Google Cloud Logging v2 API - Class LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Base (4.3.0)

[BindServiceMethod(typeof(LoggingServiceV2), "BindService")]
public abstract class LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Base

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Logging v2 API class LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Base.

Base class for server-side implementations of LoggingServiceV2


object > LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Base






DeleteLog(DeleteLogRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Empty> DeleteLog(DeleteLogRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Deletes all the log entries in a log for the _Default Log Bucket. The log reappears if it receives new entries. Log entries written shortly before the delete operation might not be deleted. Entries received after the delete operation with a timestamp before the operation will be deleted.

Name Description
request DeleteLogRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListLogEntries(ListLogEntriesRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListLogEntriesResponse> ListLogEntries(ListLogEntriesRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Lists log entries. Use this method to retrieve log entries that originated from a project/folder/organization/billing account. For ways to export log entries, see Exporting Logs.

Name Description
request ListLogEntriesRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListLogs(ListLogsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListLogsResponse> ListLogs(ListLogsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Lists the logs in projects, organizations, folders, or billing accounts. Only logs that have entries are listed.

Name Description
request ListLogsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors(ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse> ListMonitoredResourceDescriptors(ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Lists the descriptors for monitored resource types used by Logging.

Name Description
request ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

TailLogEntries(IAsyncStreamReader<TailLogEntriesRequest>, IServerStreamWriter<TailLogEntriesResponse>, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task TailLogEntries(IAsyncStreamReader<TailLogEntriesRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter<TailLogEntriesResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)

Streaming read of log entries as they are ingested. Until the stream is terminated, it will continue reading logs.

Name Description
requestStream IAsyncStreamReaderTailLogEntriesRequest

Used for reading requests from the client.

responseStream IServerStreamWriterTailLogEntriesResponse

Used for sending responses back to the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

A task indicating completion of the handler.

WriteLogEntries(WriteLogEntriesRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<WriteLogEntriesResponse> WriteLogEntries(WriteLogEntriesRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Writes log entries to Logging. This API method is the only way to send log entries to Logging. This method is used, directly or indirectly, by the Logging agent (fluentd) and all logging libraries configured to use Logging. A single request may contain log entries for a maximum of 1000 different resources (projects, organizations, billing accounts or folders)

Name Description
request WriteLogEntriesRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).