Google Cloud Spanner v1 API - Class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse (5.0.0-beta03)

public sealed class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse : IMessage<ExecuteBatchDmlResponse>, IEquatable<ExecuteBatchDmlResponse>, IDeepCloneable<ExecuteBatchDmlResponse>, IBufferMessage, IMessage

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Spanner v1 API class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse.

The response for [ExecuteBatchDml][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteBatchDml]. Contains a list of [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] messages, one for each DML statement that has successfully executed, in the same order as the statements in the request. If a statement fails, the status in the response body identifies the cause of the failure.

To check for DML statements that failed, use the following approach:

  1. Check the status in the response message. The [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code] enum value OK indicates that all statements were executed successfully.
  2. If the status was not OK, check the number of result sets in the response. If the response contains N [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] messages, then statement N+1 in the request failed.

Example 1:

  • Request: 5 DML statements, all executed successfully.
  • Response: 5 [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] messages, with the status OK.

Example 2:

  • Request: 5 DML statements. The third statement has a syntax error.
  • Response: 2 [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] messages, and a syntax error (INVALID_ARGUMENT) status. The number of [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] messages indicates that the third statement failed, and the fourth and fifth statements were not executed.


object > ExecuteBatchDmlResponse







public ExecuteBatchDmlResponse()


public ExecuteBatchDmlResponse(ExecuteBatchDmlResponse other)
Name Description
other ExecuteBatchDmlResponse



public RepeatedField<ResultSet> ResultSets { get; }

One [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] for each statement in the request that ran successfully, in the same order as the statements in the request. Each [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] does not contain any rows. The [ResultSetStats][google.spanner.v1.ResultSetStats] in each [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] contain the number of rows modified by the statement.

Only the first [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] in the response contains valid [ResultSetMetadata][google.spanner.v1.ResultSetMetadata].

Property Value
Type Description


public Status Status { get; set; }

If all DML statements are executed successfully, the status is OK. Otherwise, the error status of the first failed statement.

Property Value
Type Description