Version history

Version 1.1.0, released 2021-12-07

  • Commit 10e499d: fix!: Mark a couple networkconnectivity API fields as required, to match implemented behavior

Version 1.0.0, released 2021-11-10

First GA release.

No API surface changes; just dependency updates.

Version 1.0.0-beta02, released 2021-09-23

  • Commit c64998e:
    • fix!: Remove ActivateSpoke and DeactivateSpoke methods
    • BREAKING_CHANGE: ActivateSpoke and DeactivateSpoke were included in a previous change by mistake
    • feat: Add hub.routing_vpcs field
    • docs: Specify that site_to_site_data_transfer field must be set to true
  • Commit ac367e2: feat: Regenerate all APIs to support self-signed JWTs

Version 1.0.0-beta01, released 2021-08-12

Initial release.