuery 迁移 Cloud Run
BigQuery Reservation Cloud Run
bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com Cloud Run
Binary Authorization Cloud Run
证书授权机构 Cloud Run
Certificate Manager Cloud Run
Check Point CloudGuard Cloud Run
Cloud AI 数据标签 Cloud Run
Cloud Asset Cloud Run
Cloud AutoML(隶属 Vertex AI) Cloud Run
Cloud Bigtable Admin Cloud Run
Cloud Billing Cloud Run
Cloud Build Cloud Run
Cloud Composer Cloud Run
Cloud Data Catalog Cloud Run
Cloud Data Fusion Cloud Run
Cloud Data Loss Prevention Cloud Run
Cloud Dataplex Cloud Run
Cloud Dataproc Cloud Run
Cloud Datastore Cloud Run
Cloud Deploy Cloud Run
Cloud Deployment Manager Cloud Run
Cloud Dialogflow Cloud Run
Cloud DNS Cloud Run
Cloud Error Reporting Cloud Run
Cloud Filestore Cloud Run
Cloud Firebase Cloud Run
Cloud Firestore Cloud Run
云游戏 Cloud Run
Cloud Healthcare Cloud Run
Cloud IAM Cloud Run
Cloud IAM Service Account Credentials Cloud Run
Cloud Identity Cloud Run
Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) Cloud Run
Cloud Life Sciences Cloud Run
Cloud Logging Cloud Run
Cloud Machine Learning Engine Cloud Run
Cloud Managed Microsoft Active Directory Cloud Run
Cloud Memorystore for Memcached Cloud Run
Cloud Monitoring Cloud Run
Cloud OS Config Cloud Run
Cloud OS Login Cloud Run
Cloud Profiler Cloud Run
Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Run
Cloud Resource Manager Cloud Run
Cloud Retail Cloud Run
Cloud Run Cloud Run
Cloud Run functions Cloud Run
Cloud Scheduler Cloud Run
Cloud Search Cloud Run
Cloud Service Mesh Cloud Run
Cloud Source Repositories Cloud Run
Cloud Speech-to-Text Cloud Run
Cloud SQL Cloud Run
Cloud Storage Cloud Run
Cloud Tasks Cloud Run
Cloud TPU Cloud Run
Cloud Trace Cloud Run
Cloud Translation Cloud Run
Cloud Video Intelligence Cloud Run
Cloud Vision Cloud Run
Compute Engine Cloud Run
Contact Center AI Cloud Run
contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com Cloud Run
数据管道 Cloud Run
数据库迁移 Cloud Run
Datadog Cloud Run
Dataflow Cloud Run
dataform.googleapis.com Cloud Run
datalineage.googleapis.com Cloud Run
Dataproc Metastore Cloud Run
Datastream Cloud Run
documentai.googleapis.com Cloud Run
重要联系人 Cloud Run
Eventarc Cloud Run
Firebase 提醒 Cloud Run
Firebase Realtime Database Cloud Run
Firebase Remote Config Cloud Run
Firebase Storage Cloud Run
Firebase Test Lab Cloud Run
ForgeRock Cloud Run
GCE Serial Port Cloud Run
GKE Hub Cloud Run
Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis Cloud Run
Google Domains Cloud Run
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cloud Run
Google Workspace 管理员 Cloud Run
Identity Toolkit Cloud Run
Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) Cloud Run
Lacework Cloud Run
网格证书授权机构 Cloud Run
migrationcenter.googleapis.com Cloud Run
网络连接 Cloud Run
网络管理 Cloud Run
网络安全 Cloud Run
网络服务 Cloud Run
笔记本 Cloud Run
OAuth 2.0 Cloud Run
按需扫描 Cloud Run
Pub/Sub Lite Cloud Run
publicca.googleapis.com Cloud Run
reCAPTCHA Enterprise Cloud Run
建议 Cloud Run
Recommender Cloud Run
Remote Build Execution Cloud Run
Resource Settings Cloud Run
Secret Manager Cloud Run
securedlandingzone.googleapis.com Cloud Run
Security Command Center Cloud Run
Security Token Service API Cloud Run
无服务器 VPC 访问通道 Cloud Run
服务使用者管理 Cloud Run
Service Directory Cloud Run
服务管理 Cloud Run
服务用途 Cloud Run
timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com Cloud Run
Transcoder Cloud Run
Transparency and Control Center Audit Logging Cloud Run
Vision AI Cloud Run
VM Migration Cloud Run
VMware Engine Cloud Run
Web Security Scanner Cloud Run
工作流执行 Cloud Run
Workflows Cloud Run
访问权限审批 GKE
Access Context Manager GKE
AI Platform(隶属 Vertex AI) GKE
