Google Cloud Dialogflow v2beta1 API - Class Participants.ParticipantsBase (1.0.0-beta23)

[BindServiceMethod(typeof(Participants), "BindService")]
public abstract class Participants.ParticipantsBase

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Dialogflow v2beta1 API class Participants.ParticipantsBase.

Base class for server-side implementations of Participants


object > Participants.ParticipantsBase






AnalyzeContent(AnalyzeContentRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<AnalyzeContentResponse> AnalyzeContent(AnalyzeContentRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Adds a text (chat, for example), or audio (phone recording, for example) message from a participant into the conversation.

Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic sent to virtual agents. See Versions and environments.

Name Description
request AnalyzeContentRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

CompileSuggestion(CompileSuggestionRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<CompileSuggestionResponse> CompileSuggestion(CompileSuggestionRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Deprecated. use [SuggestArticles][] and [SuggestFaqAnswers][] instead.

Gets suggestions for a participant based on specific historical messages.

Note that [ListSuggestions][] will only list the auto-generated suggestions, while [CompileSuggestion][] will try to compile suggestion based on the provided conversation context in the real time.

Name Description
request CompileSuggestionRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

CreateParticipant(CreateParticipantRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Participant> CreateParticipant(CreateParticipantRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Creates a new participant in a conversation.

Name Description
request CreateParticipantRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

GetParticipant(GetParticipantRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Participant> GetParticipant(GetParticipantRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Retrieves a conversation participant.

Name Description
request GetParticipantRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListParticipants(ListParticipantsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListParticipantsResponse> ListParticipants(ListParticipantsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Returns the list of all participants in the specified conversation.

Name Description
request ListParticipantsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListSuggestions(ListSuggestionsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListSuggestionsResponse> ListSuggestions(ListSuggestionsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Deprecated: Use inline suggestion, event based suggestion or Suggestion* API instead. See [][] for more details. Removal Date: 2020-09-01.

Retrieves suggestions for live agents.

This method should be used by human agent client software to fetch auto generated suggestions in real-time, while the conversation with an end user is in progress. The functionality is implemented in terms of the list pagination design pattern. The client app should use the next_page_token field to fetch the next batch of suggestions. suggestions are sorted by create_time in descending order. To fetch latest suggestion, just set page_size to 1. To fetch new suggestions without duplication, send request with filter create_time_epoch_microseconds > [first item's create_time of previous request] and empty page_token.

Name Description
request ListSuggestionsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

StreamingAnalyzeContent(IAsyncStreamReader<StreamingAnalyzeContentRequest>, IServerStreamWriter<StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse>, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task StreamingAnalyzeContent(IAsyncStreamReader<StreamingAnalyzeContentRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter<StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)

Adds a text (e.g., chat) or audio (e.g., phone recording) message from a participant into the conversation. Note: This method is only available through the gRPC API (not REST).

The top-level message sent to the client by the server is StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse. Multiple response messages can be returned in order. The first one or more messages contain the recognition_result field. Each result represents a more complete transcript of what the user said. The next message contains the reply_text field, and potentially the reply_audio and/or the automated_agent_reply fields.

Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic sent to virtual agents. See Versions and environments.

Name Description
requestStream IAsyncStreamReaderStreamingAnalyzeContentRequest

Used for reading requests from the client.

responseStream IServerStreamWriterStreamingAnalyzeContentResponse

Used for sending responses back to the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

A task indicating completion of the handler.

SuggestArticles(SuggestArticlesRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<SuggestArticlesResponse> SuggestArticles(SuggestArticlesRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Gets suggested articles for a participant based on specific historical messages.

Note that [ListSuggestions][] will only list the auto-generated suggestions, while [CompileSuggestion][] will try to compile suggestion based on the provided conversation context in the real time.

Name Description
request SuggestArticlesRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

SuggestFaqAnswers(SuggestFaqAnswersRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<SuggestFaqAnswersResponse> SuggestFaqAnswers(SuggestFaqAnswersRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Gets suggested faq answers for a participant based on specific historical messages.

Name Description
request SuggestFaqAnswersRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

SuggestKnowledgeAssist(SuggestKnowledgeAssistRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<SuggestKnowledgeAssistResponse> SuggestKnowledgeAssist(SuggestKnowledgeAssistRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Gets knowledge assist suggestions based on historical messages.

Name Description
request SuggestKnowledgeAssistRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

SuggestSmartReplies(SuggestSmartRepliesRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<SuggestSmartRepliesResponse> SuggestSmartReplies(SuggestSmartRepliesRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Gets smart replies for a participant based on specific historical messages.

Name Description
request SuggestSmartRepliesRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

UpdateParticipant(UpdateParticipantRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Participant> UpdateParticipant(UpdateParticipantRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Updates the specified participant.

Name Description
request UpdateParticipantRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).