Google.Cloud.Logging.Console - Interface IGoogleCloudConsoleLogAugmenter (1.4.0)

public interface IGoogleCloudConsoleLogAugmenter

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google.Cloud.Logging.Console interface IGoogleCloudConsoleLogAugmenter.

Allows augmenting formatted log entries with information not included by GoogleCloudConsoleFormatter.






AugmentFormattedLogEntry<TState>(in LogEntry<TState>, IExternalScopeProvider, Utf8JsonWriter)

void AugmentFormattedLogEntry<TState>(in LogEntry<TState> logEntry, IExternalScopeProvider scopeProvider, Utf8JsonWriter writer)

Augments the formatted log entry with information not included by GoogleCloudConsoleFormatter.

Name Description
logEntry LogEntry

The log entry that's being formatted.

scopeProvider IExternalScopeProvider

The provider of scope data.

writer Utf8JsonWriter

The JSON writer containing the start of the formatted log entry, meaning that WriteStartObject() has been called for the top level JSON object and some fields have been written but WriteEndObject() is yet to be called for the top level JSON object. Do not call WriteEndObject() for the top level JSON object.

Type Parameter
Name Description

The type of the state information attached to the log entry.