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL GKE
analyticshub.googleapis.com GKE
API Gateway GKE
Apigee GKE
Apigee API Hub GKE
Apigee Connect GKE
Apigee Registry GKE
App Engine GKE
Artifact Analysis GKE
Artifact Registry GKE
Assured Workloads GKE
Backup for GKE GKE
裸金属解决方案 GKE
批量 GKE
BeyondCorp GKE
BigQuery GKE
BigQuery BI Engine GKE
BigQuery Connection API GKE
BigQuery Data Transfer GKE
BigQuery 迁移 GKE
BigQuery Reservation GKE
bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com GKE
Binary Authorization GKE
证书授权机构 GKE
Certificate Manager GKE
Check Point CloudGuard GKE
Cloud AI 数据标签 GKE
Cloud Asset GKE
Cloud AutoML(隶属 Vertex AI) GKE
Cloud Bigtable Admin GKE
Cloud Billing GKE
Cloud Build GKE
Cloud Composer GKE
Cloud Data Catalog GKE
Cloud Data Fusion GKE
Cloud Data Loss Prevention GKE
Cloud Dataplex GKE
Cloud Dataproc GKE
Cloud Datastore GKE
Cloud Deploy GKE
Cloud Deployment Manager GKE
Cloud Dialogflow GKE
Cloud Error Reporting GKE
Cloud Filestore GKE
Cloud Firebase GKE
Cloud Firestore GKE
云游戏 GKE
Cloud Healthcare GKE
Cloud IAM Service Account Credentials GKE
Cloud Identity GKE
Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) GKE
Cloud Life Sciences GKE
Cloud Logging GKE
Cloud Machine Learning Engine GKE
Cloud Managed Microsoft Active Directory GKE
Cloud Memorystore for Memcached GKE
Cloud Monitoring GKE
Cloud OS Config GKE
Cloud OS Login GKE
Cloud Profiler GKE
Cloud Pub/Sub GKE
Cloud Resource Manager GKE
Cloud Retail GKE
Cloud Run GKE
Cloud Run functions GKE
Cloud Scheduler GKE
Cloud Search GKE
Cloud Service Mesh GKE
Cloud Source Repositories GKE
Cloud Speech-to-Text GKE
Cloud Storage GKE
Cloud Tasks GKE
Cloud Trace GKE
Cloud Translation GKE
Cloud Video Intelligence GKE
Cloud Vision GKE
Compute Engine GKE
Contact Center AI GKE
contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com GKE
数据管道 GKE
数据库迁移 GKE
Datadog GKE
Dataflow GKE
dataform.googleapis.com GKE
datalineage.googleapis.com GKE
Dataproc Metastore GKE
Datastream GKE
documentai.googleapis.com GKE
重要联系人 GKE
Eventarc GKE
Firebase 提醒 GKE
Firebase Realtime Database GKE
Firebase Remote Config GKE
Firebase Storage GKE
Firebase Test Lab GKE
ForgeRock GKE
GCE Serial Port GKE
Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis GKE
Google Domains GKE
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) GKE
Google Workspace 管理员 GKE
Identity Toolkit GKE
Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) GKE
Lacework GKE
网格证书授权机构 GKE
migrationcenter.googleapis.com GKE
网络连接 GKE
网络管理 GKE
网络安全 GKE
网络服务 GKE
笔记本 GKE
OAuth 2.0 GKE
按需扫描 GKE
Pub/Sub Lite GKE
publicca.googleapis.com GKE
reCAPTCHA Enterprise GKE
建议 GKE
Recommender GKE
Remote Build Execution GKE
Resource Settings GKE
Secret Manager GKE
securedlandingzone.googleapis.com GKE
Security Command Center GKE
Security Token Service API GKE
无服务器 VPC 访问通道 GKE
服务使用者管理 GKE
Service Directory GKE
服务管理 GKE
服务用途 GKE
timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com GKE
Transcoder GKE
Transparency and Control Center Audit Logging GKE
Vision AI GKE
VM Migration GKE
VMware Engine GKE
Web Security Scanner GKE
工作流执行 GKE
Workflows GKE
所有事件提供方 内部 HTTP 端点
访问权限审批 Workflows
Access Context Manager Workflows
AI Platform(隶属 Vertex AI) Workflows
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL Workflows
analyticshub.googleapis.com Workflows
API Gateway Workflows
API 密钥 Workflows
Apigee Workflows
Apigee API Hub Workflows
Apigee Connect Workflows
Apigee Registry Workflows
App Engine Workflows
Artifact Analysis Workflows
Artifact Registry Workflows
Assured Workloads Workflows
Backup for GKE Workflows
裸金属解决方案 Workflows
批量 Workflows
BeyondCorp Workflows
BigQuery Workflows
BigQuery BI Engine Workflows
BigQuery Connection API Workflows
BigQuery Data Transfer Workflows
BigQuery 迁移 Workflows
BigQuery Reservation Workflows
bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com Workflows
Binary Authorization Workflows
证书授权机构 Workflows
Certificate Manager Workflows
Check Point CloudGuard Workflows
Cloud AI 数据标签 Workflows
Cloud Asset Workflows
Cloud AutoML(隶属 Vertex AI) Workflows
Cloud Bigtable Admin Workflows
Cloud Billing Workflows
Cloud Build Workflows
Cloud Composer Workflows
Cloud Data Catalog Workflows
Cloud Data Fusion Workflows
Cloud Data Loss Prevention Workflows
Cloud Dataplex Workflows
Cloud Dataproc Workflows
Cloud Datastore Workflows
Cloud Deploy Workflows
Cloud Deployment Manager Workflows
Cloud Dialogflow Workflows
Cloud DNS Workflows
Cloud Error Reporting Workflows
Cloud Filestore Workflows
Cloud Firebase Workflows
Cloud Firestore Workflows
云游戏 Workflows
Cloud Healthcare Workflows
Cloud IAM Workflows
Cloud IAM Service Account Credentials Workflows
Cloud Identity Workflows
Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) Workflows
Cloud Life Sciences Workflows
Cloud Logging Workflows
Cloud Machine Learning Engine Workflows
Cloud Managed Microsoft Active Directory Workflows
Cloud Memorystore for Memcached Workflows
Cloud Monitoring Workflows
Cloud OS Config Workflows
Cloud OS Login Workflows
Cloud Profiler Workflows
Cloud Pub/Sub Workflows
Cloud Resource Manager Workflows
Cloud Retail Workflows
Cloud Run Workflows
Cloud Run functions Workflows
Cloud Scheduler Workflows
Cloud Search Workflows
Cloud Service Mesh Workflows
Cloud Source Repositories Workflows
Cloud Speech-to-Text Workflows
Cloud SQL Workflows
Cloud Storage Workflows
Cloud Tasks Workflows
Cloud TPU Workflows
Cloud Trace Workflows
Cloud Translation Workflows
Cloud Video Intelligence Workflows
Cloud Vision Workflows
Compute Engine Workflows
Contact Center AI Workflows
contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com Workflows
数据管道 Workflows
数据库迁移 Workflows
Datadog Workflows
Dataflow Workflows
dataform.googleapis.com Workflows
datalineage.googleapis.com Workflows
Dataproc Metastore Workflows
Datastream Workflows
documentai.googleapis.com Workflows
重要联系人 Workflows
Eventarc Workflows
Firebase 提醒 Workflows
Firebase Realtime Database Workflows
Firebase Remote Config Workflows
Firebase Storage Workflows
Firebase Test Lab Workflows
ForgeRock Workflows
GCE Serial Port Workflows
GKE Hub Workflows
Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis Workflows
Google Domains Workflows
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Workflows
Google Workspace 管理员 Workflows
Identity Toolkit Workflows
Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) Workflows
Lacework Workflows
网格证书授权机构 Workflows
migrationcenter.googleapis.com Workflows
网络连接 Workflows
网络管理 Workflows
网络安全 Workflows
网络服务 Workflows
笔记本 Workflows
OAuth 2.0 Workflows
按需扫描 Workflows
Pub/Sub Lite Workflows
publicca.googleapis.com Workflows
reCAPTCHA Enterprise Workflows
建议 Workflows
Recommender Workflows
Remote Build Execution Workflows
Resource Settings Workflows
Secret Manager Workflows
securedlandingzone.googleapis.com Workflows
Security Command Center Workflows
Security Token Service API Workflows
无服务器 VPC 访问通道 Workflows
服务使用者管理 Workflows
Service Directory Workflows
服务管理 Workflows
服务用途 Workflows
timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com Workflows
Transcoder Workflows
Transparency and Control Center Audit Logging Workflows
Vision AI Workflows
VM Migration Workflows
VMware Engine Workflows
Web Security Scanner Workflows
工作流执行 Workflows
Workflows Workflows
